"After all, in the imperial court of the Qin state, there are many civil servants and military generals, and there is no shortage of you, General Ji."

"How you looked at it at the beginning, it is more suitable for you to stay in Xianyang as a prince, even if you just take an idle job, than it is for you to stay away from the court."

"In the beginning, even I had some doubts at one time, whether you really changed your temper and became a person who has no desires and indifferent to fame and fortune."

"Until you return to Xianyang at this time, until I see you again."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Mingzhu paused, raised her head, looked at Ji Wuye affectionately, stroked his angular face, and said softly, "I'm sure that you haven't changed, you're still the same. He was the man who used to be so powerful and made me feel a little bit moved."

"Oh? When did you fall in love with me? Why didn't I know?" Ji Wuye clasped his fingers, raised her chin, and teased: "It seemed that I used force, coercion and temptation against you at the beginning, and I exhausted it. All kinds of methods, it took a lot of hard work to make you surrender to the praise of the widow."

"Don't make trouble..." Mrs. Mingzhu's rare cheeks rose, she patted off Ji Wuye's hand, and said angrily: "I surrender to you...you can barely count as one. Readers, why are the words so vulgar?"

student?What the fuck?When did labor and capital become scholars?Isn't labor and capital a real warrior?

Ji Wuye teased and said, "How can you tell that I am a scholar? Didn't you all just regard me as a vulgar warrior?"

"It was that year, and I was very puzzled. Why did you, such a vulgar warrior, become a great sage in the eyes of Ying Zheng and Li Si."

Mrs. Pearl stared at him deeply, and said faintly: "Ying Zheng and Li Si are not people who are easy to fool, since in their eyes, they regard you as a great sage and your methods, how can you let me take you? Watch as a warrior."

Mrs. Pearl stared at him deeply, and said faintly: "Ying Zheng and Li Si are not people who are easy to fool, since in their eyes, they regard you as a great sage and your methods, how can you let me take you? Watch as a warrior."

"Maybe they are blind, I still like you to treat me as a vulgar warrior, a sturdy man." Ji Wuye laughed loudly, and gently stroked Mrs. Mingzhu's plump buttocks.

Mrs. Pearl turned to the side, lay on top of his Yuexiong Hall, smiled charmingly, and said with a sigh of relief: "Then my macho, can you tell me what your plans are?"

Ji Wuye's mouth twitched, and a wicked smile appeared on his face: "Why, want to spy on information? Don't you know that a woman wants to spy out the information she wants from a man's mouth. , do you need to pay a lot?"

Mrs. Pearl's cheeks rose with a touch of rhythm and red, she bit her seductive red lips, a mist of water rose up in her water-like eyes, and she exhaled beside his ear and said, "Pi Whip, drop, wax, whatever you want, I will accompany you, and I will also help you pull your sister-in-law into the water.  …”

With that said, Mrs. Pearl laughed and said, "In the future, I will also try to help you get rid of jade. I can see that the little girl likes you, and you are not just father and daughter to her."

"Think about it, Nongyu, Mrs. Hu, it's not necessarily the same thing as a mother and a daughter in the future... hiss... what are you doing?"

Before she finished speaking, Mrs. Pearl took a deep breath, frowned, caressed her buttocks, and glanced at him angrily.

As for being so excited, as for using so much effort?

Feeling the intense pain and pain in the buttocks, you don't need to look at it, Mrs. Pearl knows that he will definitely make her popular.

Ji Wuye's heart was pounding, and he swallowed hard.

In the past, I really misunderstood Mrs. Pearl. She is a witch who must be on guard all the time. She is obviously a very thoughtful little padded jacket.

Moreover, even on a hot summer day, Ji Wuye wanted to wear her as a caring little girl...

No, with her body and material, it should be said that she is a big cotton-padded jacket.

To be covered by such a big padded jacket that won his heart, he would be willing to cover it to death.

................................3.0 ................................. ...................................................... ......................................

PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it.

.................................................. ...

Chapter 380 Why don't you go to heaven? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

"You are such a baby!"

Ji Wuye lowered his head abruptly, kissed Mrs. Mingzhu's seductive lips ruthlessly, laughed loudly, and in a burst of exclamations, picked up her plump and tender tenderness. The body, along the winding cobblestone path in the flowerbed, walked towards the luxurious large swimming pool.

Suddenly, a black figure stopped in front of Ji Wuye and fell to the ground.

"General, catch an intruder."


Ji Wuye, who was holding Mrs. Pearl, frowned, squinted at Mo Ya, who was kneeling on the ground, and said lightly, "Intruder?"

Obviously, Ji Wuye, who was suddenly disturbed by Yaxing, is very unhappy now, very unhappy.

Mo Ya said: "Yes, General, this person has good skills, and his origin should be simple."

Although Ji Wuye is no longer a general, but the Duke of Daqin, Mo Ya has followed Ji Wuye for many years and is used to calling him a general.

And after Ji Wuye came back, he did not go to correct 09, so Mo Ya still called Ji Wuye the general.

Seeing Ji Wuye's gloomy face, Mrs. Mingzhu smiled coquettishly and said, "It seems that some people really don't want to see that our prince has a moment of leisure time."

Ji Wuye slowly put Mrs. Pearl down, and patted her on the hip: "I'll play for myself, and I'll go to you after I've cleaned up this ignorant thing."

After that, Ji Wuye glanced at Mo Ya and said solemnly, "Take me to see it."

"Yes, General!" Mo Ya got up and led Ji Wuye to the front yard.

When I came to the front yard, I saw a man from a distance like a corpse, lying motionless in the courtyard of the front yard.

Surrounding the man, in addition to Bai Feng and Yan Lingji, there were two people Ji Wuye had never seen before, a man and a woman.

The woman was wearing a tight blue t-shirt, and her neat and neat attire set off the concave and convex shapes of her graceful figure.

He wears a dark green cloak, his hood is down, his long hair is tied up, and the blue silk is like a willow.

Yanzi's pretty jade face was as white as snow, and this woman seemed to have a natural aura of tranquility. Standing there, she was as peaceful and natural as a cluster of flowers, indifferent to the world.

The man is dressed in a dark red gold armor, with a few flowing red feathers on both sides of his arms, and a pair of slightly upturned phoenix eyes, which are like two blooming blood roses. Enchanting woman.

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