This kind of distorted character, it is strange that someone can get along with him.

Yingge's expression suddenly became bright, and she said indifferently: "'"You should know that the purpose of the Duke's order for us to kill these people, let this person go, just so that this person can send the news here back to the Mo family."

The red owl smiled disdainfully: "Kill this person, with the strength of the Mo family, we can still know what happened here."

"Okay, our mission isn't to kill all these Mo family disciples, let's just let them go. Yingge is right. Letting this person leave will just allow him to send the news here back to the Mo family."

Mrs. Pearl stretched lazily, glanced at the corpses everywhere, raised her eyebrows and covered her nose and complained, "It's been a long time since I did this kind of thing, I'm really not used to it. Such a taste."

"Now that the matter here is understood, let's go... I have to go back and take a good bath to wash away the pungent bloody smell."

"Yes, ma'am."

Yingge, Red Owl, and Black Crow bowed to Madam Pearl.

Since Mrs. Pearl (Qian Li Zhao) has already spoken, the red owl doesn't say anything anymore. In front of Mrs. Pearl, he doesn't dare to be presumptuous.

This is not just because of the identity of Mrs. Pearl, but also because of Mrs. Pearl's terrifying methods.

As a killer, no one is afraid of death, but if he offends Mrs. Pearl, then he can't die even if he wants to.

After all, Mrs. Pearl used to be one of the four villains in the night, and her deterrent power did not come only from her identity.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 406 Red Owl (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

Mrs. Pearl turned away without looking back. She couldn't bear some of the red owl's special hobbies.

At the moment when Mrs. Pearl left, the tree kept staring at the soul chasing bird here, spreading its wings and flying towards this side.

This soul-chasing bird with brown-red feathers landed on the red owl's shoulder, tilted its huge head, and looked at the red owl with its copper bell-like eyes.

The red owl's mouth and horns raised a sinister smile, nodded, and said, "Go."

After obtaining the owner's consent, Soul Chasing Bird flapped its wings excitedly, landed on a corpse, lowered its head, and began to peck at the flesh and blood on the corpse.

The red owl squatted down, stretched out two fingers, and plunged into the corpse lying at his feet, smearing the blood on the corpse.

Afterwards, he smeared the blood on his fingers onto his lips: "This fresh and hot blood is the most fascinating, don't you think?"

Looking at the red owl's blood-stained lips, Mo Ya's eyes were full of disgust. Even after working together for so many years, he still couldn't accept his behavior, and Yingge on the side couldn't help frowning.

Even Mingzhufu 853 people couldn't bear this kind of behavior of using blood as lipstick.

Although the red owl has a very evil personality, he is the one who knows how to cater to the best among the birds.

It can be said that in front of Ji Wuye, he is proficient in everything.

He knows that many people can't accept his behavior, and he may not care about other people's eyes, but he has to restrain himself a little in front of Mrs. Pearl.

Of course, this is not just because he is afraid of Mrs. Pearl's means. Even if Mrs. Pearl is just an ordinary weak woman, he will still be concerned about her feelings.

Just because the other party is Ji Wuye's woman.

In front of the red owl, it is enough for Mrs. Pearl to have such an identity.

The character of the red owl can be described as extremely complex. On the one hand, it is cruel and surly, cold-blooded and ruthless, on the other hand, it is like a little man who is slapping horses. In front of his master, he is flattering and flattering to the point where there is no lower limit.

He is simply a wonderful creature in the Hundred Bird Killers.

Handsome guys like Mo Ya and Bai Feng in the Hundred Bird Killer Group, no matter what, they will more or less take into account their own face, which is often said to be burdened by idols.

But he is different. In addition to his appearance, he competes with Mo Ya and Bai Feng, and in terms of personality, it can be said that all the negative things are concentrated on him.

To put it simply, his character is not good for his looks.

Ruthless, jealous, cruel, vengeful.

Ruthless, jealous, cruel, vengeful.

With these characteristics, no matter how you look at it, it should be a ruthless killer image, but among the birds, the most good at flattering and flattering.

Therefore, in front of him, you don't need to have much strength, as long as you are very close to Ji Wuye, it is enough to make him bow down.

But if they weren't close enough, even if they were facing Mo Ya and Bai Feng alone, they would still be provocative.

Yingge and Mo Ya don't have the patience to stay by such a pervert's side and watch him do some disgusting things.

Without answering his words, he turned and walked in the direction where Mrs. Pearl left.

On the other side, the always-white phoenix swooped down, two huge claws grabbed onto a carriage behind it, and dragged the carriage towards the cliff beside it.

At the moment when the carriage fell off the cliff, Thief Zhi jumped, jumped up (ajch), and landed beside Ji Wuye, looking at the carriage that had fallen off the cliff behind him, patted Yuexiong's mouth, his heart palpitating. Said: "Scared me to death, where did such a big strange bird come from."

The carriage galloped fast on the rugged mountain road, looking at the big white bird that was circling overhead, Ji Wuye said lightly, "You know the person on the bird's back, his name is Bai Feng. "

Hearing this name, Roof Zhi was startled, and said, "A bird killer in the Duke's Mansion?"

Ji Wuye nodded and said solemnly: "If I expected it well, Bai Feng will definitely not be the only one here. What about the people from your Mo family who came to meet you? If you don't hurry, I'm afraid we will all have to explain it here."

Roof Zhi's heart couldn't help but hang up. Not long ago, the killers of the Duke's Mansion left an indelible impression on him. Now that I think about it, I can't help but tremble in my heart.

This was the first time he had encountered such an opponent who couldn't run or beat him. When he recalled the scene where he was unable to fight back at the Duke's Mansion, his heart sank.

Now among their group, he and Ji Wuye are the only ones who have some fighting power.

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