Even in the Han Dynasty at the end of the Warring States Period, among the Seven Kingdoms, he was a younger brother who had to bow his head and pay for a smile when he saw everyone. Wouldn't he still be able to go to Baiyue to toss Baiyue and destroy Tianze?


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 375 Receiving the Soldiers of the World? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

Ji Wuye had long regarded the Qin country as his own cyst, and he did not want to have so many unstable factors in his country in the future.

Of course, he didn't want to wipe out the bloody nature that existed in their bones, but simply eliminated these forces that were outside the law.

Bloodliness may exist, but it must be under the control of the law.

As for whether Qin Lu is harsh and needs to be revised, that is not what he cares about.

He's not a legalist, and he doesn't know Qin Lu very well.

As far as he knows, Qin Lu doesn't seem to be as harsh as he imagined, and it seems that there is no such thing as killing people because of a trivial matter.

Since the Shang Yang era, Qin State has indeed experienced many seemingly cruel tortures.

What kind of tattoos, slashes, slashes, buns, palaces, cutting toes, etc., but these tortures are often exchanged for fines, or redeemed by paying money, which is called 'credit money' or 'redemption money'.

09 This is understandable. After all, the population in this era is not large, and labor is very precious. How can people be killed and maimed at every turn.

So basically many corporal punishments and even the death penalty are clearly marked with a price, and the old people are not deceived.

Even the poor who can't pay the fines can pay in installments.

The so-called harshness of Qin's law is nothing but an excuse for rebellion and after a dynasty perished, it was deliberately smeared by a new dynasty.

In the "Law of the Law" with Li Li of the Wei State, if you pick up money on the road and put it in your pocket, you will have your kneecap dug up, and the ancient Roman "Twelve Copper Table Law" stipulates that you deliberately let your animals eat it. Other people's pastures are punishable by death.

Compared with these two, Qin Lu is much more relaxed.

At least for now, it seems that Qin Lu is really suitable for this era, and there is absolutely no need to move.

Of course, this is just Qin Lu in this period.

If it were changed to Qin Lu from the Shang Yang period, Ji Wuye would change it if he said anything.

The laws of Qin in the Shang Yang period were only suitable for the Qin state at that time, not for the now unified Qin state.

"Well, there is no king in the world, and there is no king on the coast of leading the land." Ying Zheng stared at Ji Wuye with gleaming eyes, and said, "Sir's words coincide with those of the widow."

"In order to prevent the rangers from making trouble in the streets, the widow decided to take the soldiers of the world and gather them in Xianyang. What do you think, sir?"

To collect the soldiers of the world, gather them in Xianyang, sell off the fronts, and cast them as twelve golden men, so as to weaken the people of the world?

To collect the soldiers of the world, gather them in Xianyang, sell off the fronts, and cast them as twelve golden men, so as to weaken the people of the world?

Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, but Ying Zheng still had this idea.

Feeling Ying Zheng's gaze on him, Ji Wuye pondered for a moment, shook his head, and said, "Your Majesty's move can indeed weaken these opposing forces that are trying to restore."

"But you must have thought that it is precisely because the people of the country are martial arts that Daqin can have such an invincible iron army."

"Furthermore, even if Your Majesty collects all the soldiers in the world, if the restoration forces want to rebel, will they not be able to get weapons?"

"Your Majesty, at that time, the blade was dead, and what the blade will be used for depends on the person holding the blade."

"If you just want to weaken these restoration forces, Your Majesty will have to capture all the troops in the world, and I am afraid it will not be worth the loss."

Ji Wuye, who came from later generations, is very clear that the reason why many dynasties in later generations will be threatened by nomads from the north is precisely because the martial arts of the Warring States period did not exist, and they would be used by those who lived on horseback since childhood. At the top, the nomadic people who are all soldiers are hanged and beaten.

What five idiots, you let those wuhus come to this era to look wildly?

Even if the country is corrupt, there are no decent soldiers, and a scholar who has not experienced any training on the road can be hacked to death two invading enemies.

This is an era when the whole people are still fighting, that is, during the Warring States Period. After seeing the soldiers of Wei Wu who ran rampant in the world, all countries began to pay attention to military training.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was no one who specially trained troops. When fighting, the people in the important areas were directly anxious, and they could go to the battlefield with a knife.

In this martial arts, in the face of uncivilized barbarians, it is not uncommon to pick out an old man who is farming, and hack to death a few barbarian strong men when he goes into battle.

Han and Guo, the weakest in the Three Jin Dynasty, casually trained a new army during the period of Shen Buha, and they could become the little overlord at that time.

It is enough to prove that 353 was in the earlier Spring and Autumn Period, most of the people who hanged and beat the barbarians in the Quartet were untrained militiamen or slaves that were directly convened during wartime.

Since he Ji Wuye had crossed over, how could he let these lovely people on the land of China go the same way.

PS: Many tortures in Qin Lu can be exchanged for fines, not the author's nonsense, but from Qin Jianzhong unearthed in Liye, Hunan.

There is a batch of documents in Yangling County urging subordinate townships and towns to recover the fines. Many of the debts are active-duty soldiers, and many have not recovered. These poor people can't pay the money, and the government can't do anything about him.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 376 What happened to me? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

Seeing Ying Zheng's expression of indifference, Ji Wuye continued: "Your Majesty should know that in the early days of the Qin state, although private fights were common among the people, did they start a rebellion?"

"In the final analysis, the reason why people rebel is not because they have weapons in their hands, but because they are instigated by people with a heart."

"The people are still fighting. From the minister's point of view, this is a good thing. At least, in the event of an attack from a foreign enemy, the whole nation can be a soldier."

"The fact that the rangers are making trouble in the street is indeed a problem that needs to be solved."

"But I thought that the reason why the rangers would be unscrupulous in making troubles in the streets is because they don't know what the law is, because they only see the internal rules of their sect, and they think they are people outside the law. ."

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