A month was enough for him to capture the Mojia Organ City, and then retreated completely.


He believed that the medicine he wanted, as a direct descendant of the medical family, Duanmu Rong, who had the title of "Medicine and Poison", should be able to get it.

But he couldn't go to Duanmurong, not to mention whether the other party was willing to prepare it for him, even if he did, it would make her suspicious.

Looking for Yue'er is different. Yue'er, this little girl, is so foolish.

As long as he foolishly asks Yue'er to hide this month for him, and after the Mo Family Office City is captured, he will directly take Yue'er away, and this matter can be solved easily.

In the original book, after the Mojia government city fell, Yue'er was taken away by the Moon God.

Now that he is here, it is naturally impossible for Yue'er to be taken away by her.

After all, those people in the Yin Yang family are not good things.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 396 In fact, I cheated on you just now (for flowers, ask for a monthly ticket)

"The medicine that makes people coma for a month?" Gao Yue looked at him vigilantly and said, "What do you want to do?"

Seeing Yue'er looking at him with a wolf-proof look, Ji Wuye couldn't help feeling a little headache.

What do you think about the movie, little girl, does the labor and management look like bad people?

Even if you really have any bad intentions, it is for your sister Rong, what are you worried about as a little loli?

Ji Wuye sighed softly, trying to squeeze a kind smile on his face, and said: "Don't worry, uncle will never use it to do bad things, can Yue'er make this medicine?"

Little Loli pondered for a moment and said, "Yes, yes, but..."

Ji Wuye was overjoyed, and quickly said: "But what? Tell your uncle that some herbs are hard to find? It doesn't matter, leave it to your uncle, and your uncle promises to help you get it done."

The seven-year life of collecting herbs in the mountains and forests is not in vain. Now Ji Wuye, although he does not know how to use medicine, he knows a lot of herbal medicines.

Furthermore, Mrs. Pearl, Mo Ya and others are also hidden around, there is nothing here, let them fix it for themselves from the outside world.

Little Loli shook her head and said, "The medicines used for this medicine are all common herbs, and there are ready-made ones here."

"But what you want can make people unconscious for a month, I can't do it."

Didn't you say you would?Could it be that you want to tell me that your sister Rong will ask me to find your sister Rong?

If the person standing in front of him is not a cute little loli, but a little Zhengtai, Ji Wuye dares to hold a pillow and will definitely throw him into the lake.

Ji Wuye took a deep, deep breath, feeling a little disappointed, and gently rubbed Yue'er's little head, and said, "It doesn't matter, if it doesn't, it won't, uncle will think of other things... ..."

Before Ji Wuye finished speaking, he heard Little Loli say: "If it's not harmful to the body and body, I can only do it for three days" . . .

"If you want the other party to be in a coma for a month, just give him medicine every three days."

Saying that, Little Loli raised her head, looked at Ji Wuye and said, "Uncle, do you think this is okay?"


May I?Of course you can.

Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, who did you little girl learn this bad habit of taking such a big breath?

Ji Wuye was overjoyed, hugged Yue'er and kissed her on the small cheek fiercely, and said, "My little baby, uncle really likes you so much."

Little Loli wiped the saliva from her face with her sleeve and said, "It's okay for me to dispense the medicine for you, but you have to answer two questions for me."

"No problem!" Ji Wuye patted Yuexiong's mouth and said, "Don't say two, even ten are no problem."

Little Loli pondered for a moment, raised her head, and said, "Uncle, what is the relationship between you and my mother?"

Ji Wuye just wanted to say something casual, it was just an ordinary friendship, but looking at Little Loli's clear eyes, she couldn't bear to deceive her for a while.

Ji Wuye sighed softly and said, "It's a very complicated relationship, and you don't understand it. Children don't ask questions. In short, you only need to know that I have a good relationship with your mother."

"I understand." Little Lolita nodded her head seriously, and then with a positive tone, said in a tender voice: "Uncle, you are Ji Wuye."

"I understand." Little Lolita nodded her head seriously, and then with a positive tone, said in a tender voice: "Uncle, you are Ji Wuye."


Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, what did I say, you understand?What do you unserstand?

Looking at this little loli in front of her, Ji Wuye couldn't help shaking his head, what did this concubine Yan feed this little girl's films since she was a child, how do you feel that the gap between this little girl and the original book is a bit big.

Before Ji Wuye could speak, Little Loli's tender voice rang out again: "You don't have to deny it, in fact, I already knew your true identity, from the first time I saw you, I already knew it. I know your true identity."

"You know, when I was very young, I watched every time you met my mother."

"I can hear everything you say clearly."

"Besides, my mother talks about you in front of me all day long. Even if I don't want to know about you, it's hard, do you think so? Uncle..."

After all, Little Loli stared at him with her big watery eyes and a faint smile in her eyes.

Ji Wuye: "..."

Damn, is this little girl's film so evil that she started to remember things when she was still a baby?

Although a little unreasonable, it seems that this world does not seem to be a reasonable thing, and there are all kinds of messy things.

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