"I can understand when you see Yan Lingji making trouble. After all, if you can see it, but you can't eat it, let alone you, I will make trouble for you."

"But the concubine seems to be on call. If you want, even at this time, even here, if you want to do anything, I can do it?"

After speaking, Mrs. Mingzhu slowly raised her arm, Xiu's long white fingers slid over Ji Wuye's Yuexiong's bore, and said softly, "Tell me, what's the trouble with you? "


Ji Wuye glanced viciously in front of Mrs. Mingzhu's majestic Yuexiong, gritted her teeth and said, "Really? Then I really want to teach you in front of these subordinates today. How to be an obedient woman."

Madeleine, the labor and management can't take care of you, can you?

After saying that, Ji Wuye's hands moved towards Mrs. Mingzhu's Feng and Man Yuexiong.

At this moment, Mrs. Pearl lightly tapped the ground with her toes, jumped backwards, distanced herself from Ji Wuye, and giggled, "There is a delicate little beauty waiting for the king."

"It's another day. Today, I won't delay the good deeds of Lord Guogong."

The words and voice fell, and Mrs. Mingzhu laughed lightly and turned away. The figure gradually disappeared from Ji Wuye's eyes.

Glancing at the direction where Mrs. Pearl disappeared, Ji 443 Wuye shook his head helplessly, turned around, stepped over the already decayed threshold, and stepped into the house.

Hearing the sound of the door being closed, and the sound of footsteps getting closer, Duanmurong held her breath and did not dare to move, her heart beating violently.

"You... who are you? What... do you want to... do?"

Ji Wuye didn't answer, with a faint smile on his face, he came step by step behind Duanmu Rong.

With a tear, a piece of cloth was torn off from her skirt, put it in front of her eyes, raised her arm, and passed through Duanmu Rong's shoulder, gently covering the cloth in her eyes superior.

Duanmu Rong's body trembled, and a trace of uneasiness rose in her heart. Fear rose in her heart, gradually spreading towards her whole body, and she said in a trembling voice, "You...you want to... ...doing what?"


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 410 Sorry, I'm Late (For Flowers, For a Monthly Pass)

What do you want to do?Isn't it obvious enough that you are doing it yourself?

It has reached this point, but the other party still doesn't know what he wants to express in this series of actions. It seems that he has really failed, so he should be more obvious.

Ji Wuye, who was standing behind Duanmurong, put it on slowly and slowly, and wrapped her hands around Liu Yueyao, who passed her, and covered her full moon.

"Yeah..." Duanmu Rong exclaimed, smelling the strong and heavy male surname, struggling desperately.

"Please...please...no...no, yes."

don't want?Don't what?do not stop?

Feeling the constantly twisting and moving female Qiao's body in her arms, it was obvious that Duanmu Rong was responding to herself and asked herself not to stop.

Since other girls are so active, as a big man, if he rejects the other party at this time, wouldn't it make the other party very embarrassed and embarrassed?

How can this girl be a person in the future?

Thinking of this, in order not to hurt Duanmu sister's heart, Ji Wuye's movements and movements in his hands became wild...

After an unknown amount of time, Ji Wuye, who was standing behind her, slowly lifted the skirt of Duanmu's sister, Pear Blossom and Rain, begging for mercy.

In the faint ray of light coming from outside the window, Duanmurong suddenly frowned, as if she had experienced some unbearable pain, biting Sakura, her lips were slightly pouting, and the gentle and turning female Qiao's cry was no longer suppressed. It kept overflowing.

A drop of clear tears fell from her eyes, and the female Qiao's body was light and trembling, and her water-like eyes were like a dream, gradually becoming blurred.


"Chu Yue needs to be slender, slender and light in his palms. After ten years of dreaming of Yangzhou, he won the honorable name of Qing and Lou Bo... It's very wet, really wet hands' ' ."

In the quiet farmyard, Ji Wuye, who was sitting in the corridor, lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and raised his head: "Huh..."

A round smoke ring flew into the air, slowly and slowly dispersing towards the surroundings.

"My lord, seems to be in a good mood?"

Mrs. Mingzhu lightly placed her hands on his shoulders and came to Ji Wuye's side, with a faint smile on her face, she leaned down to ask for the moonlight, put her hands on his shoulders lightly, and said with a sigh of relief: "It seems that the taste of this Chu girl has made our lord very satisfied?"

Chu girl?Ji Wuye was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, he really didn't know which country Duanmurong was from.

Jinghu Medical Village is located at the junction of Qin and Chu, and it was once the land of Chu. In addition to his plagiarized poem from later generations, Mrs. Mingzhu called Duanmu Rong as a Chu girl, and it seemed that there was no problem.

"Haha... Satisfied, really satisfied, don't have a taste, do you want to take a sip?" Ji Wuye laughed and brought the cigarette between his fingers to Mrs. Pearl's face.

"I'm not good at this..." Mrs. Mingzhu shook her head with a smile, sat down beside Ji Wuye, and said with a smile: "That woman's cold expression is so boring, so unexpectedly Can you give birth to a feeling of wandering, kiln, and son?"

What does it feel like to go shopping, kiln, and son?When did labor and capital feel this way?

Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, then thought about the poem he just read out of his own feelings.

Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, then thought about the poem he just read out of his own feelings.

This poem does seem to have the meaning of visiting, kiln, and son.

Ji Wuye laughed and said, "I told you about these things, but you wouldn't understand. By the way, I ordered them to go down and let them play a show with me later."

"Yes, my lord."


The moon and the stars are sparse, and the twilight is like a large black net, gradually falling down, covering the whole land.

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