He didn't care much about the survival of the Gaicheng and the lives and deaths of the Mojia disciples inside, but what he cared about was that, according to the plot of the original book, the purpose of the Yin Yang family's trip was not just to help Ying Zheng attack the Gaicheng.

They seem to be coming for Yue'er. Since Shao Siming is already here, Luna should also be nearby.

Although Ying Zheng had indeed ordered the Yin-Yang family to cooperate with the actions of the Duke, but with the Yin-Yang clan's temperament as standing outside the secular world and the empire, I am afraid that Ji Wuye, the Duke of Qin, would not be placed on the list. eyes.

If Yue'er really falls into the hands of the Moon God, it is obviously impossible to resolve it peacefully with the Yin Yang family's emphasis on Yue'er.

Ji Wuye raised his head, looked at Shao Siming, and said with a smile: "Little baby, although uncle also wants to accompany you for a while, but uncle really has something important to do this time, so I can't help it, I will be fine in the future. accompany you~'."

Hearing Ji Wuye's words, the girl on the branch looked indifferent, her slender hand lifted slowly, and the surrounding green leaves flew towards her fingertips.

As her slender, white fingertips traced across the air, the dancing green leaves formed a yin and yang pattern.

As her slender, white fingertips traced across the air, the dancing green leaves formed a yin and yang pattern.

This scene looks gorgeous, but it has a fierce murderous intent in the sky.


Ji Wuye's mouth twitched, and the figure disappeared from the spot in an instant, leaving only a wisp of wind.

A stunned look flashed in the girl's eyes, green leaves surging in her hands, looking for Ji Wuye intently.

It's a pity that the girl who has just become the young master of the Yin-Yang family has only the strength of the peak of the eighth rank. In front of Ji Wuye today, it is not enough to see.

No matter how she perceives the air around her, she can't detect Ji Wuye's breath, and Ji Wuye seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

Just as the girl was thinking about whether to attack Duanmu Rong, who was still in place, to attract the other party to come out, a laugh suddenly sounded beside her ear.

"Baby, are you looking for me?"

Ji Wuye lightly embraced the girl's small Man Yue Yao with both hands, and brought it close to her ear, blowing lightly on her ear.

"Little cute, how about uncle taking you to see the goldfish?"

The hot air blowing on her earlobe made the girl blushed and struggled twice, but found that she couldn't break free from the other person's arms, and the hands that were wrapped around her necessities remained motionless.

The girl's eyes lit up with raging anger, and countless green leaves rushed towards Ji Wuye behind her like sharp blades.

Ji Wuye's mouth twitched, and the hand that was in the middle of her month suddenly lifted up, holding the steamed bun, which was as good as a steamed bun, and squeezed lightly.

The girl's body trembled slightly, and she didn't lift it up in one breath. After losing control, the green leaves that rushed towards Ji Wuye slowly fell from the air.

Standing behind the girl, Ji Wuye grabbed the girl's wrist like a lightning bolt, hugged the girl tightly from behind, and smiled in her ear: "' 'How bad it is for girls to fight and kill. , learn to be quiet, like you, if your uncle doesn't want you in the future, you won't be able to marry."

The girl's face was blood red, and she struggled and struggled with all her might, but whether it was strength or strength, she and Ji Wuye were not comparable in any way.

Asked about the faint fragrance coming from the girl's neck, Ji Wuye couldn't help but feel a little intoxicated, but now the situation is critical, and there are important things to do, so he can only dispel the mentality of continuing to tease her.

Ji Wuye smiled and said, "Okay, okay, don't make a fuss, if you promise not to stop me, how about uncle let you go?"

"Of course, you don't have to agree. If you don't agree, uncle can't kill you, but uncle can change your clothes and hang you here."

With that said, (good enough) Ji Wuye probed towards the ribbon of the girl Yue Yaojian.

The girl was still a little hesitant, but when she heard this, her face turned pale and she nodded again and again.

"Why did you agree so quickly? Don't think about it carefully anymore?" Ji Wuye seemed to feel a little regretful, sighed softly, and said: "Otherwise, you can think about it carefully, if you just let us go, you go back How to deal with it?"

consider?If you think about it next month, you will have to take it with you.

The girlish little face turned pale, she shook her head vigorously, nodded again, and almost cried.

PS: At the request of the uncles, a new skirt was built: [-], those who are interested can add it.


Chapter 416 Who Is Your Sister Rong (For Flowers For Monthly Pass)

At this time, Shao Siming, how could he still have the original appearance of light clouds and wind, his small face was red and white, and there was a mist of water in his eyes like water.

No wonder, no matter what, she is just a teenage girl, she has never experienced such a battle.

Ji Wuye acted like this, and even Duanmu Rong, who was not far away, felt a little unbearable to look directly at him, and couldn't help but rolled his eyes at him and said, "No serious person, you can even handle this kind of little girl."

Damn, what are you talking about, yes, she is indeed a little girl, but she is not an ordinary little girl.

If it wasn't for the labor and capital to restrain her, I'm afraid you would have been killed by this little girl without blinking an eye.

Ji Wuye smiled bitterly and said, "What do you know?"

Although it is really fun to tease Shao Si Ming, but there is still a little loli in the computer city, who is probably his own daughter, waiting for him to go back.

Shao Si Ming had already surrendered, and Ji Wuye, who was thinking about Yue'er, stopped teasing her and let her go.

Ji Wuye's arms just relaxed, and the girl jumped, left his arms, and looked at him angrily from a branch not far away.

After smelling the lingering fragrance on his hands, Ji Wuye smiled and said: "I believe you should already know my strength, if you still want to do it, I will really exchange your monthly 300 yuan this time. on a tree."

The girl glared at him angrily, a burst of green leaves drifted past, and the figure gradually disappeared into the air.

Ji Wuye jumped, jumped down from the tree, came to Duanmu Rong, smiled and said, "Okay, let's go."

Duanmu Rong glanced at Ji Wuye, snorted softly, turned and walked straight ahead.

Ji Wuye smiled and shook his head, followed by...

On the way back to Jicheng, Ji Wuye was worried about whether Jicheng had been breached.

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