This person's overall attire is dominated by ink colors. The close-fitting strong suit and the fluffy black feather shawl reflect his graceful and evil temperament.

Duanmurong bit her lips and lips, and said softly, "Who is this?"

Ji Wuye said: "Ji Wuye's confidant, Mo Ya, one of the leaders of the Hundred Bird Killer Group, from a certain point of view, he can also be regarded as half of Bai Feng's master and life mentor."

Although Miss Duanmu didn't know the strength of these people, she was still very clear about Bai Feng's terrifying strength.

Seeing another enemy with strength above Bai Feng appeared, Duanmu Rong's heart sank.

"This uncle is quite insightful. He knows a lot of things. I'm about to fall in love with you."

Not far away, on the trunk of an old tree, Yan Lingji in a long red and black dress sat on the trunk, swaying the two moons back lightly, looking at the two with a smile.

Duanmurong is no stranger to Yanling Ji who hijacked her.

If she remembered correctly, before robbing her here, this woman seemed to be in contact with the Ji Ye who was holding her, which showed her strength.

"Don't say it's you, even I am a little moved. Since you know them, I even have some doubts, do you even know me?"

In order to perform this show well in front of Duanmu Rong, Ji Wuye has made a lot of money.

Mrs. Pearl lightly moved towards the two of them.

Duanmu Rong looked for fame, and saw that this woman was wearing a dark purple lace and silk dress, with a long moon and hips, curves, lines, and plumpness. The female Qiao was pretty and exquisite.

His face was as white as jade, his mouth and corners were slightly raised, slightly raised, and he had a smile with no female eyebrows.

The proud Moon Hungarian Department is about to come out, walking slowly, the two beautiful and powerful moons retreating lightly, swaying, swaying, swaying, swaying, posture, wind, and emotion.

And the man in the dark red gold silk armor that he had seen in the small courtyard before, with a dark red soul chasing bird on his shoulders, was following closely behind, coming slowly.


PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt has been built: the umbrella wine is flowing, the uncles who are interested can add it.


Chapter 412 Can You Be Careful? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)


As soon as Sister Duanmu spoke, Ji Wuye jumped up and ran desperately in one direction without looking back.

Duanmu Rong, who was lying in Ji Wuye's arms, looked at Ji Wuye nervously and said, "Who is she and why does she make you so nervous?"

"Don't ask, her strength is even higher than mine. This time, maybe the two of us really might die here."

Ji Wuye looked solemn, with a heavy face, holding Duanmu Rong and flying in the woods~jumping.

Anyway, even when Mrs. Pearl was in South Korea, few people saw her, and she has never been seen before the eyes of the world over the years.

And the members of the Hundred Bird Killer Group have also caught up at this time. If it is only about light power, in this continuous leap, any of them can catch up with Ji Wuye.

But at this time, it seems that he didn't do his best, just following Ji Wuye not far behind, constantly losing his skills.

Ji Wuye, on the other hand, let those moves hit him on the back, and ran without looking back holding Duanmu Rong.

In the past, these killers who went straight to the point when they made a shot seem to be offline today. Even though Ji Wuye's back was dripping with blood, he didn't hit the point.

Looking at Ji Wuye, who was clenching his teeth, sweating and supporting, Duanmu Rong's eyes gradually became misty, and he grabbed the front of his clothes and said, "Put me down, I'm alone. It's better to die than both of them die here..."

"Shut up..." Ji Wuye glared at Duanmu Rong, who was in his arms, and said, "If I left you here, why did I come here in the first place? Why don't I go directly to Jicheng City with them? Okay? Dare to say one more word, I'll smash your ass and buttocks."

Hearing this, Duanmu Rong's fair and pretty face rose to a blush as she felt the warmth that came from the big hand wrapped around her moon.

Smelling the strong and heavy masculine breath, Duanmu Rong's mind couldn't help but a thought flashed through her mind. It seemed that she had smelled this smell somewhere, and it seemed familiar.

Forget it, now that life and death are uncertain, I still think about what to do with all this mess.

In Ji Wuye's arms, she felt an unprecedented sense of security, and Duanmu Rong silently put her cheek on his moon.

The pounding heartbeat was clearly audible, and he closed his eyes gently, and a sweet smile slowly appeared in the corners of his mouth.

"Ji...Brother, are we going to die?"

Duanmu Rong murmured softly, her voice was as calm as water, as if she did not have the slightest fear of death.

Perhaps because he felt that he was getting closer to death, he no longer cared about the so-called secular etiquette, and even the title changed according to his own heart.

He lowered his head and glanced at the Duanmu girl, who was obediently shrunk in his arms like a civet cat, Ji Wuye's mouth and corners rose imperceptibly slowly, and then said solemnly: "Don't worry, I am here, You won't die."

"With you here, I won't die?" Duanmurong pondered for a long time, tears filled her eyes instantly, and she said in a trembling voice, "If I could meet you earlier, it would be great."

met me earlier?It's not too late now.

Seeing that he had achieved the result he wanted, Ji Wuye turned his head secretly and made a color towards Mo Ya and the others who were chasing behind him. Randomly hide behind a big tree.

Looking at Ji Wuye hiding behind a big tree, Yingge couldn't help but twitch her lips.

Brother, can you be more professional?Even if it's time to get rid of us, at least you have to be careful.

Just hide behind a tree in front of us, can you find a thicker tree?

Just hide behind a tree in front of us, can you find a thicker tree?

The corners of your clothes are exposed, what are you going to make a fuss about?

Looking at the exposed corners of his clothes, Mo Ya had a strange expression on his face.

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