In the past, she might not have a good impression of Ji Wuye.

Not to mention favoritism, because of the relationship between Xiao Gao and Xue Nv, Duanmu Rong even disliked him.

But since the other party gave her life to save her this time, even she had to admit that the other party did leave an indelible mark on her heart.

After a busy day, Duanmu Rong finally treated the wound on Ji Wuye's back. Fortunately, in this forest, herbs are not difficult to find.

After a busy day, Duanmu Rong finally treated the wound on Ji Wuye's back. Fortunately, in this forest, herbs are not difficult to find.

Besides, the herbs used to stop bleeding are just some ordinary herbs, which are still very common in the mountains and forests of this era.

After dressing Ji Wuye, Duanmurong did not agree to hurry, so she found a nearby farmhouse to live in.

I have to say that Duanmurong deserves to be called a medical fairy, and she is indeed very talented in medicine.

However, in just a few days, the wound on Ji Wuye's back had healed.

After Ji Wuye's wounds healed, the two rushed to the Mojia Office City.

The mountains are ups and downs, the forests are vast, the sky is clear, and there are no clouds.

In the lush mountain forest, Ji Wuye galloped down the path in the forest with Duanmu Rong in his arms.

As a descendant of the medical family, Duanmu Rong is not good at martial arts. In addition, the situation of the Mo family is in critical condition. The two of them are eager to return to the Mo family's office city, so Ji Wuye has to carry her on their way.

After these few days of getting along, Duanmu Rong had some affection for Ji Wuye in her heart. Although she knew that the other party was deliberately talking about the lame excuse that he had no money, and that he couldn't buy horses nearby, he also let him go. .

Suddenly, Ji Wuye, who was talking and laughing with Duanmu Rong, had a condensed expression, stopped, and looked forward vigilantly.

A green leaf slowly floated down from the sky.

Under the mild sunlight, a beautiful girl stood on a small branch.

The girl covered her face with a light veil, and had long purple flowing shawl hair. She looked weak and lovely. She wore a light white dress with strange patterns.

As elegant as lilac, lavender hair dreamily flutters like silk.

Eyes with a touch of sadness, like delicate and beautiful amethyst, are so beautiful that people will be deeply immersed in 103 at a glance.

Under the breezy breeze, her clothes are elegant, she is as beautiful as a deep and long dream, but it is out of reach, but people are willing to follow her away and never wake up again.

Looking at the girl on the branch, the corners of Ji Wuye's mouth slowly rose, and he slowly put down Duanmu Rong in his arms.

"It's really interesting, didn't expect to meet her here?"

Duanmurong looked at the girl on the branch vigilantly. Although this girl looked young, she could stand on a small branch like an elf. Measurement.

Under the current situation, it could not be just a coincidence that they appeared on their way back to the Mo Family.

Duanmu Rong gently pulled the corner of La Ji Wuye's clothes: "Who is she?"

Ji Wuye raised his mouth and raised his corners, and said lightly, "One of the five elders of the Yin-Yang family, Mubu, Shao Siming."

PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt was built: [-], those who are interested can add it. .

Chapter 415 Why don't you think about it again? (Ask for flowers and a monthly pass)

Ji Wuye stopped Duanmu Rong behind him, raised his head, looked at the girl on the branch, and said with a smile, "Little baby, are you waiting for me?"

The girl on the branch first shook her head, then nodded again.

Seeing this, Ji Wuye burst into laughter, Shao Siming didn't know why this girl never spoke.

Although inheriting the ruthlessness unique to Yin Yang disciples, she is like the little girl next door. Even if she can't speak, she will respond politely when you talk to her, even if you are just talking to her.

Of course, if she really came for you, you can talk nonsense, but you can't run, if you run, you will do it with you.

As long as you don't run, she will basically wait patiently for you to finish speaking.

Ji Wuye thought about it for a while, then smiled: "You mean to say that you were just intercepting the people who came to rescue the Mo family, and I happened to bump into them?"

"So, although you're not waiting for me, you're not going to let me go?"

Ji Wuye, who has read the original book, is naturally very clear that the two people, Shao Si Ming and Da Si Ming, are just to create some obstacles for the people who rescue the Mo family, so that they can't rescue the Mo family in time.

Sure enough, after hearing this, the girl on the branch nodded slightly.

Although Shao Siming is no longer Ji Wuye's favorite person in Qin Shizhong, she is Ji Wuye's first love in Qin Shizhong.

Even after so many years, he still remembers that when he was looking at Qin Shi, he fell in love with this girl at a glance, and liked it to the point where he couldn't help himself.

Originally, he thought that Shao Siming was definitely his favorite in Qin Shizhong.

It's a pity that things are impermanent. Later, in Qin Shi, beautiful women appeared one after another, and each one became more beautiful.

At the moment when Nine Songs of Xing Xing was broadcast on the same day, Ji Wuye completely empathized with him and abandoned the girl in front of him.

I have to say, this is all a pot of mystery.

If he didn't have so many beauties, the girl in front of him might still be Ji Wuye's favorite one.

Of course, although he has moved away from love, this little first love can still allow him to find the sweetness of the year.

Just about to chat with his little first love on the screen again, but as if thinking of something, his face suddenly changed.

If he remembered correctly, in the original book, the destruction of the Mojia Organ City was only a few days away.

Because of his injury, it has been delayed for a few days. Now that Shao Siming has appeared, it means that even if Wei Zhuang and others have not officially started to attack the city, it may not be far away.

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