"Huh?" Ji Wuye pretended to be surprised: "Why, she didn't tell you?"

Little Loli shook her head blankly and said, "I've never heard her talk about her past, let alone what sect she has."

Ji Wuye secretly said, whether it is the original book or this world, she is all about letting you live the life of an ordinary person and live a normal life, how could she possibly tell you.

Ji Wuye sighed secretly and said, "Since she didn't tell you, I think she has her concerns."

Ji Wuye continued: "At first, your mother was naturally unwilling, and it is even less likely that I would be willing to watch your mother marry someone else."

"But until one day, Yan Dan found me."

"He asked me, saying that I was just an ordinary poor scholar. Can I bring happiness to your mother?"

"He asked me, saying that I was just an ordinary poor scholar. Can I bring happiness to your mother?"

"I heard him say this and thought about it carefully, and it seems that it is exactly what he said."

"Compared with him, the prince of Yan Kingdom, obviously he can give your mother a happier life."

"I thought, loving someone doesn't mean taking her as one's own, as long as she lives happily, isn't it?"

Little Loli said indignantly: "How could you have such a thought? And, even if you think so, will my mother think so?"

Ji Wuye sighed and said, "Of course your mother is unwilling, but for the happiness she can live in the future, I can only reluctantly tell her that I don't like her anymore, and I will be empathetic. in love."

"Since she doesn't know what kind of life she needs, I have to choose for her."

"You should be able to guess what happened next."

"Your mother mistakenly thought that what I said was true. She was heartbroken and disheartened, so she married Yan Dan."

"How do you know that you can't give my mother happiness? How do you know that Yan Dan will be able to... Hey, that's not right." Little Loli looked angry, and just wanted to point at Ji Wuye. , As if suddenly thinking of something, he looked at Ji Wuye suspiciously, and said, "You're not lying to me, are you? Aren't you the general of Korea?"

"Listen to them, you still claim to be the strongest in Korea and China for a hundred years."

Ji Wuye's expression was stagnant, and after a while, he opened his mouth and said: "That's all in the future, after separating from your mother, in order to forget your mother, I devoted myself to martial arts and military studies. ."

"I thought in my heart, if one day Yan Dan treats your mother badly, I will lead the army to destroy the country of Yan."

Speaking of this, Ji Wuye sighed secretly and said, "I believe you have heard them say that I am the general of the Han and the country, but when the Qin State invaded, I will not do anything to resist the Han and the country. Dedicated to Ying Zheng, he is a traitor to the country and seeks glory. .."

This is indeed something that Little Loli is very concerned about. When she knew that there was a person named Ji Wuye who had an unusual relationship with her mother, she naturally cared very much about everything about Ji Wuye.

She didn't want the person her mother liked to be a traitor to the country.

Hearing Ji Wuye talking about this matter, Little Loli looked curious, and even revealed a trace of unease and expectation in her big watery eyes, and said, "Isn't it?"

"If I'm really a traitor, why did I disappear for seven years after Han was destroyed?" Ji Wuye rubbed the little Loli's head with a gloomy expression, and said, "You But you know how I have lived in the past seven years, staying in the deep mountains and old forests, living like a savage for seven full years."

Hearing this, Little Loli's expression changed, and she said inexplicably, "Then why do you still dedicate the entire country of Korea to Ying Zheng?"

Ji Wuye sighed and said, "The reason for doing that is not only that you don't want the people of Korea to make unnecessary sacrifices, but the more important point is actually because of you."

"Me?" Little Lolita felt stunned for a while. What does the demise of Korea have to do with her?

Ji Wuye sighed and said, "After hearing the news of your birth, I realized that no matter how many years have passed, I can't forget your mother."

"When I think of the bits and pieces of being with your mother in the past, and then I personally pushed your mother into the arms of other men, I feel unbearable and unwilling to govern."

"When Qin State invaded Korea and Korea in 1.2, at that time, I was in bed because of my obsession with your mother."

"You also know that apart from me, there is no one in Korea who can lead the army, and it is facing Qiang Qin."

"So, when I couldn't bear the needless sacrifice of the soldiers, and for the sake of the Korean and the country in front of me, and the people's lives were ruined, I had no choice but to surrender."

"You..." Little Loli looked at Ji Wuye angrily, and said, "Whether it's my mother's issue or the Korean issue, why are you so weak, Such wishful thinking.”


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 400 It's all for the sake of the Mo family

"Okay, let's not talk about this, the matter between your mother and I may not be able to finish talking to you for three days and three nights." Ji Wuye smiled and rubbed Yueer's head twice, Said: "Now, you already know the relationship between me and your mother, then let's talk about your second condition."

"By the way, the matter between me and your mother, and my identity, I hope you can keep it a secret for me."

The things that had been entangled in Little Loli's heart were finally resolved, and she finally knew what kind of past Ji Wuye had with her mother in the silk book that year.

No wonder her mother would take her to sleep from time to time, staring at the silk book in a daze. It turned out that there was such an unknown past.

What kid doesn't like listening to stories?What's more, about the little loli's mother, of course she wants to know more.

But she also understands that, as Ji Wuye said, the matter between him and her mother, even if it takes three days and three nights, may not be enough to finish.

Anyway, there is time in the future, and there is no rush at this time.

After listening to the story he made up, and thinking about Yandan's attitude towards her mother, she had a thought in her heart, it would be great if Ji Wuye was her father.

Although Yan Dan is not bad to her, but Yan Dan is bad to her mother.

In addition, Little Loli herself was brought up by Concubine Yan, so she was naturally closer to Concubine Yan.

And Concubine Yan has been instilling the idea that Yan Dan is not a good thing to Xiao Loli for a long time, and Xiao Loli hates Yan Dan even more.

After listening to Ji Wuye, Little Loli snorted, in her heart, her mother's position was undoubtedly higher than everything else.

And Ji Wuye was her mother's old friend, so she didn't need any reason to keep a secret for him.

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