Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

Chapter 171: Liu Bei: How Did I Recruit A Fool To Be A General! (Please Subscribe For Support)

Chapter 171: Liu Bei: How did I recruit a fool as a general!

"Master, what should we do now?"

Liu Bei was completely panicked and could only pin all his hopes on Zhuge Liang.

A Cao Cao has tortured Cao Cao to exhaustion, and now he is on the bigger and more terrifying Daqin, Liu Bei wants to die.

Why is Xishu so difficult!

"My lord! There is really no good way now!"

Zhuge Liang shook his head with a bitter face.

Facing Cao Cao's Great Wei, perhaps he can use his own strategy to achieve some unexpected results.

But the opponent he is about to face now is Daqin.

In the face of absolutely powerful forces, all conspiracies and schemes are paper tigers.

Even if he is as smart as Zhuge Liang, he feels deeply powerless and can't think of any way at all.

too difficult!

Win Changsheng's sci-fi army, fly "530" to escape from the sky, omnipotent, and equipped with powerful weapons that can destroy the world.

How to fight this?

Even if Zhuge Liang is given an army that has been on the list of heaven, there is nothing he can do now.

What's more, Xishu hasn't even been on the Heavenly Dao List now.

This is even more difficult.

"Can we just watch Western Shu perish?"

Liu Bei said unwillingly.

After decades of hard work, it was hard to pull up such a team. I thought about restoring the Han Dynasty, but did I really give up halfway?

"Why does this Lao Shizi's bullshit Tiandao list target us in Xishu!"

Liu Bei began to complain in his heart.

If the Heavenly Dao Ranking allows Xishu to be on the list a few more times, after receiving the Heavenly Dao reward, the current situation of Xishu must be much more optimistic.

However, not only did Xishu fail to be on the Tiandao list, but it became a performance venue for Daqin.

Liu Bei could only look enviously at Daqin's countless rewards from heaven.

"My lord, if I'm not mistaken, other empires may have begun to prepare to join forces to fight against Qin!"

Zhuge Liang pondered for a while, and seemed to have remembered a key clue.

Before, many empires went to Daqin to ask for refuge, but were all rejected by Yingzheng.

Under the desperation and the growing oppression of Great Qin, there will definitely be many empires trying their best to fight against Great Qin.

What Zhuge Liang could think of was to unite against Qin.

This method was used several times during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods.

Now it seems that although it is a bit outdated, it is the best choice at present.

"Unite against Qin?"

After Liu Bei heard this, his eyes stared straight.

This is a road never thought of.

But after thinking about it, this method may really work.

After all, back then, Xishu and Soochow jointly fought against Cao Cao, and achieved good results.

Now it's time to do it again, and it's unknown.

“But there are a lot of uncertainties in it. ……….”

"For example, the conflict between our Western Shu and Cao Cao, as well as the hatred between other forces, whether everyone can unite their minds to fight against Daqin is the key!"

Zhuge Liang said worriedly.

There are hundreds of dynasties and forces in the empire continent, and there are countless conflicts between them.

Especially between those neighboring empires, this kind of hatred may have existed for decades, and it cannot be easily reconciled.

"Now the Daqin family is the only one big, and only by uniting can we fight against it. In the face of the same enemy, maybe everyone can let go of their prejudices!"

Liu Bei said slowly.

In order to fight against Da Qin, Liu Bei will agree to unite himself with Cao Cao now.

After all, these contradictions are nothing compared to the subjugation of the country.

"It might work!"

"Fortunately, Daqin rejected all the empires that took refuge in before, otherwise he would be divided from the inside, and this alliance will definitely end in failure!"

Zhuge Liang felt that the joint thing could be tried.

The only worry is that Xishu's power is too weak now, and other people probably don't like it.

Once everyone is united, Xishu will definitely not have too much right to speak.

"Military Master, I will leave this matter to you!"

Liu Bei said anxiously.

After finally thinking of a feasible solution, Liu Bei wished he could unite now.

"My lord, hurry up!

"Facing the threat of the Great Qin, our Western Shu is just a small country, presumably, the Great Tang, Ming and other empires should be more anxious than us.

"Besides, we can't start the joint matter, we have to wait for their invitation."

Now the joint method is determined.

But Xishu couldn't be the leader at all.

With the current strength of Xishu, it is impossible to convince the public at all. If Xishu sends envoys to contact other countries, it will only attract ridicule.

Don't talk about other empires, just Cao Cao's Great Wei, definitely won't agree... 0

"Master, what does this mean?"

Liu Bei doesn't understand, is there any difference between inviting people by yourself and waiting to be invited?

Aren't they all united against Qin?

The sooner this matter is done, everyone will feel more at ease.

"Not the same, my lord."

"I, Xishu, are not strong enough now, even if I stand up and speak out, everyone will definitely not take it to heart."

"Only by waiting for those great dynasties to come forward and gather everyone together, the probability of success in this matter will be greatly increased."

Zhuge Liang explained patiently.

After hearing this, Liu Bei suddenly realized, and couldn't help nodding in agreement.

It's still the military division thinking about the surroundings, and his own thinking is still too simple.

Taking the initiative to invite and waiting for others to invite, there are so many exquisite things in it.

"Brother, isn't he a mere Daqin? If he, Yingzheng, dares to fight, I, Zhang Fei, will be the first to chop off his head and use it as a jug."

The carefree Zhang Fei stood up and said with a nonchalant expression.

Scared of a bird!

With Zhang Yide here, whoever came to attack Xishu.

Hearing Zhang Fei's words, Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu all rolled their eyes helplessly.

Why did this sand sculpture jump out to show its presence again?

Are you really invincible?

Every time he used this arrogant tone, if he wasn't his third younger brother, Guan Yu wished he could give him two knives if he went up now.

"Yide, can you see if this works? You can go to the military doctor on 4.8 to have a look at your brain."

Liu Bei said in a caring tone.

You haven't even made it to the list of Heavenly Dao, where did you get the courage to say that you are capable of overthrowing Yingzheng?

Don't you know that the strength of Daqin is already the existence of the ceiling of the empire continent?

Not to mention Xishu, even if all the empires and other sects of the rivers and lakes unite to fight against the Great Qin, they are not fully sure.

You are all little Zhang Yide, but your tone is not small.

If this is seen by people from other empires, they really think that they have recruited a fool as a general under their command.

"Brother, my mind is very good!"

"If you don't believe me, I'll split it up and show you now..."

Zhang Fei's head is very iron, and he wants to prove his history.

In his eyes, the bullshit Heavenly Dao List and the bullshit Qin Yingzheng are all harder than the ax in his hand. .

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