But for some reason, he did not do this, but followed Yan Lingji unhurriedly and came here.

Ji Wuye came to the door slowly, only to hear the charming and charming voice of a woman coming from the house.

"Tsk tsk, look at this tender face, I really feel pity for it. I never imagined that there would be such a tender beauty like you in a place like the Mo family where all the big men gather."

Hearing this intoxicating voice, Ji Wuye couldn't help but feel relieved.

Throughout the entire Qin Dynasty, the only voice and sound that can make people feel pregnant and pregnant is only her Yan Lingji.

Yan Lingji's voice and voice seem to penetrate the human soul. Once, when reading the original work, the owner of Yan Lingji's voice made Ji Wuye's soul tremble.

Originally, he tried every means to get Yan Lingji, in order to let her call the master to him every day without using her to do anything all day.

But until now, I haven't been able to hear her call her master.

This has to be said, for Ji Wuye, it is a great regret.

Originally, he was really worried that Yan Lingji's unpredictable personality had hijacked Duanmu Rong inexplicably and would do anything out of the ordinary to Duanmu Rong.

At least for now, Duanmurong is still safe.

You had to make him think more, after all, Yan Lingji didn't seem to have anything to do with Duanmu Rong. Since the task has been completed, she has no reason to keep Duanmu Rong.

Looking through the cracks and gaps by the door, looking inwards and outwards, I saw Duanmurong hanging with her hands tied, her toes barely touching the ground, and seeing that there were no scars on Duanmurong's body, Ji Wuye slowly calmed down.

Duanmu Rong's hands were hoisted up high, and Ji Wuye couldn't help gulping her saliva secretly when she saw her slender figure.

On weekdays, Duanmu Rong wears loose and conservative clothes, and doesn't show off her figure very well. If it wasn't for the sudden situation in the carriage, even Ji Wuye would not have known that her figure would be so attractive.

Now, because of being hung up, her body, top, and clothes are tight and taut, and her body and sections that rise and fall are naturally unobstructed.

"Demon girl, kill if you want to. If you want to learn from me how to enter and enter the Mojia Organ City, I advise you not to waste your time." Duanmurong's voice was as calm as usual.

"Kill you? Do you think I dare not? 0.1? The body of the person who died in my hands is enough to fill the lake outside your medical village." Ji Yanling raised Duanmurong's jaw lightly. , smiled charmingly, and said: "Women like you are so watery, wouldn't it be too cheap for you to die so easily?"

As soon as the voice fell, the flame spirit Ji Su waved his hand, only to hear a thorn, and the sound of the cloth being torn and torn came from the house.

Ji Wuye couldn't help his teeth sour. Although he couldn't see what kind of picture the front was, he could think of it.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 409 What do you want to do? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

Duanmu Rong finally changed color, and said with shame and anger, "Ah...you witch, what are you going to do...I'll fight with you..."

Duanmu Rong began to struggle desperately and stood up, looking at her writhing plump buttocks, Ji Wuye's eyes lit up and rubbed his hands together.

This Yan Lingji is really too much, how can you mess up and pull other people's clothes?

Besides, who is that in there?That is his good brother, the goddess in the heart of Thief Zhi.

You do this, don't you make it difficult for labor and management.

On the one hand, she is the goddess in her brother's mind, and on the other hand, she is her own woman, so it's not good to help either side.

That's all, just shouted at the thief Zhi and shouted labor and capital, you can't let Yanling Ji Hu come, and then go in and stop her after a second look.

At this moment, he felt a heat in his ears, a fragrant fragrance like orchid and musk deer came to his nostrils, and a soft and charming voice sounded in his ears: "My lord, what are you looking at? so fascinated?"

The sound was not too loud or too small, just enough for everyone in the room to hear it, Ji Wuye was startled, turned his head, and glared fiercely at Mrs. Mingzhu's pretty face that was close at hand.


With a snap, a slap slapped hard on her round, plump buttocks, lowered her voice and said solemnly: "If you mess up again, I'll..."

"Just what? Hit me? Do you want me to get a whip for you now? I haven't been hit by you for a while, and my skin is really itchy."

With a charming smile on Mrs. Pearl's face, she licked and licked the seductive lips and lips, and the smoke waves flowed around her body, up and down, exuding a captivating charm.

This insufferable Mrs. Pearl really made his teeth itch with hatred, and there was absolutely nothing he could do about her.

Although at some point, he still likes this Mrs. Pearl very much.

But at times like this, the saucy, fox, and fox are trying to piss off labor.

Hearing the sound and sound from outside the door, Duanmu Rong's body trembled, her complexion was bloody, red from her ears and roots to her neck, and she bit her mouth and lips.

From the sound and sound, there seems to be a man outside the door. She has always been very conservative. When she thought of a strange man outside the door, and then felt the slightest coolness from the front of the moon, she suddenly felt ashamed and indignant, and just wanted to find a man. Drill in and out of the seam.

When Yanling Ji heard the familiar voice, a meaningful smile appeared on her face, she let go of Duanmu Rong, twisted her limbs, moved her lotus steps, and slowly walked towards the door. Come.

"Concubine, I have seen Lord Guo Gong."

Yan Lingji had a charming smile on her face, her hands were flat in front of Zuo Yuekua, her right leg was bent back, her knees were bent, her head was bowed, and she did it all in one go, with a graceful salute.

Ji Wuye suppressed his voice, waved his hand impatiently, and said, "Okay, don't pretend to be in front of me, why didn't you greet me before?"

He glared at Yan Lingji viciously and said, "Get out of here now, I'll be troubled by looking at you, and when you really become my concubine in the future, let's see how the labor and management deal with you."

He glared at Yan Lingji viciously and said, "Get out of here now, I'll be troubled by looking at you, and when you really become my concubine in the future, let's see how the labor and management deal with you."

"Yes, my lord." Yan Lingji giggled, tapped the ground with her toes, and her body floated out.

"And you." Ji Wuye turned his head, glared at Mrs. Mingzhu with a charming smile on her face, and said, "You also quickly disappear from the eyes of the labor and management, seeing the two of you, the labor and management will not be angry. Come."

Mrs. Mingzhu was slightly stunned, laughed softly, and leaned in front of Ji Wuye, and said with a sigh of relief: "My lord, what kind of medicine did you take wrong?"

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