Duanmurong pondered: "Its owner?"

Ji Wuye said, "Bai Feng, although I haven't walked around the rivers and lakes for many years, this name is probably not unfamiliar to your Mo family."

"Bai Feng, one of Ji Wuye's Hundred Bird Killers?" Duanmu Rong was startled, and then said with some doubts: "717 Bai Feng can control birds? Besides, how did you know so clearly?"

It's no wonder that in the original book, Bai Feng, after being under Wei Zhuang's command, fell into the quicksand of the professional killer organization, picking up the business of killing people all over the rivers and lakes.

Every member of Quicksand, the ability it possesses is naturally no secret in the rivers and lakes.

But in this world, because of the appearance of Ji Wuye, Bai Feng naturally didn't have the experience in the original book.

During the seven years Ji Wuye spent his grades in the deep mountains and old forests, the Hundred Birds under his command were naturally very honest and never appeared on the rivers and lakes again.

From Yingge, who was mainly in charge of foreign affairs, and the red owl, who did not appear when the Baiyue Tiantuan was tossing around in South Korea and China, in the past seven years, they have honestly returned to Xianyang, and they can stay in the government's mansion. see.

During the seven years that Ji Wuye was in the deep mountains and forests, the killers of the Hundred Bird Killers were still very calm.

Duanmu Rong didn't understand Bai Feng's abilities, so she could naturally make sense.

After all, the Hundred Bird Killers have not appeared in the eyes of the world for seven years.

The Mohist's understanding of Hundred Birds was limited to the Hundred Birds that had not yet been exterminated in Korea and China seven years ago.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 405 Enough is enough, let him go

"Me, didn't Robber Zhi tell you about my identity these two days?" Ji Wuye smiled and said, "As I am, knowing such a little thing, it is not difficult to think about it."

Hearing Ji Wuye's words, Duanmu Rong couldn't help falling into silence.

Over the past few days, she naturally knew Ji Wuye's identity from the mouth of the robber, the chief manager of the farmhouse Kuiwei Tang, who has known the giant for many years, and is worthy of being a brother.

The peasant family claims to have [-] disciples, covering all social strata. In terms of intelligence, it is indeed much higher than the Mo family.

Ji Wuye smiled and said, "It's not just because of the farmer's family. I have stayed in Xinzheng for a while, so I naturally know a little bit about Ji Wuye and Ye Mu."

This time, the reason why he told Duanmurong and the others that Jinghu Medical Village was no longer safe and was being targeted was precisely because he felt that the time had come to enter the Mojia Organ City.

Not only that, he even ordered Bai Feng to chase after himself and the main characters of the Mo family, not to kill them, as long as the Mo family can pick him up and enter the city.

Of course, it is natural to have to do a full set of dramas. For those ordinary disciples of the Mo family, naturally there is no need to keep them.

Ji Wuye naturally received the news that Wei Zhuang and others appeared near Jinghu Medical Village.

Mrs. Pearl ordered them to be driven away, and Ji Wuye naturally knew it.

Mrs. Pearl still satisfied him with her work, and driving Wei Zhuang and others away saved him a lot of trouble.

Why did Wei Zhuang appear here, Ji Wuye didn't feel the slightest surprise.

With Li Si's character, since he can use it, he will use it.

Moreover, Wei Zhuang was a remnant of the Han Dynasty, and it was also one of the factors of instability. It was natural for him to fight against the forces of the Mo family and other rivers and lakes, and it was also in the interests of the Qin state.


The Jinghu Medical Village, which was originally as peaceful as a paradise, has now become a sea of ​​blood, and the bodies of Mohist disciples in black and white linen shirts can be seen everywhere.

The blood dyed the ground under his feet a dark red, and the strong smell of blood made people breathless.

Looking at this hell-like picture, a Mohist disciple standing in a pool of blood couldn't bear it any longer, dropped the sword in his hand, and ran frantically towards the outside of the courtyard.

In the pool of blood, the red owl in the dark red gold armor looked at the figure in front of him who was stumbling and running in a hurry. His mouth and corners were slightly raised, and he licked his mouth and lips. When his body moved, he wanted to catch up and get to know him. .

At this moment, Yingge in a blue shirt stopped in front of him and said lightly: "Enough is enough, let him go~".

"Pfft..." A playful smile appeared on the red owl's face, and said, "Yuge, since when did you actually have a kind heart?"

Red Owl is someone who even Mo Crow doesn't like. Since Yingge can become the leader of the Hundred Bird Killers as a woman, even Red Owl has no problem with her.

It's because Yingge is a qualified killer, no matter her strength or personality, and a killer that the red owl is convinced.

Unlike many killers in Hundred Birds, Yingge is an authentic professional killer who stepped on the corpses of many companions and survived in the training base.

This kind of parrot song really surprised the red owl.

This kind of parrot song really surprised the red owl.

What happened during the years when she was out on a mission made a Yingge, who was trained as a killer since childhood, feel kindness in her heart.

In the Hundred Bird Killer Group, the red owl belongs to the thorn-headed type, and each of the black crow and the white phoenix present can get along with him.

Even the parrot song can't see the red owl's many practices.

As a killer, as long as it is the target of the mission, no matter how old or young, it can be done. This is indeed a necessary quality for a qualified killer.

But killing is killing, there is absolutely no need to torture each other.

Yingge and Moya kill people, they all kill for missions.

In the past, the young Bai Feng might still be too soft-hearted, but after Mo Ya's training, basically as long as it is the goal of the mission, he can be a killer.

But the red owl is different. It is completely for the pleasure of killing people. Basically, very few of the people killed by him are complete.

His goal is basically to be tortured by him until he has a mental breakdown, and then give the opponent the final blow.

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