How can you be angry with yourself because of a little thing?


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it.


Chapter 394 Why don't you ask my mother how? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

Ji Wuye took Yue'er into his arms and said with a smile: "Okay, my little baby, don't be angry, can't I accompany you to watch the stars?"

"As for the stars, uncle still knows a lot. Let me see which one Yue'er is talking about."

As he spoke, he looked in the direction Yue'er pointed, the star was big and bright, surrounded by a group of small stars.

Ji Wuye stared at it for a long time. Damn, what kind of star is this TM?

With the little knowledge he had learned in elementary school nature books, he naturally couldn't recognize what star it was.

Not to mention that this star is only at the elementary school level at his level, and has the part about astronomy in that nature book been recorded?

Even if he did record it, he didn't know it. After all, when introducing the constellations in nature books, they also used lines to outline a pattern of "five five three".

These stars in the sky do not have any patterns drawn by lines. Even if he is asked to look for them with a nature book, he may not be able to find them.

Looking at the star for a while, Ji Wuye decided to pick the familiar ones.

This star is so big, it should be not far from the position of the earth.

It should be not far from the position of the earth, and he only knows one Mars.

So, Ji Wuye blurted out: "This is Mars. There is a raging fire burning on Mars all the year round, so you see, it is brighter than the stars around it."

What astronomy is not astronomy, and geography is not geography, he is now coaxing children, and he is so particular about coaxing children.

Yue'er glanced at Ji Wuye, her eyes couldn't help flashing a hint of stunned.

Although what he said seemed to make sense, but... he didn't seem to know anything about stars.

Yue'er looked at Ji Wuye with her big watery eyes, and said, "Uncle, don't you know anything about the stars?"

Ji Wuye said proudly: "You are wrong. Uncle knows astronomy and geography. You may not know. In this world, in terms of stars and constellations, I am afraid that no one can compare to me."

Yue'er said, "Why doesn't uncle even know Taibaixing?"

Ji Wuye: "..."

What the fuck?After playing for a long time, it's not that this little girl doesn't know the star, but that she is playing with herself?

Ji Wuye said without blushing and heartbeat: "Nonsense, that is obviously Mars, who told you that it is Taibaixing?"

Yue'er said crisply: "Taibaixing, located in the west, Taibaixing belongs to gold, also known as Venus."

Ji Wuye hugged Yue'er and said, "Yes, you are right, maybe your country of Yan calls it Taibaijinxing, but we in Korea call it Mars."

"That's right, although it's called differently, we're all talking about the same star."

Fortunately, I can talk, otherwise, wouldn't it be very embarrassing in front of this little girl?

In order to stop talking to her about these things that he didn't understand at all, Ji Wuye had to change the subject and said with a smile, "How does Yue'er know so much?"

"My mother told me." Yue'er leaned against Ji Wuye's arms, raised her head, looked at the star deeply, as if caught in some kind of memory, and whispered softly: "Different times, different times. Seasons, stars keep walking, the only constant is the orientation of the earth."

"Those who watch stars must know where they are..." As she spoke, the expression on Yue'er's little face began to darken.

"Those who watch stars must know where they are..." As she spoke, the expression on Yue'er's little face began to darken.

He, who had been thinking about how to solve the matter of Genie just now, finally came to his senses.

Concubine Yan?It's no wonder that he is really an axe in the class.

Compared with the Yin-Yang family when they look at the stars, who can look at them.

It seems that Yue'er in the original book not only knows a lot about the stars, but also seems to be a genius of the Yin-Yang family.

In terms of looking at the stars, it seems that she can still see stars that many people can't see.

Listening to Yue'er mentioning Concubine Yan, Concubine Yan's dazzling face, already graceful and graceful, could not help but emerge in his mind.

After so many years, when she thought of Concubine Yan again, what surged in Ji Wuye's heart was no longer the endless conquest, conquest, and desire, but an inexplicable feeling of distress.

Whether it is the original book or now, the fate of that woman, Concubine Yan, seems to be tortuous.

After thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is a bit more miserable now than in the original book.

Thinking about it, it seems that from the beginning to the end, Concubine Yan has never sinned against her, and even helped her kill Tian Guang 0......

On the contrary, he tossed her again and again.

Seeing Yue'er's sad face, Ji Wuye clenched her arms tightly and comforted: "Okay, uncle promises you, how about bringing your mother back to you in the future?"

"Yue'er may not know, but uncle is very powerful."

"Since uncle promised to help you bring your mother back to Yue'er, no one can stop him."

Yue'er raised her head, looked at Ji Wuye, and said with joy: "Really?"

"Of course!" Ji Wuye patted Yuexiong's mouth to assure, and then looked at Yue'er with a smirk, and said, "Look, since uncle is so good, when Yueer grows up and marry, is it okay for uncle?"

Although Gao Yue is young, he has been very intelligent since he was a child, so how can he not understand what he is saying.

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