Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

Chapter 159: All Major Empires Attack Together, The Day Of The Destruction Of The Northern Barbarian

Chapter 159: All major empires attack together, the day of the destruction of the northern barbarians!

After Han Xin received the decree, he quickly led 10,000 Ming troops toward the north.

At this time, the Ming army's strength, speed, and physical fitness have all increased hundreds of times compared to before.

It took less than three days to reach Mobei.

When he first encountered the Tatars, he beheaded tens of thousands of people with almost no effort.

Han Xin was in a good mood. He had never fought such an easy battle in his life. After receiving the reward from heaven, the soldiers were not only as tough as tigers, but also the formation of each other was unmatched.

Even facing several times or dozens of times of enemies is no problem.

However, the same scene was also played out in the north of the empires such as the Tang Dynasty, the Qin Dynasty and the Song Dynasty.

On this day, the northern barbarians, who had always been arrogant and rampant, were almost wiped out.

The armies of the Central Plains dynasty were like gods descending from the earth, unstoppable and unparalleled, they swept across the entire grassland in just a few days, and almost no nomadic tribe was spared.


In the palace.

When Liu Bei saw in the picture, the Huben army ran thousands of miles into the depths of the desert and killed tens of thousands of Huns.

Incomparably shocked in my heart, I froze in a daze.

This kind of powerful army is what Liu Bei dreamed of, especially the courage of the Huben Army made Liu Bei feel extremely envious.

Three thousand people raided thousands of miles and marched for 877 days in the vast desert. Only those who have experienced the hardships and sufferings will know.

"The Huben Army is indeed a mighty army!"

"Such a feat is probably unique, right?"

"It's so powerful, it's simply admirable!"

Liu Bei couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The reason why Xishu was trapped in the southwestern border area was precisely because of the lack of a highly mobile and flexible army.

Facing Cao Cao's cavalry, Liu Bei was extremely troubled by being beaten and fleeing every time.

This problem must be solved in order to break through the siege, but the horses produced in Shu have always been short and weak, and they are not at all the opponents of the tall horses in the north.

Therefore, Liu Bei is extremely eager to have a fierce army like the Huben Army under his command.

"Military Master, how can I cultivate an army like the Huben Army in Western Shu?"

Liu Bei asked eagerly.

If Xishu can really train a majestic army like the Huben Army, it will have more confidence in the face of Cao Cao's threat.

I and others don't have to be the same as now, hiding in Xishu and living in fear every day.

"My lord, I'm afraid this matter will be difficult!"

Zhuge Liang shook his head helplessly, knowing very well that with the current financial and material resources of Xishu, it is impossible to train an army like the Huben Army.

The only hope is to be on the Heavenly Dao Ranking and get the Heavenly Dao reward.

But judging from the current situation, this choice seems more difficult.

"Brother, don't worry, it's just the Tiger Army, give me three months, and I promise to train you a stronger army.

Zhang Fei on the side stood up out of time again at this time, and said with a face full of indifference.

Isn't it just a surprise attack on the desert? I can do it myself.

However, the eyes of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang greeted him.

This idiot.

Not only is he simple-minded, but he also seems to have a thick skin.

Three thousand people raided the desert thousands of miles away, massacring tens of thousands of Huns.

These feats, which are enough to change history, could not even catch his eye.

This guy really has no self-knowledge at all.

"Third brother, if you can't speak, you should speak less."

Guan Yu on the side couldn't stand it any longer, so he walked over and pulled Zhang Fei's sleeve.

The carefree Zhang Fei didn't realize it.

"Brother, don't you believe it?"

Zhang Fei continued to question, with dissatisfaction written all over his face.

After hearing this, Liu Bei had the urge to faint on the spot.

Who gave you the courage? Dare to say such a thing.

Don't you really know how much you weigh?

"Big brother..." (dadd)

Liu Bei wanted to escape, but Zhang Fei followed.

"Ah, yes, yes, you are right..."

In desperation, Liu Bei could only agree with tears in his eyes, and swallowed the sins he had made with tears in his eyes.


At this time, a messenger rushed in from outside.


"According to the report from the spies, recently, the major empires have sent troops to the north to wipe out the barbarians!"

"So far, the effect is remarkable!"

In order to cope with the upheavals that the imperial continent will face in the future, Liu Bei has dispatched many spies to various countries to keep abreast of their movements.

At this time, the spy brought back a piece of news that surprised Liu Bei.

All the major powers in the empire unexpectedly sent troops to the north to exterminate the barbarians.

This situation really made Liu Bei a little puzzled.

"Military division, what do you think of this situation?"

Liu Bei asked puzzledly.

Nowadays, the dark tide is raging in the Empire Continent, everyone is gearing up, and everyone is doing their best to improve their strength in order to face the unexpected situation in the future.

At such a critical moment, several major powers made the same decision at the same time.

What is the meaning of this?

"My lord, this matter is not difficult to understand."

"The Central Plains dynasties have fought each other for hundreds of years. No matter how tragic, whoever wins and who loses is ultimately their own business."

"However, in the face of the invasion of the northern barbarians, everyone has incomparable hatred in their hearts. Now that they have been rewarded by the heavens, they will naturally eliminate the external threats as soon as possible.

After Zhuge Liang's simple analysis, Liu Bei suddenly realized.

There may be friction and competition between the Central Plains dynasties, and sometimes they fight to the death, but when it comes to dealing with foreign races, everyone is very consistent.

Therefore, even if the undercurrents are surging in the mainland of the empire at this time, everyone will still send troops to the north to wipe out the barbarians without hesitation.

This is the sense of national identity from the heart of every emperor of the Central Plains Dynasty.

Before competing with each other, they must unanimously exterminate the northern barbarians.

"Since this is the case, I also request to lead troops to attack the barbarians in the north."

After Zhang Fei heard this, he was so excited that he felt itchy in his heart, and immediately asked Liu Bei to give him a soldier.

Liu Bei gave him a hard look.

Why can't you be quiet for a while?

Northern strike barbarians?

Are you showing off your brain?

The north of our Western Shu is Cao Cao. If you have the ability, you lead your troops to fight Cao Cao.

Zhuge Liang also had a speechless expression.

With the current strength of Xishu, attacking those brave nomads is like hitting a stone with an egg.

Now Xishu himself is a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and he can't protect himself. How the hell are you still in the mood to pursue those unrealistic fantasies.

I also took it.

"General Guan, you should think about being on the Heavenly Dao Ranking!"

Zhuge Liang reminded helplessly.

This rammed product really wants to come out as soon as it comes out.

If the future of Xishu depends on this evil thing, it will be really dangerous.

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