Chapter 387 Duanmu Rong

"Me..." Ji Wuye pretended to ponder: "Strictly speaking, I should have a closer relationship with your mother, hahaha... By the way, where is your mother? How did you get here?"

What's the matter with you and her mother getting closer?How does this sound a little twisted.

On the side Roof Zhi smiled wryly and shook his head, he didn't take it seriously, he just thought he was coaxing the child.

Hearing him ask about Concubine Yan, Gao Yue's cute little face showed a hint of sadness, and said, "She was taken away by a woman who often appeared in my house when I was very young."

Speaking of this, Gao Yue said angrily: "I'm where I am today, and it's all Yan Dan. If it wasn't for him who never cared about the lives of our mother and daughter, how could the mother be taken away by that woman."

"Okay, okay..." Ji Wuye smiled and patted Gao Yue's back, "In the future, will my uncle help you bring your mother back to you?"

Hearing this, Gao Yue felt a burst of energy, her two small hands tightly grasped the front of his clothes, and said excitedly, "Really?"

Ji Wuye vowed: "Of course, uncle will never lie to children."

With that said, Ji Wuye, who was holding Yue'er, stepped into this elegant courtyard.

After seeing the group of people surrounded by 670 Chu in the small courtyard, Ji Wuye couldn't help but take a step, with a strange look on his face.

I saw a dozen or so people surrounded by large and small in the small courtyard, and the leader was a burly man with a burly body and a strong waist.

This person is dressed in khaki, with thick eyebrows and square face, and dark skin. Although he looks majestic, he is standing in the C position.

But judging from his clothes and appearance, Ji Wuye didn't need to use the system to check his name, he knew that dying was just an advanced trick.

Moreover, he who has read the original book can recognize the identity of this person at a glance.

Then check his specific information through the system, and sure enough, as he thought, it is just a more advanced trick.

Character: Xiang Liang (strategist)

Level: 65

Abilities: Training and Reorganization.

Level 65 is said to be for the current Ji Wuye, even when he just crossed over, it wasn't enough to watch.

Although for a general, rank does not mean everything, but his ability and the art of war he masters are too shabby for a general, and it is no wonder that he cannot take the class of his old son Xiang Yan.

With his level of ability, Ji Wuye didn't need to look at Li Xin's attributes, he knew that Li Xin could hang and beat him.

If it wasn't for the chaos of Lord Changping and his father Xiang Yan, it is estimated that Li Xin would have been able to overthrow the state of Chu with the [-] Qin troops at his disposal.

No wonder, as his uncle, at the end of Qin Dynasty, he could only serve as a foil for Xiang Yu.

Seeing these people, Ji Wuye felt that they were able to destroy the Qin state, and it was not without a bit of luck.

Although there were indeed many people under Liu Bang's command who were capable of bombing the sky, the combat power of his soldiers was not at the same level as the Qin army.

Looking back at the time of Qin's demise, the biggest resistance he made was nothing more than a hasty formation of a group of prisoners that Zhang Han temporarily pulled up.

Such a motley army was able to win many battles at the beginning, and the combat power of these rebels was miserable.

If Hu Hai hadn't killed himself and killed the two Meng Tian brothers, the [-]-strong Jiuyuan Army would not have participated in the war, and if Li Xin's subordinates in Longxi, Zhao Tuo's [-] Nanhai Qin army's main force, etc., would all sit back and watch the Qin state perish. It is really difficult for a country to perish.

If Hu Hai hadn't killed himself and killed the two Meng Tian brothers, the [-]-strong Jiuyuan Army would not have participated in the war, and if Li Xin's subordinates in Longxi, Zhao Tuo's [-] Nanhai Qin army's main force, etc., would all sit back and watch the Qin state perish. It is really difficult for a country to perish.

Ji Wuye just glanced at Xiang Liang, and then turned his attention to the old man in blue with white hair and beard standing behind Xiang Liang.

Character: Fan Zeng (strategist)

Level: 38

Ability: eloquence, negotiation, discernment, insight, strategizing, surprise attack, conspiracy, and solution.

After checking (ajbd) of Fan Zeng's attributes, Ji Wuye nodded secretly, such a military boss, rank or something, is not important at all.

Not far from Xiang Liang, two teenagers were arguing in front of a woman dressed in coarse linen shirts.

These two teenagers are naturally no strangers to Ji Wuye who has read the original book.

The handsome young man in purple clothes and with a cool expression on his face is naturally one of the protagonists in the original book, Shaoyu.

The other one, dressed in yellow sackcloth with a silly face, is another protagonist in the original book, Jing Ke's son Tianming.

Ji Wuye didn't care about these two children. At this time, all his eyes were on the woman in the rough sackcloth and the scarf on her head.

Although this woman was dressed simply, it was difficult to hide her demeanor.

The woman looks to be in her early twenties, beautiful and refined, elegant and elegant, her temperament is as clear as frost, her skin is better than snow, her eyes are like clear water. melting ice lake.

Duanmu Rong, the direct descendant of the medical family, has a good medical skills at a young age, and is known as the Jinghu Medical Immortal.

He is a man of inner and outer beauty. He seems to have a clear and indifferent attitude, but he has a soft heart. He is a typical representative of the knife-mouthed and tofu-heartedness in the Qin Dynasty.

Compared with the two protagonists, Ji Wuye is more interested in Duanmu Rong.

Of course, it's not just her beauty.

Beauty is only a point, but more important is practicality.

Well, it's normal to get sick or something, isn't it?

What's more, in this world of martial arts, getting hurt or something is even more commonplace.

The men under him were also injured when they were injured, and he didn't bother to look at them when they died.

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