Hearing this sentence, Gao Yue's face darkened, and she looked at him vigilantly, and said, "Uncle, are you a pedophile, you..."

"How can it be, how could my uncle be that kind of person?" Seeing Yue'er still looking at her vigilantly, Ji Wuye said, "Look, Yue'er is a girl, and a girl will definitely marry when she grows up. Well."

"Marriage, you have to marry a good family, right? You don't want to be like your mother, marrying a man like Yan Dan who abandoned his wife and daughter."

Hearing Ji Wuye mentioning Yan Dan, Gao Yue said with indignation, "I don't want to marry such a scumbag."


"Right..." Ji Wuye nodded again and again and smiled: "Look, uncle is a good person, if you..."

"Uncle, don't try to lie to me. Although I'm very young, I'm not that easy to lie to." Gao Yue said, "Didn't my uncle say that you and my mother are very familiar? As the saying goes, the matchmaker for your parents. In other words, since uncle wants me to marry you when I grow up, why don't you ask my mother how?"

"If my mother agrees, I will marry you when I grow up. What do you think?"


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 395 The Heart Is Not Ancient (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

Gao Yue suddenly blinked at Ji Wuye, raised her little mouth, and said with a smile, "Didn't my uncle say that you and my mother are very familiar? As the saying goes, it's the words of a matchmaker for parents."

"Since uncle wants me to marry you when I grow up, why don't you ask my mother how?"

"If my mother agrees, I will marry you when I grow up. What do you think?"

ask your mother?Your mother's daughter, if she knew what other thoughts I had for you, she wouldn't have torn me up.

Seeing the slyness that flashed in Yue'er's eyes, Ji Wuye couldn't help sighing that his heart was not ancient.

Didn't they say that the good ancients were all simple and deceptive?

Why did the little loli of the ancients feel more shrewd than those of later generations?

First of all, the little loli I met in the farmhouse Lieshantang was obviously just a little girl's film, but she actually put on an adult face in front of her, and 09 was still decent.

With her performance far exceeding her peers, even though she didn't ask her name, Ji Wuye was sure that the little girl's film was definitely Tian Yan.

Except for Tian Yan, he believed that no little loli in this world would be as quiet and calm as her at that age.

However, in his impression, Yue'er in the original book doesn't seem to be like this.

Although Yue'er in the original book is also very intelligent, she is also very sensible.

But it's not like it is now. At first, it was enough to make the little one angry in front of him, but now she even brings her mother out to make fun of him.

This month's character, no matter how you look at it, is slightly different from the original.

He also didn't think that the Yue'er in the original book was the child of Yan Dan and Concubine Yan.

How could the characters of Yan Dan and Concubine Yan be so different from their parents?

And now Yue'er, since she has inherited the side of her mother's good wife and good mother, who inherits the remaining side, I am afraid that only Concubine Yan will know for the time being.

Yan Dan in the original book also abandoned his wife and daughter. Although Yue'er in the original book had some dissatisfaction with him, he didn't hate him like he did now, and even called him by his first name.

Although there is no lack of Concubine Yan's teaching since childhood, it is inseparable from Concubine Yan.

But more than that, it's actually her character.

If she was still as docile as a harmless little sheep in the original book, why would she call Yan Dan by her name.

After all, in this world, although Yan Dan was not very good to Concubine Yan, she was still very good to Yue'er.

How to say Yue'er is also his only 'blood'.

Being teased by Yue'er, Ji Wuye stopped talking about it, but looked at Yue'er with a smile, and said, "Yue'er, you haven't answered me yet, your sister Rong is called Jinghu Doctor. Immortal, known as the unparalleled medicine and poison."

"And you have been with your sister Rong for so many years. How much have you learned about her skills?"

"And you have been with your sister Rong for so many years. How much have you learned about her skills?"

No matter how smart Gao Yue is, he is still only a seven or eight-year-old child.

Although she didn't know why Ji Wuye asked this question, Yue'er answered without thinking, "All the injured disciples of the Mo family will be sent here, and sometimes when Sister Rong is too busy, Yue'er will help. She healed some Mohist disciples who were not seriously injured."

"Well, Yue'er is really amazing." Ji Wuye smiled and stretched out a big hand, rubbed Yue'er's little head, and said with a smile, "How much does Yue'er know about medicine?"

Yue'er blinked her big eyes, raised her head, looked at Ji Wuye, and said, "Uncle, just ask what you want to ask, you don't need to be so circumspect."

Are today's kids so smart?Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, then squatted in front of Yue'er and said with a smile, "Since Yue'er said so, then uncle will just say so."

Ji Wuye coughed lightly and said, "I have seen the effect of the medicine prepared by Jinghu Medical Village once. I have to say that the effect is very good, very good."

Thinking of the medicine Yan Dan had given to Concubine Yan, and the fact that he used it and put it on Xue Nv's body and tested it again, the effect of the medicine is really impossible to say.

Although the medicine seems to be prepared from the mind, the difficulty factor is expected to be very high.

But he didn't ask Yue'er to help him dispense that kind of medicine today.

Ji Wuye said: "Uncle is thinking, if Yue'er knows how to dispense medicine, can he help uncle to prepare a single medicine?"

"It turned out to be just dispensing medicine." Gao Yue said, "I don't think it will be difficult for me to dispense medicine. What kind of medicine does my uncle want to dispense?"

"A medicine that, although not life-threatening, will make people unconscious for at least a month after taking it. It is best to have a medicine that does not cause any symptoms."

Ji Wuye looked forward to Yue'er. If he wanted to keep his identity from being exposed by Genie for a while, this was the best way he could think of at the moment.

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