"Snow Girl?"

When he heard Ji Wuye mention this name, Duanmurong's face showed a look of indescribable expression, and said: "She... Forget it, you will understand when you arrive at the office city, let's go."

When he heard Ji Wuye mention this name, Duanmurong's face showed a look of indescribable expression, and said: "She... Forget it, you will understand when you arrive at the office city, let's go."

Um?Could it be that something happened to Snow Maiden?

Seeing Duanmurong's appearance, he knew that it would be a waste of time to ask again, and when he got to the office city, everything would be known.

"Hiss..." Ji Wuye just stood up, then he sucked in a breath of cold air, frowning slightly.

Duanmu Rong, who noticed the difference, paused, turned around quickly, looked at Ji Wuye nervously, and said with concern: "What's wrong? Are you injured?"

The thought of so many masters chasing and killing the two last night made Duanmu Rong's heart hang.

Ji Wuye gritted his teeth, a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead, gritted his teeth and said, "I...it's okay...it's...don't worry."

It's all like this, so it's all right?deceive who?

Duanmurong hurried to Ji Wuye's side, and said with concern, "Why are you still stubborn? Where is the discomfort? Let me see."

As she said that, Duan Murong looked nervously at Ji Wuye's body. When she saw his back, she subconsciously covered her mouth, and tears instantly poured out of her eyes. ........

I saw that the clothes on Ji Wuye's back had been dyed bright red with blood, and the wounds were densely interlaced, and the blood was still flowing out.

Duanmu Rong's body, Zi Jian, gradually trembled and shuddered. She didn't say a word. Her breathing and breathing became faster and faster. Tears fell silently.

Ji Wuye grinned and said, "It's just a skin injury, it's fine."

He didn't lie about this, it was really just a skin injury. The people of the Hundred Bird Killers were all his subordinates. Can they really attack him?

In fact, the wound was already scarred last night, but when Duanmu Rong woke up, in order to make the visual effect a little more shocking, he secretly let the wound tear again.

Otherwise, if he really bleeds all night, wouldn't he have become a human?

When he just got up, he gasped for a breath of cold air. It was true that he didn't need to pretend to attract Duanmu Rong's attention.

After all, when he deliberately cracked the wound, there was still a little pain.

It's not in vain for him to work so hard, and the effect is still very good.

When Duanmurong saw that the wound on his back was still bleeding, she burst into tears in an instant.

"Lay down, down...3.3..."

"Huh?" Ji Wuye was stunned for a while, as if he didn't hear clearly, and looked at Duanmu Rong in amazement.

He has always let women lie down, how can there be a reason for a woman to let him lie down?

Duanmurong wiped the tears on her face: "I'll let you lie down..."

Seeing the serious look on Duanmurong's face, Ji Wuye shook his head helplessly, lying on the bluestone...

PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt was built: [-], those who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 414 Shao Si Ming (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

Looking at the crisscrossing wounds on Ji Wuye's back, Duanmurong's eyes were flushed, tears fell silently, and she said softly, "Does it hurt?"

Ji Wuye laughed and said, "It hurts a little bit, but no matter how much it hurts, it's not like Miss Rong's distress."

Since she already knew his character from Xiao Gao and the others, and looking at Duanmu Rong's distressed appearance, he didn't need to pretend any more.

"It's all hurt like this, and you're still talking lightly. You really are not a good thing." Duanmurong's little face was slightly red, and she buried her head, and started to deal with the wound on Ji Wuye's back.

Ji Wuye laughed and said: "Okay, don't worry, I'm really fine, don't believe me, give me a try?"


Duanmurong's face was shy and red. After checking it, she found that as he said, it was just a skin injury, so she felt relieved, stretched out her hand and pinched Ji Wuye's moonlight, and said lightly: " Do you want me to find Snow Maiden and let her kiss you?"

Maybe even Duanmurong didn't realize it, but there was a hint of complexity in her tone.

Ji Wuye smiled bitterly and said, "You really can't open the pot without raising it. Since you know about the matter between me and her, then you should also know that my relationship with her is actually not that good."

"It's good that she doesn't kill me. Let her kiss me? I'm afraid she would rather die than see me again."

While dealing with the wound on his back, Duanmu Rong said inexplicably, "Who knows what position you are in her heart."

"Okay, don't mention her." Ji Wuye smiled and said, "I actually like you more than her."

Duanmurong's movements in her hands paused for a moment, and then said lightly, "You have only known me for a few days? What can you like about me?"

Ji Wuye smiled and said, "That's a lot, I like your gentleness and tenderness, and your thoughtfulness and caring, with you there, no matter how many injuries I suffer, if you don't agree, I won't die. "

"Am I gentle, gentle, and considerate?" Duanmurong shook his head helplessly and said, "Can I be related to these two words?"

Ji Wuye said: "Why can't it be related? Although we have only known each other for a few days, others may not know, but I can see that you are a woman who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside."

"If you are not gentle and gentle, then there is no gentle and gentle woman in this world."

Duanmurong's expression darkened, she sighed softly, a trace of sadness flashed on her face, and said, "What do you know? Do you know what happened to me in the past two days when I was arrested?"

What happened to you is the work of labor and management, can labor and management know?

Ji Wuye said: "No matter what happens to you, it doesn't affect me from liking you, just like even if you don't like me, it still can't stop me from liking you."

Duanmurong sighed secretly and stopped talking.

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