Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

Chapter 170: Winning Changsheng Is Too Evil, There Must Be Other Cards! (Please Subscribe For Suppor

Chapter 170: Winning Changsheng is too monstrous, there must be other cards!

This time, Zhu Yuanzhang was really angry.

Even when Zhu Yuanzhang was at a disadvantage in the battle against Chen Youliang at Poyang Lake, he was not as worried as he is now.

The previous enemies, no matter how powerful they are, are within the scope of understanding. As long as they grit their teeth and work hard, there is still hope of victory.

But, it's different now!

Facing the behemoth Daqin, Zhu Yuanzhang felt deep despair.

Even if he tried his best, Da Ming couldn't see any chance of winning.

Even more terrifying!

That monstrous Prince Qin can develop desperate super weapons every once in a while.

Anyone will feel desperate when they see the power of those super sci-fi legions.

"Tell me, how cute are you now?"

Zhu Yuanzhang stared, and asked the surrounding civil and military officials angrily.

With Zhu Yuanzhang's character, he would never admit defeat so easily.

At the beginning of the game with a bowl, he also forcibly fought for thousands of miles, and he has long cultivated a firm and indomitable heart.

"Your Majesty, the strength of Great Qin is countless times greater than that of Great Ming."

"If only Daming's own strength is used to fight, there is no hope of winning at all.

At this moment of crisis, the surrounding ministers also took care of face and directly stated the current situation on the spot.

This point can be seen by anyone who has some script judgment on the current situation.

Zhu Yuanzhang heard that Da Ming was far inferior to Da Qin, although he was not convinced in his heart, he could only pinch his nose and admit it.

After all, the facts are in front of him, even if he denies it, it is useless.

"I understand the current situation, what my daughter-in-law heard is the solution.

Zhu Yuanzhang held back his anger and said dissatisfied.

I know that Da Ming is not Da Qin's opponent now, but you don't have to repeat it all the time!

Do you still want Lao Tzu's face?

After seeing this, the surrounding civil and military officials quickly stopped talking about analyzing the situation.

"Your Majesty, I feel that judging by the current situation, there is only one way to avoid Daqin's attack..."

Liu Bowen said.

"Say it, say it..."

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't wait to look at Liu Bowen, his eyes were full of anticipation.

"Your Majesty still remembers the strategy of combining vertical and horizontal in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period..."

Liu Bowen said frankly.

"You mean to let Ming and other empires unite to fight against Qin?"

After Zhu Yuanzhang heard it, although he thought it was absurd, after squinting his eyes and thinking about it carefully, he felt that this might be a good way.

The current situation in the Empire Continent is somewhat similar to that of the past.

It's just more complicated!

Although Great Qin is powerful, it is obvious that it will have concerns if it has to face such an empire and power confrontation at the same time.

"It's just that this method requires the cooperation of dozens or hundreds of empires and forces. I wonder if it will succeed?"

Liu Bowen said worriedly that in these empires and forces, everyone has different ideas, and some even have feuds with each other, and they are still arguing about going to war.

For example, Cao Cao and Lu Bu heard that Chen Bing had already entered the border, and they were about to start fighting.

Now it is definitely difficult to pull them into the same camp in the past.


In order to fight against Daqin, the alliance formed must cooperate sincerely, so as to have a slight chance of defeating Daqin.

If each of them dismantled the stage, or secretly made a stumbling block, and did not work hard, it would definitely only make Daqin's attack more rapid.

"Whether they agree or not, at least let's have a look first!"

Zhu Yuanzhang felt that this method could be tried, whether it will work or not is another matter.

Even if only ordinary empires are recruited to join, it is much better than fighting alone now.

"Berwin, I will leave this matter to you. Be sure to send envoys to the empires to discuss the union as soon as possible!"

"Especially the Tang, Song, Sui and other powerful empires that have been on the list of heaven, we must win them over."

Zhu Yuanzhang thought about it in his heart.

If all these empires that have been on the Heavenly Dao List are brought in, then the hope should be much greater.

After all, everyone has received rewards from the Dao of Heaven, and all of them add up to be more than Daqin.

Although facing the sci-fi army created by Ying Changsheng, they are still not sure of victory, at least they can deal with it.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

After Liu Bowen received the decree, he quickly started to handle the joint matter.

Wait until Liu Bowen just walked out of the hall.

Immediately, an eunuch came up to report.

"Your Majesty! The Tang Dynasty sent a mission to ask for an audience!"

…0 for flowers…………

The eunuch handed over the credentials.

Zhu Yuanzhang opened it, and the expression on his face became much more relaxed.

turn out to be!

Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty is also the same as himself. Now he sends envoys to various countries to discuss the matter of unity.

"With Datang's help in this matter, the hope of success will definitely increase a lot."

Zhu Yuanzhang has a little more confidence in the union.

After receiving the envoys of the Tang Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang also clearly expressed the fact that the Ming Dynasty wanted to form an alliance, and the two sides quickly reached a secret agreement.

Once Great Qin attacks Great Tang or Great Ming, the other party must do its best to help resist.


In the palace.

Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang and others looked at the picture of the future interstellar Jedi Knights severing the interstellar battleship in the picture of the heavenly way, and they were stunned on the spot, as if they were pinned by someone, and stood with their mouths half open.

After a long while, I came back to my senses, but there was still a buzzing in my head, and the horrible picture was still lingering.

"It's too scary!"

"How did this sci-fi army win Changsheng develop?"

"Are there any other more powerful weapons in Winning Changsheng's sci-fi heaven?"

Liu Bei's heart was beating wildly, and he couldn't help muttering to himself.

Before that, Liu Bei already knew that Ying Changsheng's research and development ability was very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

The power displayed by the intelligent titanium alloy robot army last time is still unforgettable for a long time.

Only a few days later, another future interstellar Jedi army was formed.

This Nima!

Still let people play?

At this speed, without even thinking about it, Ying Changsheng will probably start a new round of ranking mode next.

At that time, the strength of Great Qin will inevitably grow to the point where many empires are unattainable.

With the current strength of Xishu, in front of Daqin, it is really like an ant all the time.

Thinking of this, Liu Bei only felt that the whole body was poured with cold water, and it was extremely cold from head to toe.

The breath became sluggish, and even the breathing became much weaker, as if someone was strangling the neck.

In a daze, he almost fell to the ground on the spot.

Thinking about the current Xishu, it seems to be stuck in a quagmire.

He has fallen into the endless abyss step by step. .

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