Under the dark night, the rolling mountains are like sleeping giants, and the faint lights are swaying and swaying gently through the paper windows.

Duanmu Rong, whose arms were raised high and tossed by Ji Wuye for several hours, was already exhausted and fell into a semi-conscious state.

It is no wonder that although this Duanmu girl is one of the leaders of the Mo family, she is a descendant of a medical family with roots.

Physicians have never been good at martial arts, and barely know the self-defense of a three-legged cat.

After being hanged on the beam for a long time, she was already very good without being tossed down.

Her will was not sober, and she vaguely heard a creak, the sound of the door being opened.

Her body trembled involuntarily, thinking that the demon was going to toss her again in the afternoon. As the slight footsteps approached slowly and slowly, Sister Duanmu's shoulders also began to tremble slightly.

"''Miss Rong? Miss Rong, wake up, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing some urgent and familiar voices and sounds coming into her ears, Sister Duanmu opened her eyes with difficulty.

In front of him, a blurry figure gradually became clearer.

Duanmu Rong's lips moved, and he said in a voice like a mosquito: "Ji...Mr. Ji?"

"Well, it's me, I'm late and I've made you suffer." Ji Wuye said with a guilty face, and after saying a word of remorse, he hurriedly untied the rope tied to Sister Duanmu's arm.

When the rope was untied (of Li's), the girl Duanmu, who had already taken off her strength, slackened, paralyzed and softened, and fell towards the ground.

Ji Wuye hurriedly took Sister Duanmu into his arms. Seeing that the clothes on her body were already worn out, she quickly took off the coat on her body and wrapped it around her.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I'm late, I'll take you away."

After that, Ji Wuye picked up the Duanmu sister, jumped, and rushed out of the small courtyard...


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 411 Who is this?

"I didn't expect the rebellion of the Mo family to find it here, and you're still here alone. Should you say that you are courageous? Or...is your rebellious way of thinking a little different from ordinary people?"

The shadow came out, and the red owl in the dark red gold armor walked out slowly. On his shoulders, a soul-chasing bird with dark red feathers tilted its huge head and stared at it without blinking. Ji Wuye, who had just stepped out of the door, was standing there.

In such a dark night, being stared at by a dark red owl like this, even Ji Wuye couldn't help feeling a little intimidating, not to mention the Duanmu girl in his arms.

Duanmu girl, who was already very weak, looked at the copper bell-sized eyes staring straight at her, and she couldn't help shrinking into Ji Wuye's arms.

Looking at the figure that suddenly appeared, Ji Wuye couldn't help but take a step, with a solemn expression on his face, clenched his arms, and said to Duanmu Rong who was in his arms: "Don't be afraid, I will definitely be able to take you out of here. "

After that, Ji Wuye changed direction, the wind was blowing under his feet, he jumped, crossed the short courtyard wall, hugged Duanmu Rong, and ran towards the depths of the woods.

At this moment, the footsteps suddenly stopped, and he looked ahead vigilantly.

I saw a 837 woman in a blue dress walked out slowly from behind an old tree, her mouth and corners slightly raised, with a quiet smile, with a crisp and crisp like the first cry of a yellow warbler. His voice said, "Where are you two going? Do you need a little girl to send you two?"

Duanmu Rong glanced at the woman in front of her, raised her head, looked at Ji Wuye, and said weakly, "Who is this woman, why are there so many people I haven't seen before?"

Duanmurong comes from a doctor who doesn't care about the world. She naturally has limited understanding of the world's affairs and people in the world, and the red owl and the parrot song have disappeared from the eyes of the world for a long time. It's normal for her not to know.

Ji Wuye looked solemn, stared solemnly at the woman in front, and said solemnly: "Yingge, like the man in the yard just now, one of the leaders of the Hundred Bird Killer Group."

"The strength and position in the Hundred Bird Killers are far higher than Bai Feng."

Ji Wuye's remarks are a little exaggerated. The strength of Yingge and Red Owl is indeed higher than that of Baifeng, but there are limits.

He boasted about the two of them, nothing more than to let Duanmu Rong know how difficult it was for him to save her this time.

In the original book, Genie didn't do anything for you, even (ajch) didn't even say a few words to please you, you can fall in love with him inexplicably.

The labor and management took such a big risk to save you, don't you have a heart for the labor and the management, and you still don't fall in love with the labor and management?

It can be seen from the original work that although Duanmu Rong is in her twenties, in the ancient times when she married and had children in her teens, she was already an older leftover girl.

But in terms of emotion, it is blank, pure like a blank sheet of paper, no different from an innocent little girl who has never seen the world.

For her, Genie was nothing more than a little rumor she heard from her master before.

After hearing her master mention some rumors about Gai Nie, and after hearing her master admonish her not to fall in love with a man who uses a sword, he made a rule that the person named Gai will not be saved, and the person who uses the sword will not be saved.

It is no wonder that the swordsman she knew at the time was probably the same as the Genie mentioned by her master.

Perhaps, it was just that when her master talked about the rumors about Gai Nie, it made her look forward to it.

I was worried that I would fall in love with him in the future, so I set up the rule of not saving the surname Gai and the rule of not saving the sword.

Because of this, she established such a nonsense rule, which shows that she is really silly and cute in terms of love.

Of course, this can't blame her, a little girl who grew up in a place other than the world, how much can she know.

Of course, this can't blame her, a little girl who grew up in a place other than the world, how much can she know.

Thinking that after Duanmu Rong rescued Gai Nie in the original novel, because Gai Nie had inadvertently made physical contact with her several times, she fell in love with Gai Nie inexplicably, and Ji Wuye decided to act in such a play.

Sure enough, when she heard that the woman in front of her and the man in the courtyard were stronger than Bai Feng, Miss Duanmu looked at Ji Wuye with a hint of worry, and said with difficulty, "Mr. Ji, if you wait Down......"

"I didn't expect you to know quite a lot. Even the red owl, who hasn't been seen in front of the world for so many years, knows about it. Moreover, you actually know Yingge, which really surprises me."

Before Duanmu Rong finished speaking, a playful voice entered the ears of the two from behind.

Duanmu Rong turned her head and looked back. Under the faint moonlight, a black figure stood on the courtyard wall.

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