"Hahaha..." Wei Liao laughed, then squinted his eyes and mouth with a faint smile, and said, "You want to use Gai Nie to remove the impurities in this tea. ?"

Hearing this, Ying Zhengye cast his searching eyes on Ji Wuye.

Ji Wuye said lightly: "According to the information I got when I was in the farmhouse, most of these rebels are hidden among the masters-hundreds of families."

"Yan Dan is the titan of the Mo family."

"Of course, even if we know that Yan Dan is in the Mo family, the Mo family has a different opinion towards me, Qin, so what?"

"Do we have any evidence to prove that the giant of the Mo family is Yan Dan?"

"The law is the foundation of Qin Guo's country, and the hundreds of schools of thought are of great importance. If you want to move them, you must have solid evidence."

"Even if we know they have different intentions, at least they haven't done anything illegal yet."

"Qin Law stipulates that two matters in the criminal law cannot be used as evidence of crime, disagreement in court is not evidence of crime, and secret hearing is not evidence of crime."

"With these two items, it's a bit difficult for us to move them casually."

"But if you really wait until they have changed something and violated Qin Lu, and then move them, the price will be too great."

Hearing Ji Wuye's remarks, everyone in the hall nodded in approval.

Qin State is a country ruled by law, no matter anyone, as long as he does not break the law, then he is a good citizen of Da Qin, even if he knows that he has different intentions.

Since the reform of Shang Yang in Qin Dynasty, the monarchs of all dynasties have strictly observed the rule of law.

And the hundreds of schools of thought are a special existence in this era. If you want to move them, at least you must have a reason that is justifiable in front of the world.

Although these sects belong to various countries, they are more like a special force outside the country.

It is as if the Yin-Yang family belonged to the Qin state, and their sects were stationed in the Qin state, but in the original work, their relationship with the Qin state was a cooperative relationship.

The key is that this kind of power is still recognized by the world in this era.

If the form of the world is still the same as before, and the princes are side by side, it doesn't matter.

No one can control you how you like to toss and toss, how to be angry and the princes are afraid, live in peace and the world is extinguished, etc.

No matter where you go, others respect you.

But if it is unified today, there is no king's land under the whole world, and no king's ministers are on the coast of leading the land.

What authority would tolerate a power outside its jurisdiction?

What authority would tolerate a power outside its jurisdiction?

What do the labor and management order you to do, you just do what you want to do honestly, and why cooperate with labor and management?

In the original work, Ying Zheng used the Yin-Yang family and the Taoist family to deal with the Hundred Schools, not necessarily without the idea of ​​letting them kill each other first, and then resolve them together in the end.

Regardless of whether Ying Zheng can tolerate these messy forces outside the regime, he, Ji Wuye, will definitely not be able to bear it.

Therefore, he decided to get rid of all the various schools of thought.

In the future, there is only one possibility for them to exist, and that is to go to the school run by Ji Wuye, as an existence similar to the mathematics, physics and chemistry of later generations, and become an independent subject.

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In addition to the power of the imperial court, all private powers, in his eyes, are illegal in Ji Wuye's eyes.

It would be fine if these people just murdered and set fire, and punished them after they had broken the law.

Although there will be some losses, the losses are still within the acceptable range.

But what these people want to do is to incite the people to rebel.

If they really touched the criminal law and punished them, the casualties would not be a small number.

The price to be paid will be very heavy.

Li Si pondered for a moment, and suddenly realized: "So, are you planning to take advantage of Gai Nie's defection to attack the hundreds of families?"

. . . . . . .

Ji Wuye nodded and said, "I want to remove these impurities, and I want Daqin to be in a long-term peace. The most important thing at the moment is the hundreds of schools of thought."

"Although I don't know the identity of the child that Gai Nie took away, His Majesty might as well send someone to hunt him down and order Gai Nie to be wanted across the country."

"Although Gai Nie is the number one swordsman in the world, it is obviously unrealistic for him to think that he can keep this child safe with only one person's ability."

"He will definitely go to the hundreds of schools of thought."

"And among the hundreds of schools of thought, those with two hearts will definitely seize the opportunity to win over Gai Nie, the number one swordsman in the world."


Speaking of this, Ji Wuye raised his mouth and raised his corners, and said, "Housing and hiding Daqin's most wanted criminals will be punished with the punishment of conjoined sitting."


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 374 Is there a king's land under the whole world?

Ji Wuye's remarks made Ying Zheng's eyes light up. There were many anti-Qin elements hidden in the hundreds of families. How could he not know it.

Especially the Mo family, the giant of the Mo family Yan Dan, and even the prince of the former Yan dynasty. It can be said that the entire sect of the Mo family is within the scope of Ying Zheng's annihilation.

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