"Besides..." Mrs. Pearl narrowed her eyes, raised her lips slightly, caressed his cheeks, and said, full of temptation and temptation, "I'll prepare it for you. , if you want anything else, I can prepare it for you too."

Ji Wuye's heart skipped a beat, he took a deep breath, his heart was tickled and tickled by Mrs. Mingzhu, and she scratched hard on her buttocks and said, "Tell me about yours. conditions."

He still knows a little about Mrs. Pearl's temperament. He doesn't believe that this demon girl is so diligent today, just because she hasn't seen him for seven years, she misses him very much.

Seeing her so diligent appearance, he would definitely not believe her if she didn't have any intentions.

"Look at what you said, can't people do so much for you just because they haven't seen you for seven years and miss you so much?" A charming smile appeared on her face, and she said coquettishly. Said: "You unconscionable, you don't know how to come back to see me once in seven years. It's hard to wait until you come back. You only have Mrs. Hu in your eyes."

"Do you know that my heart hurts a lot, if you don't believe me, you can touch it. Touch it." Mrs. Mingzhu laughed and pushed the full moon breast forward.

Come on, you have a ghost in the labor letter.

Ji Wuye didn't answer, he just squinted his eyes and looked at her with a smile. He felt it carefully with his hands for a long time. Except for being full, full of elasticity, and sexuality, he didn't feel her heart at all. in pain.

It seemed that she was really deceiving herself.

Seeing him looking at her in disbelief, Mrs. Pearl sighed softly and said, "Okay, apart from missing you, I do have a small request."

"Tell me!" Ji Wuye raised his mouth and corners slightly, looking at her with a smile on his face.

Mrs. Pearl straightened the veil she put on her body, slowly sat down beside Ji Wuye, and said with a smile, "I heard that you will be going out again soon, can you also take care of it this time? I took it, but you don't know that for the past seven years, I've been doing nothing all day, and I'm about to suffocate to death."

"Huh? I heard?" Ji Wuye squinted and glanced at Mrs. Mingzhu, and said meaningfully: "Your news is really well-informed."

He wanted to go out, but it was only a decision made this morning.

Not long after she sent Ying Zheng away, she got the news, which made Ji Wuye feel a little uncomfortable.

If you want to put eyeliner, you should go out to put it too. If you put eyeliner at home, is it a bit excessive?

From the look Ji Wuye looked at her, the tone was neither yin nor yang, Mrs. Mingzhu knew that the other party had misunderstood her, and glanced at Ji Wuye angrily.

"Where do you want to go? Ying Zheng took a group of important officials and stayed with you in the front hall all morning. Don't tell me you are just talking about old times."

"He came to you on this trip, and he must have something important to discuss with you."

"The only big thing that has happened in Daqin in recent days is that Ge Nie defected with a child."

"The only big thing that has happened in Daqin in recent days is that Ge Nie defected with a child."

"I think he came to you on this trip because of this."

Mrs. Mingzhu glanced at him and said lightly: "You are not an ordinary person willing to be ordinary, although I don't know what you are planning, why have you stayed away from the court for so many years."

"But if you say that you, General Ji, are a person who is not greedy for power and has a weak nature, I would rather believe that you are not interested in women and are not close to women."

"I'm afraid it's more difficult for you to give up your power than for you to not be close to women."

"You haven't returned for seven years, and you suddenly returned to Xianyang at this time. It seems that you have decided to officially enter the Qin Dynasty."

"And if you want to enter the court of Qin, Gai Nie's defection is an opportunity for you. I don't believe you will give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

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"I even have some doubts. Did you already know that Gai Nie was going to defect, so you chose to return to Xianyang at this time."

Seeing her skeptical look, Ji Wuye couldn't help sighing secretly, this Mrs. Pearl really knows the tricks.

Just relying on Ying Zheng and a group of important officials to stay with him all morning, he can infer so many things.

This woman... is really a good assistant.

Ji Wuye did not doubt what Mrs. Pearl said, she was able to infer this, and Ji Wuye was not surprised at all.

He is still very clear about Mrs. Pearl's ability above the court.

..... 0

Living in the deep palace for a long time, he played with Han Wangan in the palm of his hand, and borrowed the hand of Han Wangan to control the entire Han Dynasty.

For all the women in Qin Shizhong, in terms of power and strategy, I am afraid that even Concubine Yan is slightly inferior to her.

Ji Wuye gently hugged Liu Yueyao of Mrs. Mingzhu, with a faint smile on his face, and said, "What you said is somewhat reasonable, but even if I want to use this to enter the court of Qin State , I don't necessarily have to go out and work hard on Genie's body."

"I stayed in Xianyang, and I stayed by Ying Zheng's side to plan for him. I should be able to rely on this to enter the court of Qin."


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it.


Chapter 379 Readers? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

"Actually, I don't think you need to be so troublesome. If you want to enter the court of Qin, staying in Xianyang and staying by Ying Zheng's side is obviously a better choice."

Mrs. Pearl lightly cuddled in his arms, raised her head, rolled her eyes, lightly stroked his stubborn stubble, and said faintly: "Stay on the court, stay by the king's side. , it has always been the most convenient way to enter this center of national power.”

"But I just think that you don't choose so, there is no reason, maybe you can understand it as an intuition."

"When you were in Korea and Korea, you chose to only accept the title, but not the reward for continuing to lead the army, although it was a bit surprising."

"But if you think about it carefully, it may not be a good choice. After all, the current "Nine Four Thirds" Qin King is not Han Wang, who is a mediocre Han Wang An and the crown prince who succeeded him."

"If you took military power back then, not only would it not be a good thing, but it might also attract Ying Zheng's suspicion."

"But what I can't figure out is that since you have refused to continue to lead the army, there is no need to leave the court for so many years. Don't you worry that Ying Zheng will forget you alone?"

"Also, how can you be sure that after so many years away from the court, you still have the opportunity to enter the court?"

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