Little Loli said: "The second is, who do you want to use this medicine against?"

Ji Wuye wanted to perfunctory casually, but after thinking about it, the effect of this medicine is only three days.

In other words, you need to feed the medicine every three days.

It is obvious that there are many inconveniences for him to do it.

There are many experts in the Momen, and in the long run, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not be discovered.

Looking at the little loli in front of her, Ji Wuye suddenly lit up.

Isn't there someone who is the easiest to start with?

Moreover, in the identity of this little loli, even if someone found out, the Mo family would not do anything to her.

Ji Wuye coughed lightly, holding the thin and thin shoulders of Little Loli with two big hands, with a kind smile on his face, and said: "The person uncle wants to deal with is Gai Nie, can you help uncle?"

"Gai Nie?" Little Lolita frowned, looked at Ji Wuye suspiciously, and said, "Uncle has a grudge against him? If you have grudges, Yue'er can help you poison him."

"..." Ji Wuye's face darkened, is this still the innocent and kind Yue'er in his mind?

Seeing that his face was not good, Little Loli suddenly changed her face and said with a smile: "Okay, uncle, I'm teasing you, tell me, why did uncle deal with him?"

Ji Wuye wanted to give Gai Nie medicine, but Little Loli didn't feel that there was any problem. Anyway, she was not familiar with Gai Nie.

Moreover, the medicine given is not a poison that will kill him, and it is not unacceptable for Little Loli.

Moreover, the medicine given is not a poison that will kill him, and it is not unacceptable for Little Loli.

Besides, she watched Ji Wuye plead for Gai Nie with her own eyes and let her sister Rong heal him.

If Ji Wuye really had any bad intentions towards Gai Nie, why bother and just let it fend for itself.

Ji Wuye could not help but grit his teeth secretly. When he sees Concubine Yan again in the future, he will definitely push her down and smack her ass ruthlessly.

What a good little loli, how could she be taught to be like this?

As for why it's not a month, who made it possible that this little loli might be his own daughter?

He is a daughter-in-law. If it was a son, maybe he would beat him if he should, and scold him if he should.

But if this month is really his biological daughter, don't say that this little loli is just no big or small in front of her.

It was this little loli who stabbed a hole in the sky, so what, he also carried it for her.

Therefore, Ji Wuye blamed all the guilt on Concubine Yan, who made this little loli brought up by her?

Ji Wuye took a deep, deep breath and said, "Actually, my uncle and Gai Nie don't have any grudges. There are two main reasons for wanting to keep him unconscious."

Hearing what Ji Wuye said, Little Loli raised her head and looked at him curiously.

Ji Wuye said, "First, it's because Genie knows me. If he wakes up, my identity will naturally be hidden."

"Besides that, the most important point is that although Gai Nie is a good person, he is a Qin countryman after all."

"It used to be Ying Zheng's most trusted chief swordsman, and Ying Zheng's most trusted personal bodyguard."

"Although he has already betrayed the Qin state, who can guarantee that he will not be detrimental to the Mo family?"

"So, to be on the safe side, let him be in a coma for a period of 180 hours."

There are countless people in the world who have been fooled by his Ji Wuye, not to mention a little loli.

Seeing Ji Wuye's sympathetic face, Little Loli really felt that everything he did was for the Mo family.

Little Loli pondered for a moment and thought about it carefully, as if what he said was indeed reasonable.

After all, Gai Nie is a Qin native, and he was once the most trusted person by Ying Zheng. Who can guarantee that his defection this time is true or false?

Little Loli nodded and said, "Don't worry, uncle, I will definitely make Genie unable to wake up."

"Well, that's good!" Ji Wuye smiled and rubbed the little Loli's head, saying: "But don't hurt his life, just let him be in a coma for a while."

If it's really like what Little Loli said, the medicine will be taken every three days. After the Mo Family affair is over, he will take Little Loli away directly.

At that time, Genie will naturally wake up.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 401 Sorry, this place has been taken over by the government

Early the next morning, Yue'er carried Duanmu Rong on her back and started to fiddle.

Although it is not very obvious from the original work, I feel that he easily broke through the army with Tianming.

But in fact, it is easier said than done for an expert in the arena to break through the formation of the regular army.

It can be said that Gai Nie was covered with bruises and wounds, and even had many scars, all of which had already hurt his lungs, and there were only a few fatal wounds.

Otherwise, with Gai Nie's strength, how could he be injured and unconscious.

Duanmurong deserves to be known as a medical fairy, but after her treatment, Gai Nie's injury gradually stabilized.

Apart from Gai Nie and Roi Zhi, Duanmu Rong had many other patients. The daily task of delivering medicine to Gai Nie and Roi Zhi naturally fell on Yue'er's head.

Duanmurong naturally trusts Yueer very much. From the original book, Duanmurong treats Yueer even more than her biological sister.

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