Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

Chapter 160: Yingzheng Looks Forward To It, What Surprises Can Ying Changsheng Bring! (Please Subscr

Chapter 160: Yingzheng looks forward to it, what surprises can Ying Changsheng bring!

Great Qin.

Xianyang City.

Inside the palace.

When Yingzheng and his civil and military officials saw the Huben army surrounded by tens of thousands of Turkic troops in the picture of Tiandao, they couldn't help but sweat for the Huben army.

After all, in the depths of the vast desert, the Huben army was isolated and helpless, and they were physically and mentally exhausted after a long journey.

And the army of the Huns facing the Huns at this moment is the elite troops guarding the Huns' account, and their combat effectiveness is the top-existence even among the Huns.

It can be said that the Huben Army's breakout battle was full of dangers.

At this time, it is like a prey falling into a trap, and there is a risk of death at any time.

But afterward, the Heavenly Dao rewards were issued, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

As expected, after receiving the reward from the Dao of Heaven, the Huben army transformed into a hunter and completely took the initiative on the battlefield.

Then easily slaughtered tens of thousands of Xiongnu elites.

"Good kill, great kill!"

"Heavenly rewards should be given to a tough team like the Huben Army, so that they can kill more Huns. w

"Hahaha, the Huns have done a lot of evil, they are devoid of conscience, and they finally received their retribution."

Ying Zheng let out a hearty laugh.

The smile on his face was as bright as the morning glow, and he looked at Huben Jun with a deep appreciation in his eyes.

This is the first time Ying Zheng has been so excited after seeing other imperial troops.

All this is because the Huben army dared to raid the Huns' tents thousands of miles away, which not only showed the national prestige of the Han Dynasty, but also gave a bad breath to the Central Plains Dynasty.

The surrounding Daqin ministers were equally excited.

It was the first time to see such a disastrous defeat by the Huns. Apart from the terrifying combat effectiveness shown by the Huben army, it was more gloating at what happened to the Huns.

"God damned Huns, finally tasted the taste of being slaughtered!"

"Even if these Huns died 10,000 times, it would be difficult to make up for the crimes committed against the Central Plains Dynasty.

"It's so cool, seeing these Huns crying and begging, I feel extremely happy.

"When the Huns plundered the Central Plains Dynasty, they never imagined that they would have this day, right?"

"There is no one innocent among the Huns! Kill! Not one left!"

Everyone hated the Huns.

Over the past few years, in order to resist the Xiongnu, the Great Qin has recruited hundreds of thousands of peasants to the border to build the Great Wall.

This huge project alone wasted a large group of uncountable manpower and material resources, and it can be said that it almost dragged Daqin into the abyss of eternal doom.

How can someone who can stand in the palace hall at this moment not know.

However, before that, it is necessary to build the Great Wall, otherwise more people in Daqin will be plundered and massacred by the Huns.

Now that Daqin has been on the Heavenly Dao Ranking for several times and has won countless Heavenly Dao rewards, he can finally stop blindly defending.

A few days ago, Yingzheng had sent General Meng Yi to lead the Qin army into Mobei to sweep the Xiongnu.

Counting the time, the news should come back now.

Sure enough, not long after, a messenger hurried in.

"Report to Your Majesty, General Meng Yi has sent a letter!"

"Submit it!"

Ying Zheng took the letter and opened it impatiently.

After seeing the contents of the letter clearly, the smile on his face became more and more intense, and his eyes also showed excitement.


Ying Zheng clapped his hands excitedly, and was so happy that he wished he could jump up on the spot.

"General Meng Yi really lived up to everyone's expectations. He led the big front iron cavalry to sweep the Xiongnu in Mobei, and wiped out hundreds of tribes of the Xiongnu in a few days."

"Now we are chasing down the rest of the Huns!"

"I believe it won't be long before the news of the complete annihilation of the Huns will come again soon!"

Ying Zheng said excitedly.

The removal of the Xiongnu is tantamount to a stone falling from the heart.

This time, there was no longer any force around Daqin that could pose a threat to Daqin.

Ying Zheng could finally turn all his attention to the interior of the empire.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! Put down the troubles of the Huns, and we, Great Qin, will have no worries!"

"The Huns who have occupied the north for hundreds of years have finally been terminated. This is simply great news!"

"General Meng Yi is indeed mighty. In just a few days, he eradicated the Xiongnu who have been in trouble for hundreds of years!"

"Exactly. Don't forget that General Meng Yi is leading the Great Qin Iron Cavalry who has been rewarded by the heavens. Dealing with the Xiongnu is like killing a chicken with a bull's knife!"

"Hahaha, General Wang is right, but as the old saying goes, a lion fights a rabbit with all its strength. 17

"This time the Turks must be wiped out by the roots, and they must not be allowed to make a comeback.

When the news of the Huns' destruction came, the entire palace was filled with joy.


There were rare smiles on everyone's faces.

This is of great significance to Daqin, not only to avenge the hatred for many years, but also to solve the worries of the future.

Let Daqin be able to deal with the next imperial continental competition without distraction.

"The Huns have been destroyed, and then Daqin should have a higher goal."

Ying Zheng said boldly.

Ever since Daqin won the Heavenly Dao Ranking, eliminating the mere Xiongnu could no longer satisfy Yingzheng's appetite.

Now Yingzheng has farther and grander ambitions.

"Changsheng, I am looking forward to what surprises you will bring to Daqin next!"

Thinking of his goal, the image of Ying Changsheng once again appeared in Ying Zheng's mind.

Daqin was able to get to where he is now, all because of Ying Changsheng.


If Ying Changsheng's invention can allow Daqin to continue to occupy the advantage in the Heavenly Dao Ranking, then Daqin will be more comfortable in the next action.


Just when Yingzheng was in a daze, there was a loud roar of the quality of the heavenly law again on the sky of the empire continent.

Everyone was shocked.

Immediately understand that the Heavenly Dao Ranking is about to announce a new round of rankings.

At this time, the hearts of all the people living in the Empire Continent will be filled with infinite expectations.

Many empires that failed the ranking also regained hope at this time.


After the voice of heaven crossed the sky, a huge golden scroll appeared in midair.

Golden light radiated from the scroll body, rendering the entire sky magnificent.

"Here we come! Here we come! The new Heavenly Dao Ranking will start soon..."

At this moment, everyone looked up at the sky at the same time.

I saw rows of quaint and majestic civil servants gradually emerging from the incomparably gorgeous golden scrolls.

[Now, the name of the new army on the list will be announced soon. 】

[Twentieth place: Great Qin Meng Family Army!]

【Leader: Meng Yi!】

[Dynasty: Daqin!]

[Background: The Meng Family Army, belonging to the Great Qin Dynasty, is a mighty and powerful army that has repeatedly made military exploits and has a great reputation. 1

[On the battlefield, the Qin family army fought bravely and turned the tide several times, helping Daqin to win the final victory. 100 million】.

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