Not to mention that Yue'er administered the medicine behind her back, even if Yue'er administered the medicine in front of her, she would stop persuading her if she died.

After she failed to persuade her to stop her, she would even help Yueer with medicine.

Therefore, although Gai Nie's body gradually improved, but there was no sign of recovery.

After a few days, even Duanmu Rong couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

In her opinion, Genie should have woken up, why is he still unconscious.

The medicine that Yue'er dispensed did not harm her life, so she could not find any symptoms at all.

After careful inspection, seeing that Gai Nie was fine, Duanmu Rong didn't care about him anymore.

Although she had many ways to make Genie fall into this situation, she didn't think about that.

After all, it was Yue’er who fed Gai Nie the medicine every day, and Yue’er had absolutely no reason to do that.

Now that this situation will occur, Duanmurong can only be regarded as the problem of Gai Nie himself.

But a few days passed in the blink of an eye, and Gai Nie still didn't look like he was about to wake up, so Duanmu Rong couldn't help but be suspicious.

Finally, one day, Duanmu Rong found Yue'er, squinted her eyes, looked at the little loli with a stern face and said, "Yue'er, what did you do to Gai Nie?"

Duanmu Rong's seriousness really made Little Loli bear some ignorance. Under her stern gaze, Little Loli had to hesitate: "Sister Rong...don't worry, I didn't do anything to him. Like, just want to... put him in a coma for a while."

Duanmu Rong was naturally aware of Gai Nie's physical condition, and she also knew that Yue'er didn't treat him like that.

Duanmurong said lightly, "Why do you do this?"

Little Loli wanted to say that she was worried that Genie would be detrimental to the Mo family, but after thinking about it, it seemed useless to say that.

Based on what she knew about her sister Rong, she definitely wouldn't keep Gai Nie in a coma because of this.

After pondering for a long time, Little Loli raised her head, looked at Duanmu Rong firmly, and said, "Sister Rong, don't ask, I have a reason for doing this, I can't tell you for now, I will tell you everything in the future. you."

She could be said to have watched Yue'er grow up, so she naturally knew that Yue'er had always been very measured, and Yue'er would never hide anything from herself.

She could be said to have watched Yue'er grow up, so she naturally knew that Yue'er had always been very measured, and Yue'er would never hide anything from herself.

Although Duanmurong really wanted to know why Yueer did this, she knew that if Yueer didn't want to say it, it would be meaningless to ask her if she didn't want to.

Duanmu Rong sighed softly, looked at Yue'er with a gentle face, and said, "Although I don't know why you did this, there's no need to hide this kind of thing from me."

"Although I don't approve of your approach, if you have a reason to do it, can I still stop you?"

"I just hope you can clearly know what you are doing now, that's enough."

Little Loli nodded and said, "Don't worry, Sister Rong, I know what I'm doing now."

"Yeah!" Duanmurong nodded, turned and walked towards the house where Roof Zhi was.

As for Tianming, who pestered her to ask her when Gai Nie would wake up, Duanmurong just replied indifferently something Tianming didn't understand.

When he can wake up, he will naturally wake up.

Although this may sound confusing, the Mo family didn't think much about it, they all knew that Duanmu Rong had such a temper.

Since she said so, it may be because Genie is too injured and can't wake up for the time being.

And only Yue'er knew what Duanmurong's words meant.

As for Robber Zhi, although he was able to get out of bed and run around, and the wounds on his arms gradually improved, the Gu on his body made Duanmu Rong a little worried.

She can heal the physical injury, but the Gu in his body is not something she is good at.

On the other hand, Robber Zhi had an indifferent expression, except for the pain when the Gu worm attacked, in front of everyone, he was still as usual, giggling, with a heartless look.

Maybe he also knows his current situation and doesn't want everyone to worry about him.

In a small wood not far from the courtyard, Wei Zhuang, who had been chasing and killing all the way, also came here at this time.

However, just as Wei Zhuang, Wushuang, Canglang Wang, and Yinbat were about to attack the courtyard, a figure suddenly stopped in front of them.

"' 'Sorry, this place has already been taken over by the Duke's Office. You should go back and prepare to attack the Mojia Organ City."

"Black Crow?" Looking at the familiar figure in front of him, Wei Zhuang's eyes gradually narrowed, and a sneer sneered at the corners of his mouth and corners: "Do you think you can stop me?"

The one who stopped in front of Wei Zhuang and the others was the (got) Mo Ya.

At this time, seeing a person who did not know whether to live or die stopped in front of him and others, the Blue Wolf King and Hidden Bat couldn't help showing a trace of disdain on their faces.

Many years ago, when the Republic of Korea and China were in Xinzheng, Mo Ya had no less dealings with Wei Zhuang. Naturally, he was very clear about Wei Zhuang's character and strength.

Mo Ya didn't care about the words of this old acquaintance, with a faint smile on his face, said: "Yes, I really did not block your strength, but..."

"Since you know that I can't stop you with my strength, do you think I will come alone?"


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 402 It's Not Four People (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

As soon as Mo Ya's voice fell, Bai Feng, Ying Ge, and Red Owl appeared beside Mo Ya.

When these three people appeared, the expressions of Hidden Bat and Blue Wolf King, who were still disdainful, began to become solemn.

Judging from the aura emanating from these three people, the strength of any of the four people standing in front of him is no less than the two of them.

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