Ji Wuye coughed lightly, his expression became solemn, and he said slowly: "I have to say, you are really smart. You basically guessed more than half of the relationship between me and your mother."

Hearing this, Little Loli was even more excited and looked at him with a look of anticipation.

Ji Wuye said affectionately: "Many, many years ago, before you were born, your mother and I were indeed a pair of lovers who fell in love."

Ji Wuye said affectionately: "Many, many years ago, before you were born, your mother and I were indeed a pair of lovers who fell in love."

"The process of my acquaintance with your mother is like yesterday to me. Every day I spent with your mother, every look on her face, is deeply imprinted in my memory."

"Even after many years, I can still clearly remember..."

"It was a cold winter, and there were snowflakes floating in the sky. Although the snowflakes that year were not from the Yan Kingdom, I think it was even more beautiful than the Yan Kingdom's winter."

"Back then, I was still a weak and weak scholar, and your mother..."

"Wait..." The fascinated little loli suddenly shouted in a tender voice, then looked at Ji Wuye with a weird face, and said, "Uncle, you ...a weak scholar?"

Little Loli looked at Ji Wuye from head to toe, this sturdy body like an iron tower, a weak scholar?Can you have a relationship?

"What? Don't believe it?" Interrupted by Little Loli, Ji Wuye said impatiently: "Do you still want to hear it or not?"

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

Little Loli was really curious about the relationship between Ji Wuye and her mother. After hearing what he said, she gave him a strange look and said, "Okay, go on, I promise not to interrupt you. "

Seeing the appearance of Little Loli, Ji Wuye nodded with satisfaction, secretly said, the little girl actually dared to fool the labor and management, and blundered in front of the labor and management, seeing that the labor and management did not fool you and lame.

Ji Wuye coughed lightly, and said with an affectionate expression: "Although many people may not believe me when I say this, I was indeed a weak and weak scholar back then, the reason why I have become now Like this, you'll know it when you listen to it."

"Back then, I was a handsome, handsome, and I was given the nickname Little Pan An. Back then..."


"Wait...wait a minute." Little Loli suddenly asked curiously, "Who is Pan An?"

"Pan An..." When it came to this, Ji Wuye thought about it carefully. It seemed that Pan An had not been born at this time. It is estimated that Pan An's ancestors did not know that they were farming in that corner.

Ji Wuye pondered for a while, and realized that it was really difficult to explain Pan An, so he waved his hand impatiently and said, "It doesn't matter, you only need to know that the uncle back then was a very handsome and handsome guy. Okay."

After that, Ji Wuye said to himself: "When I went to Beijing to attend the literati event held by Jixia Academy, I met robbers on the way... .."

He originally wanted to say that he was going to Beijing to take the exam, but suddenly it occurred to him that he didn't seem to have come to Beijing to take the exam at this time. Even the imperial examination system did not know how many years later.

So, he went to Jixia School again.

In this era, Jixia Academy and a hundred schools of thought contend, no matter how bad the history is, they are still somewhat heard, and Ji Wuye is no exception.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 399 Flickering Little Lolita (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

Ji Wuye said, "Where's your mother, as you know, she's very beautiful, she's a country and a city, and her elegance is unparalleled."

Little Loli nodded when she heard Ji Wuye compliment her mother so much.

In her eyes, her mother is the most beautiful woman in the world.

Ji Wuye said, "As for me, I was handsome and unrestrained at the time, so we both fell in love at first sight and had a good impression of each other."

"Later, your mother accompanied me to Jixia Academy. After that, we traveled all over the seven countries and saw the mountains and rivers."

"Back then, your mother and I were the happiest couple in the world."

"But, knowing that one day, until his appearance...everything will change."

At first, I was really fascinated by the little loli, but when she heard this, her face sank and she said, "The person you are talking about is Yan Dan?"

When Little Loli saw her mother when she was a child, she stared at a scroll of silk books in a daze, and the inscription "seven six zeros" on the scroll was Ji Wuye.

Therefore, she naturally did not doubt what Ji Wuye said.

Even before Ji Wuye said it, she subconsciously thought that Yan Dan had separated her mother and Ji Wuye.

After hearing Ji Wuye say this again, the first person that comes to mind is naturally Yan Dan.

Although I don't know why this little loli stubbornly thinks that Yan Dan broke up her and Concubine Yan, Ji Wuye doesn't care about it.

Since she thinks so, it must be.

Ji Wuye had a gloomy look on his face, and pretended to sigh, "Yes, it's him."

Little Loli's face sank, and she gritted her teeth and said, "What did that bastard do to you? Did he forcibly break up you as the prince of Yan Kingdom?"

Ji Wuye glanced at Yue'er in surprise, and had to say, this little loli's imagination is really rich.

Ji Wuye pretended to sigh: "If it's just like this, then it's nothing..."

Little Loli said in shock: "Could he have done something more egregious?"

Ji Wuye sighed softly and said slowly, "When your mother and I met Yan Dan, we both thought he was a loyal and reliable person, and we were happy to associate with him."

"In the beginning, he really treated me and your mother in every possible way, and I was even worthy of his brother."

"I have always treated him as a real brother, but I never thought that he would put pressure on your mother's sect as the prince of the Yan Kingdom and force your mother's master to betrothed her to him."

Little Loli was stunned, and said, "My mother still has a sect?"

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