"You also know the rules that Sister Rong has set, so..."


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 386 Is that what this little girl calls her father? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

"The doctor hangs the pot to help the world, and he doesn't ask for anything in return. What's wrong with setting a few rules? It's a love to save him, and a duty not to save him. Are you making trouble here?"

Ji Wuye said with a smile, then squatted down and hugged Yue'er with both arms.

Seeing the bear hug coming towards her, Yue'er was startled, she quickly took two steps back, her face turned white with fright: "Uncle, what do you want to do?"

Although the other party had a friendly smile on his face, Yue'er still felt a little twisted in her heart when a stranger wanted to hug her, and she couldn't accept it.

Ji Wuye smiled and rubbed Yue'er's head, and said with a smile, "Don't Yue'er remember uncle? When you were young, uncle still hugged you."

Hearing Ji Wuye's remarks, not only Yue'er, but also Roof Zhi beside him was a little stunned.

But after thinking about it, it seems not impossible that Ji Wuye and Yan Dan had hugged her when she was young.

Thinking of this, Pirate Zhi was relieved.

But Yue'er can't understand, Yue'er's eyes are dazed, she has a small head, her big watery eyes looked at Ji Wuye in confusion, and said doubtfully, "Have you ever hugged me?"

Ji Wuye squatted down with a smile, pinched Yue'er's cute little face, and said with a smile, "What's wrong? Yue'er forgot uncle? Uncle has a good relationship with your parents."

As soon as Ji Wuye said this, Yue'er was stunned for a while, and then her emotions suddenly became excited. She dropped the lantern in her hand, and her two small hands tightly held Ji Wuye's big hand, and said excitedly. : "You...you know my parents?"

"Knowing, of course, knowing, and still very familiar."

He is commensurate with the Yan Dan brothers, and even has a fish-water relationship with Concubine Yan.

Ji Wuye laughed, taking advantage of Yue'er's excitement, he stopped her waist and hugged her.

Hearing this, Yue'er's repulsion towards Ji Wuye gradually faded, and even when she was held in Ji Wuye's arms, there was an inexplicable sense of closeness in her heart that even she could not understand. .

That kind of inexplicable closeness seems to be innate, and there is absolutely no reason for it.

It wasn't just Yue'er who felt this way, even Ji Wuye inexplicably felt that the little girl in his arms had a feeling of being very close to him.

This sense of blood fusion made him feel a little nonsense. If it was between him and Concubine Yan, he could understand it.

After all, the word "long-term love" is not just a casual talk. After a long time, there will naturally be a very subtle feeling between the two, similar to the feeling of heart-to-heart.

But with Yueer, there is no sun yet, why do you feel this way?

Ji Wuye couldn't help but secretly thought, Could it be that Yue'er was born for herself, that she was destined to be her own woman in this life?

Thinking of this, Ji Wuye's mouth and corners were raised indistinctly.

In the future, I must treat her well. Although I feel like raising a daughter for someone else, if I raise a child bride, I feel like it is pretty good.

Yue'er didn't know what strange thoughts the uncle holding her in front of her had in her heart, but she instinctively felt that the person in front of her was very close.

Yue'er didn't know what strange thoughts the uncle holding her in front of her had in her heart, but she instinctively felt that the person in front of her was very close.

The feeling of being nervous and repelled by strangers gradually dissipated, and slowly relaxed, opened his eyes wide, looked at Ji Wuye curiously, and said, "Then you have a good relationship with Yan Dan, Or do you have a good relationship with my mother〃々?"

Yan Dan?Is this what this little girl calls her father?

If I remember correctly, Yue'er is an innocent, kind, gentle and graceful little girl.

Although she also had some prejudices against Yan Dan at the beginning of the original book, but with her gentle personality, she still seems to call Yan Dan her father.

Why did he come to him and call Yan Dan by his name?

Could it be that it's the wrong way to open it?

Ji Wuye walked towards the courtyard with a smile on his face, hugging Yue'er, and said with a smile: "Huh? Is there any difference?"

Gao Yue said: "Of course, Yan Dan is a scum who abandons his wife and daughter. If you have a good relationship with him, then your character doesn't seem to be much better."

Listening to this, this little girl seems to have some prejudice against Yan Dan?

Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, clenched his arms tightly, lifted Yue'er's body up, and said with a smile, "Who told you that your father is a scum who abandoned his wife and daughter."

Speaking of Yandan, the expression on the little girl's face not only sank, but she said indifferently: "'"Do I need someone else to tell me this? My mother took me alone since I was a child. Haven't seen him a few times."

"When I come back occasionally, I don't have a good face for my mother."

"Although he pretended to hurt me when he was in front of me, as long as I mentioned my mother, he would lose his temper inexplicably."

"He doesn't look like a husband or a father at all."

When she saw the indifference and disgust on her face when the little girl mentioned Yan Dan, Ji Wuye burst into laughter, and her heart blossomed with joy.

Although Yan Dan proposed that Concubine Yan sleep with him, he even facilitated it.

But no matter what the reason is, if his wife sleeps with another man, a man can no longer face this woman with a normal mentality (well, well).

It is also reasonable that Yue'er hates Yan Dan so much. After all, with the hatred of Yan Dan in Concubine Yan's heart, it is strange that she can say his goodness in front of Yue'er.

Concubine Yan has always put all her thoughts on Yue'er, and regards Yue'er as her everything. With their mother-daughter relationship, it is strange that Yue'er can kiss Yan Dan.

Ji Wuye could even think that when Yan Dan tried his best to show the appearance of a good father in front of Yue'er, Yue'er's little head was probably thinking of Concubine Yan.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

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