"As long as we properly solve the problems of hundreds of schools of thought and factions, all of them will be included in the common people."

"Just like preventing private fights at that time, using the law to restrict them, the problem of the ranger can naturally be solved."

Hearing Ji Wuye's remarks, Ying Zheng couldn't help but fell into deep thought, for a long time, he slowly raised his head, looked at Ji Wuye, and said: "Sir's words are not without reason, since this is the case, Mr. The matter of the hundreds of families?"

In terms of his attitude towards the hundreds of schools of thought, Ji Wuye can be said to be in complete agreement with his ideas.

Even if Gai Nie didn't make such a move, Ying Zheng planned to attack all the schools of thought.

A hundred schools of thought, to put it nicely, is just a sect that studies various academics.

But which of this sect does not see itself as superior and does not belong to any country?

Your sect is built on other people's land, and you accept other people's people as disciples, but you are lucky, you actually think that you don't belong to this country, you and this are just a cooperative relationship.

Even if you feel that you are dissatisfied with this country, you still let your disciples work for other countries, how can there be such a reason.

Just like the high-ranking Guigu lineage, in the final analysis, you are just a sect with two or three big cats and kittens.

How dare you look down on the nations from a high place, and when you have nothing to do, you even release one or two disciples to play against each other with the world as chess.

No one in power can endure the existence of such a force.

In the past, the seven countries were side by side, and your disciples were indeed very powerful. Everyone endured and used you.

But now there is only one country left, and Ying Zheng is naturally going to take action against these disobedient masters and schools.

At this moment, Ying Zheng suddenly remembered something and said, "If Mr. is in trouble, then...〃"."

"Haha..." Ji Wuye smiled and said: "The so-called embarrassment in His Majesty's mouth refers to the position of the chief farmer of the minister."

Speaking of this, Ji Wuye didn't wait for Ying Zheng to answer, and said with a smile: "The reason why I joined the farm family back then was because I was waiting for this day."

"Your Majesty should know that the dream of this minister has always been to see a peaceful and prosperous world where there will be no more wars and the people will live and work in peace and contentment."

"The way of existence of a hundred schools of thought, which is similar to a country within a country, is always a hidden danger for the peaceful and prosperous world that I want to see."

"The way of existence of a hundred schools of thought, which is similar to a country within a country, is always a hidden danger for the peaceful and prosperous world that I want to see."

"Especially the peasant family, such a sect that claims to have [-] disciples, if its leader has a different heart, the consequences will be disastrous."

Ying Zheng still had some understanding of Ji Wuye's abilities. In his eyes, Ji Wuye was a marvelous man with both civil and military skills.

Furthermore, the night under his command is more suitable for dealing with these Jianghu sects.

Hearing that the other party had already made preparations, Ying Zheng was instantly overjoyed and said with a smile, "I can feel at ease if Mr.

Wei Liao stroked his beard, gave Ji Wuye a meaningful look, and said, "I heard that seven years ago, shortly after the father of the country joined the farm, the farmer's knight mysteriously disappeared. Not alive anymore."

"Hahaha..." Ji Wuye laughed loudly and said, "Master Yu is a master of the art of war, so you should know the truth of shooting people first and horses first, and capturing thieves first and capturing kings."

"For a behemoth like a peasant family, if its chivalrous leader doesn't die, how can it cause chaos within it?"

"The peasant family is not in chaos, so how can we properly solve the behemoth of the peasant family?"

Wei Liao smiled and said, "In other words, did you really do it?"

Ji Wuye smiled without saying a word. He had no intention of concealing the matter from Ying Zheng. Even if Wei Liao didn't tell the matter today, he would find a chance to tell Ying Zheng himself.

Since everyone has been killed and the mission has been completed, why not use Tian Guang's death again?

Tian Guang had no grievances or enmity with him. If he said that he killed Tian Guang for the sake of Yingzheng and the consolidation of Daqin, no one would believe him.

Thinking of this, Ji Wuye couldn't help feeling that he was really a selfless person, willing to take such a big risk for the sake of other people's country and people, without asking for anything in return, to kill the peasant's knight .

Thinking of his righteous actions, Ji Wuye couldn't help but admire himself, and he should drink a full glass of it.

Thinking about it, Ji Wuye silently picked up the tea cup at hand, raised his head like drinking alcohol, and drank all the tea in the cup.

After drinking, he lowered his head, spit the tea in his mouth into the tea cup, raised his head slowly, looked around, and said with a smile: "'" In order to solve the farmer's family for Your Majesty, the minister sacrificed his color and devoted himself to the farmer's family. The head of the Kuiwei Hall."

"I have to pay so much for it, must I think about it and expand my mansion?"

"Pfft!" Hearing this, Li Si, who was drinking tea with his head down, spit out the tea in his mouth in an instant, coughed twice, looked at Ji Wuye, and said with a smile, "I heard that the farmhouse Kuihuitang The lord of the hall, Tian Mi, has the appearance of bewitching the country and the city.

"What's wrong with me?" Ji Wuye's face darkened as he squinted at Li Si.

"No...nothing at all." Li Si smiled and said, "One of the most talented people in the life of Guo Gongda, he is also the strongest general in Korea and the country for a hundred years, and he is one of the few fierce men today."

"That Tian Mi was fortunate enough to bring Lord Guogong into the room is really a blessing that she has cultivated in several lifetimes."


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 377 I See You Are Itchy

"Let's not talk about these, let's talk about the business." Ji Wuye smiled and waved his hands, his expression became solemn, and he cast his eyes on Ying Zheng, and said, "My minister's plan is that for Gai Nie, His Majesty should send When people chase them, they send people to chase them, and everything is business as usual.”

"As for the minister, I will find a way to mix into the hundreds of schools of thought, and then cooperate with Your Majesty to solve the problem of the hundreds of schools of thought fundamentally and completely."

"Okay, according to Mr.'s opinion, I will order Luo Wang to cooperate with the Yin-Yang family."

Ying Zheng stood up and came to Ji Wuye's mansion in person, didn't he just want Ji Wuye to come out and serve him?

Now that he received a positive answer, Ying Zheng was very excited, glanced at Zhao Gao who was standing beside him, and said lightly: "Everything you do with the Yin Yang family is dominated by Zheng Guogong."

"Slave obey!" After Zhao Gao took the order, he turned around with a flattering smile on his face, and bowed to Ji Wuye: "Everything is left to Lord Lao Guo."

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