Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

379. After Some Implementation, Food And Clothing Will Be Worry-Free! (Please Subscribe!)

379 One Implementation

These two people had such a big opinion on Ying Changsheng after hearing these generals.

They also widened their eyes, and felt that what happened today can also be implemented.

He said to these generals: "Since all the generals have already made a secret decision.

"Then you go quickly to dispatch troops and generals."

"The two of us will also be outside the city, waiting for your arrival."

Once you arrive, I will definitely find you and help you solve these things.

After finishing speaking, he also left here silently.

Yang Jian also followed in Liu Bang's footsteps.

But now Ying Changsheng's side is also singing and dancing.

Some common people also came to the banquet one after another.

After Ying Changsheng saw it, he waved at them and said, "Everyone, take your seats quickly.

"You don't need to have other ideas and plans here."

"This banquet was originally opened for you people."

The people were also a little embarrassed when they heard it.

They also sat here straightforwardly, without saying anything.

Also watched this banquet here.

However, the general on Liu Bang's side also came to the barracks and saw these soldiers.

He just waved his hands and said to these soldiers: "Everyone, are you willing to leave here with us now?"

"Go to Ying Changsheng and launch an attack on Ying Changsheng..."

"I also hope that you can go with us."

"After all, this matter is the head of Liu Bang and Yang Jianqian."

If you don't go, will you have no face to face these two people again?

Will they take military action against you?

This time it is an attack to win longevity, I hope you think about this.

The soldiers also widened their glasses one by one, why things are so fast and so anxious.

Couldn't they attack and win Changsheng, let them think for a while?

They also heaved a long sigh and struggled here speechless.

But some of these soldiers now waved their weapons and said.

"We swear to follow Liu Bang and Yang Jian to the death, and we must let Ying Changsheng fall into disrepair."

But as long as someone speaks, someone will agree.

In the end, all the soldiers said these words in unison here.

They also took their own weapons one after another, as well as the equipment they brought with the army.

It was following these generals to the outside of the city.

I also saw Liu Bang and Yang Jian, and expressed my loyalty to them.

After these two people also waved their hands, they led the soldiers and left here one after another.

Their destination was to launch an attack on Ying Changsheng and Ying Zheng's city.

They also saw a lot of people marching along the way, and they all lived without worrying about food and clothing.

The most important thing is that this is actually in the territory of Daqin.

This makes these people wonder what kind of ability Daqin has.

Why should these people be governed so well?

The two of them also couldn't figure it out.

But a general next to him said: "I have also stayed here for a long time."

"I heard that Daqin issued an edict recently, but do you want to know?"

"You say you don't want me to say it first."

But these two people also stared their own eyes wide, isn't this a trick.

Why don't they want to know? He also looked at the general in front of him and said.

"What is it, tell us quickly, or we will impose military law on you."

The general was very frightened, so he told the whole thing, and said to these two people.

"々`Ying Zheng seems to have issued an order."

"That is, all the people in the territory of Daqin will be exempted from tax for three years."

"I don't know the specific reason for this, but it is indeed true that there will be a three-year tax exemption.

Now Liu Bang also widened his eyes.

How many things and money does the Daqin treasury have.

They can really be exempted from tax for three years, according to some resources in the treasury of the two of them.

If they dare to disdain for a year, they will not be able to open the pot.

This also shows how tyrannical Da Qin is.

But now the two people are not too entangled.

Daqin (Li Dehao) is so tyrannical, so what? They still want to attack.

After all, killing your life while you are sick is also an ancient and unchanging truth.

Their group also quickly came to the territory of Daqin, and also came to the city.

They found that Xianyang City is so magnificent and powerful, and they were also in awe in their hearts.

But in order to fight against Ying Changsheng, they must also attack.

They also made a camp here.

However, a soldier under Ying Changsheng also quickly came to Ying Changsheng's side.

Ying Changsheng didn't want this soldier to disturb the banquet.

But the soldiers had already arrived, so he had to listen to what was going on. .

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