The golden waves on the lake are very beautiful.

The cool breeze was blowing over his face, Ji Wuye let out a long sigh of relief, facing the lake, and said lightly, "Is this the secret base of the Mo family you said?"

Sitting on the side of the carriage with his arms drooping, Robber Zhi seemed to be enduring unbearable pain. Drops of cold sweat left on his forehead, dripping on the ground along his face, gritted his teeth, and said with difficulty: "Well, I have already passed the news through the Mo family's communication method. I think someone will come out to pick us up soon."

Time passed, and night gradually fell. The two of them waited by the lake for a long time, and finally saw a little light rising from the lake. In the dark, they approached the lake little by little.

Looking intently, I saw a small boat slowly coming towards the lake.

Ji Wuyejing 3.0 was shocked and suppressed the excitement in his heart. He knew that this should be the person in Jinghu Medical Village.

He remembered that in the original book, it was Yue'er who greeted Tianming and others.

I don't know if Concubine Yan was still taken away by the Yin Yang family because of her own reasons, and whether Yue'er was still living in the Mo family.

.................................................. .........

PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 385 The little girl looks familiar

As the boat gradually docked, the figure on the boat came into Ji Wuye's eyes.

A little girl dressed in an orange satin flower jacket and a pair of maids jumped out of the boat with a lantern and walked towards Ji Wuye and Robber Zhi.

This little girl looks about seven or eight years old, with curved willow eyebrows, big watery eyes, small cherry mouth, and a pink face. She is like a porcelain doll.

Why does this girl look familiar?

Ji Wuye was a little strange in his heart, and looked at the little girl carefully, and after a while, he was stunned.

Can you not look familiar?Although this little girl is not very old and has not yet grown, there is a faint shadow of Concubine Yan between her brows.

Why is Yue'er here?Could it be that Concubine Yan was finally taken away by the Yin Yang family?

Thinking of Concubine Yan, Ji Wuye's heart couldn't help feeling a little complicated.

After all, being taken away by the Yin-Yang family is not a big deal, but Ying Zheng made the actions of the Yin-Yang family and Luo Wang be his own.

I want to use my own face, change Mingming to take some time, say hello to the Yin Yang family, and let them release Concubine Yan, it shouldn't be a big problem.

If they dare not give themselves this face...

It seems that it is aimed at the large and small beauties of the Yin and Yang family. No matter whether the Yin and Yang family gives him face or not, he will attack the Yin and Yang family.

Forget it, don't think about it, at least even if Concubine Yan was taken away by the Yin Yang family, there was no danger to her life, and at most she was imprisoned.

Just enough to allow myself to brush up on Concubine Yan's favorability.

Favorability is very important, although he has slept with Concubine Yan, and not only once or twice.

But if your favorability is high enough, you won't be able to unlock more poses.

"Yue'er..." Before Ji Wuye could speak, Thief Zhi, who was beside him, had already stepped down from the carriage with difficulty.

"Brother Thief Zhi..." Yue'er exclaimed when she saw the look of pain on her face, and hurriedly trotted over, asking with concern, "What's wrong with you?"

"Hi..." When Yue'er touched his arm, Rouge Zhi gasped in a breath of cold air, sweating on his face, gritted his teeth, and said with difficulty, "Don't ask so much, take me quickly. Go to your sister Rong."

At this moment, Ji Wuye came over and said with a smile: "Okay, little girl, don't ask any more questions, both of his arms are broken, if you don't get medical treatment quickly, your brother Robber Zhi will become A wreck."

"Ah..." The little girl was startled when she heard this, and quickly took back the hands that were supported towards Rouge Zhi's arm: "Why is this? Let's go now."

"Ah..." The little girl was startled when she heard this, and quickly took back the hands that were supported towards Rouge Zhi's arm: "Why is this? Let's go now."

Originally, she wanted to ask Ji Wuye's identity, but after hearing this, she didn't ask anything, and hurriedly brought Ji Wuye and Robber Zhi on the boat and headed towards the center of the lake.

As the boat got farther and farther from the shore, a mist of mist gradually rose on the originally calm lake. As time passed, the mist became heavier and whiter.

Ji Wuye looked around curiously. No wonder Zhongyue'er in the original book was greeted by Tianming and the others.

It seems that there should be some formations similar to Qimen Dunjia around here.

No wonder it was said in the original book that if no one was leading it, the exact location of Jinghu Medical Village could not be found at all.

At this time, his strength has reached the strength of the ninth-order peak, and if he goes further, he is a demigod.

With his current strength, he still can't see through the thick fog. It seems that even if someone who understands the formation method comes, I am afraid that this formation cannot be broken in a short time.

The boat went round and round on the lake for a long time. When Ji Wuye, a land duck in the pocket, felt a little nauseated because of some seasickness, the thick fog gradually faded, and a small island clearly caught the eyes of several people.

When the boat docked, there were several simple thatched cottages surrounded by simple fences. The wooden frames in the courtyard were filled with various herbs.

Before entering the hospital, he could smell a faint herbal smell from a distance.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ji Wuye couldn't help feeling emotional. Although he had merged into the Mo family, he could still vaguely see a trace of the doctor's family left here.

The doctor who hangs the pot to help the world and does not ask for anything in return should be the poorest family among the hundreds of families.

Thinking about the scene in future generations that as long as you are engaged in the industry that is related to medicine, you will be rich and oily, Ji Wuye's mood can be described as extremely complicated.

Ji Wuye couldn't help sighing secretly, it seems that it was at this time that the doctors who hung the pot to help the world, I don't know how many lifetimes of merit they have cultivated, so that people who are engaged in the medicine industry can enjoy wealth and honor in the future.

There should be a quiet and peaceful place, but there was a loud noise at this time, and Ji Wuye, who was wandering in the sky, couldn't help but stare at Robber Zhi.

Thief Zhi also looked puzzled at this time, and cast his eyes on Yue'er who was beside him with a puzzled expression.

Yue'er sighed softly and said, "A group of people came from outside today, carrying a seriously injured swordsman, and they were clamoring for Sister Rong to save him."

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