Not only inherited the docile side of Concubine Yan's virtuous wife and mother, but also inherited her own strong side.

How to look at it, compared with Yan Dan, he is more like her biological father.

After a long silence, Ji Wuye suddenly said, "Yue'er, what's your surname? Gao (ajdf)?"

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility.

Since Yan Dan has since found himself because of the problem of his son, it means that he has not been cured by the medical family, and he is still a waste.

Then Yue'er's identity is a little suspicious.

It's just that this month's child was conceived before Concubine Yan, or after that, it's impossible to say.

According to the birthday or something, it can indeed be deduced.

But the point is, when TM Yueer was born, it was still when the seven countries were side by side.

The seven kingdoms not only have different characters, but also have their own calendars.

What Qin Wangzheng for a few years, what Yan Wangxi for a few years.

Although Ji Wuye has traveled over for many years, he has never studied this thing.

How does this TM make him a transmigrator?

"The last name is Ji..." Little Loli looked at Ji Wuye with a foolish look on her face, and said, "Ji Ru Qiantaki, my name, Gao Yue is my title, the royal family of Yan Kingdom. It's the surname Ji, don't you know?"

Ji Wuye: "..."

Yes, labor-management TM is really asking for nothing.

The surname of the royal family of Yan was Ji Zhao, and later was Shi Yan. How could he not know this.

Yan Dan's surname is Ji, and Yan is a state surname.

Just as Shang Yang's real name was Wei Yang, Shang was his fief Shang Yu, so he was called Shang Yang.

In fact, Shang Yang's surname is not Wei, but Gongsun. The reason why he is called Wei Yang is because his ancestors belonged to the royal family of the state of Wei, so he was called Wei Yang.

Even if he originally didn't know much about the surname and the surname, and what other national surnames were there, but it's been so many years since he traveled here, it's impossible not to understand at all.

The reason why he asked such a question was because he was a little confused by this little loli for a while.

The surname is Ji, this is not a question.

He also knew that Little Loli's surname was Ji. The key to this Ji was either Yan Dan's Ji or his Ji Wuye's Ji.

But after thinking about it, she asked in vain, what did she know.

That's all, I'm not in a hurry anyway, I'll ask Concubine Yan directly in the future to save trouble.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 398 You and I

When he saw Yue'er seven years ago, he was just a little baby held by Concubine Yan, and he didn't think much about it.

But at this time, seeing that this is obviously different from the original book, there is a faint shadow of him in the demeanor of words and gods, which makes him unable to think about it.

When he thought that Yue'er might be his daughter, Ji Wuye's attitude towards her also changed a bit.

If Yue'er is really her own daughter, then no matter how arrogant she is in front of her, no matter how strong she is, she has to follow her, right?

His biological daughter, being a father has never happened to him in two lifetimes.

Although there was only a slight possibility of being tight, he still couldn't hide his excitement.

Even in front of Yue'er, she felt a little nervous and at a loss.

Ji Wuye's eyes lit up, and he stared at the little loli in front of him deeply. Those straight eyes made the little loli in front of him feel uncomfortable.

Thinking that this little loli might be her own daughter, the more Ji Wuye looked at her, the more cute she felt, how she looked pleasing to the eye.

He was pleasing to the eye, but his wolf-like eyes made Little Loli feel numb all over, and without a trace, she distanced herself from Ji Wuye, looked at him with some vigilance, and said: "That, uncle, let me tell you, you don't think I'm young, but I have the true heritage of Sister Rong..."

"Sister Rong, you should know that she is a genius doctor who is known as a doctor of both medicine and poison. Not only is she called a medical fairy in terms of saving people, but she is also unmatched in terms of using poison."

"So, I can also use poison, and my level of poison use is even higher than my medical skills in treating people and saving people."

"Although I am kind-hearted, I can't bear to use poison on people, but if a bad person has any bad thoughts about me, even a master like Gai Nie, I can knock him down with a wave of my hand."

Ji Wuye: "..."

Seeing that Little Loli was on guard, looking at herself with vigilance, and already pretending to be calm and cute, Ji Wuye couldn't help but feel a little bit wanting to laugh.

What level of poison do you use? Although labor and management don't know, you say that you can bring down a master like Genie with a wave of your hand. Isn't it a bit too exaggerated?

Your level of eloquence is really how you look at it, how can you have the demeanor of labor and management.

The bad people who have bad thoughts in your mouth refer to labor and capital, right?

As far as your small arms and legs are concerned, if labor and management really have bad thoughts on you, how can you resist?

Looking at Little Loli's pretending to be calm, Ji Wuye forcibly held back the smile in his heart and said, "Well, I know, don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards you."

"Don't you want to know the relationship between me and your mother?"

Hearing that Ji Wuye mentioned what she cared about the most, Little Lolita suddenly became interested, and no longer thought about those messes, her big watery eyes looked at Ji Wuye with expectation and nodded again and again.

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