Daqin: My Sci-Fi Heaven, Sweeping The Top Ten Of The Gold List

380 , Can't Land, Quite Embarrassing! (Please Subscribe!)

380 can't land

He pricked up his ears, and said to the soldier, "Tell me what happened."

"Otherwise, my heart will never fall to the ground."

After finishing these words, the soldier also let out a long sigh.

He first blamed Ying Changsheng, and then said to Ying Changsheng.

"Now there is also an extremely earth-shattering thing."

"That is, Liu Bang and Yang Jian have also sent soldiers to the bottom of our Xianyang City.

"Are you going to send soldiers to stop it?"

Otherwise, what kind of ability do we have to resist such a method?

But now Ying Changsheng also widened his eyes.

How did these two people come here? They even sent soldiers.

The most important thing is that they are starting this banquet now, and they don't want to stop at all.

There is no force to stop it.

Ying Changsheng also stood up abruptly, came to Ying Zheng's side, and told 373 these things to Ying Zheng.

He also said to Ying Zheng: "You don't need to worry about this matter, I will make up my own mind."

"I also want to see what kind of orientation things will be."

"I want to know what kind of ability they have that can fight me. y

"I'll leave first."

But Ying Zheng asked Meng Tian to follow Ying Changsheng, so he just waved at Meng Tian.

Looking at Ying Changsheng, he said, "Take Meng Tian with you. If something goes wrong with you, I will be quite embarrassed."

"After all, you are the coach of our Great Qin."

"It is also a pillar of our Great Qin."

Ying Changsheng did not expect that Ying Zheng would give himself such a big label.

He also nodded, and led Meng Tian to the top of the city.

Now Ying Changsheng saw that Liu Bang, Yang Jian, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers below were all here.

He also laughed out loud.

Then he said to the people in front of him, "You two, what brought you here?"

"Now that you have come to me, what kind of things are going on, can you tell me directly?"

"If you don't say it, how can I trust you, what is the purpose of coming here?"

"Now tell me quickly.

But these two people also looked at Ying Changsheng as if they were mentally retarded.

Isn't the purpose of their coming here obvious? Does it still need to be clarified?

They said to Ying Changsheng: "Are you stupid? Or are you really stupid?"

"Now that our soldiers have come here, you still have to ask here. I think you are really full."

Ying Changsheng also widened his eyes, since these people didn't give him face.

Then he doesn't need to save face for these people.

He also said: "If there is no accident, you all know that I am here to start this banquet.

"I'm also negatively correlated, let me tell you."

"There's no way you're going to break a line on my side. (dacf)"

"Even if I give you ten guts and ten times as many troops, you may not be able to break Xianyang City.

After finishing speaking, Ying Changsheng also cursed and left here [leaving Meng Tian behind.

Now Ying Changsheng wants to go to find General Nitian.

Let him come here and lead his army to keep watch.

After all, he can't start the attack now, the most important thing is the people.

They didn't even know that the people were still there, they were indulging in the joy of the banquet, and Ying Changsheng didn't want to disturb them.

Ying Changsheng quickly came to Ying Zheng.

But he said to General Tian Tian beside Ying Zheng: "Can you lead your soldiers now.

"Follow me to the gate of Xianyang City?"

It is inconvenient for me to speak here now, and I believe His Majesty Ying Zheng will definitely agree.

Now the generals of the Guards Army are also a little confused, what do these words mean?

He also looked at Ying Changsheng and Ying Zheng.

After all, Ying Zheng is here, so he has to obey one of Ying Zheng's orders.

But Ying Zheng also said to the general of the Heaven-defying army in front of him: "You follow Ying Changsheng."

"Take the soldiers under your command, Ying Changsheng's order is my order."

"You must obey unconditionally."

The general of the Defying Army has never heard Ying Zheng say what he said today.

But he still nodded at Ying Zheng.

After all, Ying Changsheng is here, and he can't disobey Ying Changsheng.

He was straightforward, came to Ying Changsheng, and also called these soldiers under him.

Then he said to Ying Changsheng: "Can you tell me now, what happened?"

"Why did Ying Zheng let you bring me here? And why is he so relieved?"

Why are you so inspiring?"

But now Ying Changsheng also brought him to the city.

I also discovered Liu Bang, Yang Jian, and these soldiers below. .

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