He kidnapped the Snow Maiden in public.

After that, Snow Maiden did not return overnight, and her expression became a little abnormal after returning.

This kind of thing, it is strange to be able to say clearly.

Ji Wuye shook his head with a smile, and said, "I don't need to mention these nasty things of the minister. The reason why the minister mentioned the farmhouse is because Qin has taken all the land in the seven kingdoms, but it can't be regarded as the rule of the world."

Everyone present was not an ordinary person, and when they heard Ji Wuye's words, they all showed contemplative expressions.

Ying Zheng pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said, "What do you mean by that, sir?"

Ji Wuye blew on the tea leaves in the teacup, took a sip, raised his head and said, "Take the land by the way of soldiers. Of course, the territory of the Seven Kingdoms belongs to Daqin."

"Of course, unifying the world is not just about taking the land, the focus is on the people."

"Today, although Qin has taken all the land in the world, of course, the people of the former Shandong six countries all remember their mother country, and rebellions occur from time to time."

"Han and the country, due to the reasons of the ministers, the whole country surrendered, so that when Qin attacked Han, there was no battle, and the Qin soldiers won the Han and the country without blood."

"But even so, wasn't there a small-scale rebellion in Xinzheng last year?"

"Wei and Zhao, naturally there is no need to say more."

"Wei and Qin have had a blood feud for hundreds of years. Although Wei is now destroyed by Qin (ajdb), it is very difficult for the Wei people to accept Qin's rule in a short period of time. This is why Wei's rebellion continues. root cause.”

"Zhao Kingdom, in the battle of Changping, all the men of the country died in Changping. This battle is imminent, although Bai Qi is dead, but the hatred in Zhao people's heart is not settled."

"The two nations of Yan and Chu, the Crown Prince Dan of the State of Yan, the three clans of the State of Chu, Zhao, Qu, and Jing, all these remnants have escaped."

"There is also the Xiang clan, which is very prestigious in the Chu State army."

"As long as they raise their arms, the people of Yan and Chu will definitely respond."

"By then, the flames of war will inevitably engulf this land that has just been calmed down again."

"Let's talk about Qi, maybe the people of Qi who are used to living a comfortable life don't like war, but after all, Da Qin has just been unified, and in the hearts of the people of Qi, they are not from Qin, but from Qi. "

"Let's talk about Qi, maybe the people of Qi who are used to living a comfortable life don't like war, but after all, Da Qin has just been unified, and in the hearts of the people of Qi, they are not from Qin, but from Qi. "

"With the intentional use, the peaceful East China Sea may not cause any trouble."

"The unification of the world, in addition to unifying the land, is more important than the people's hearts."

"Now, although the seven countries have become one country, the people are still the people of the seven countries. What should I do?"

After saying that, Ji Wuye narrowed his eyes and turned his gaze to Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng's face showed embarrassment, what Ji Wuye said was indeed a headache for him.

Today, although the world is unified, there are still various rebellions, big and small, happening all over the place.

Just suppressing it with bloody means is only a temporary solution.

He has already realized this problem for a long time now, so he will issue the edict of publishing the same book, the same track, and the same class.

What he did was to knead all the people of the seven kingdoms together, so that they would become the people of one country, and let them only have Daqin in their hearts.

But this kind of thing cannot be rushed, and there must be enough time.

It's like the deep blood feud between Wei, Zhao and Qin. This kind of thing can only be diluted with time.

Everyone present was aware of the problem Ji Wuye said, but they didn't have a good solution.

Can't help but turn their attention to Ji Wuye. Since you brought this problem out at this time, it means that you have a better solution?

Ying Zheng pondered for a long time, looked at Ji Wuye with some hope in his eyes, and said lightly: "Please teach me sir."

Ji Wuye said: "The nations have fought against each other for hundreds of years. Which family has never died at the hands of the other? The hatred in the hearts of the people, apart from some necessary means, can only be reduced by time."

"My people in China are actually very simple in nature. As long as they have enough to eat, wear warm clothes, and live a decent life, they won't live in hatred forever, let alone rebel. Plant out the head thing."

"Across the country, the reason why rebellions are not happening is the essential reason for the provocation of some people with intentions."

"As long as these unsettling factors are removed, and some policies that are conducive to the unification of the people are combined."

"I believe that sooner or later, in the hearts of Baixin, there will no longer be a distinction between Qin people and Zhao people."

"So, the most important thing now is to remove these unstable factors hidden in the market."

Speaking of this, Ji Wuye picked up the tea cup in his hand and said meaningfully: "To brew a pot of good tea, it is not just as simple as putting the best tea leaves into the tea."

"If you want to make a good pot of tea, the first step is..."

Speaking of this, Ji Wuye tilted his head, his index finger pressed on the lid of the tea cup, the tea cup in his hand was tilted a little bit, and the tea slowly came out from the tea cup and sprinkled on the ground. Then, two words came out lightly.

"Wash the tea!"


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 373 Some things are still needed (for flowers and monthly tickets)

Sitting on the side, Yu Liao's eyes lit up, and then smiled: "This old man used to drink tea mostly by brewing tea, this is the first time to drink this tea, this way of brewing tea, and so on. How important is it?"

Ji Wuye smiled and said, "Although it's not as cumbersome as the old man's tea making, there are some necessary things."

"Boss, you should know that no matter whether you are making tea or brewing tea, the impurities in this tea must always be cleaned up."

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