The person who came to deliver the will, Sima Xin also knew.


Seeing Yingteng, Sima Xin probably understood what the emperor meant.

Kneel down and obey.

Everyone before Yingteng met had already knelt down, unfolded the holy decree, and read it.

“Bearing the fortune of heaven, the emperor decreed: Today, Fuyu, Sushen, Wo, and Ding Zero, the four places have been stabilized and Tai. In order to promote the indoctrination of the holy path of the Great Qin, four counties were placed in these four places and governed by Qin law. He was specially promoted to Sima Xin, the governor of the four counties, and gave the governor of Heiliao the rune seal. The 13th Army under the original command was handed over to the acting commander of the Yingteng Legion. Zhi Yingteng was a general in the north and coordinated all military affairs in the north. Admire this! ”

This result was not what Sima Xin expected.

He has been in Ashhada for a long time, and according to merit, he should also be promoted. But this is such a remote place.

If the military and political power is all in his own hands, the emperor is actually not very at ease.

This is also the reason why he has not been promoted.

Well, now, simply separate military and government. Sima Xin presided over the government affairs of the four counties, while Yingteng presided over military affairs. Mutual cooperation is also a constraint.

Yingteng is the emperor’s clan relative, and naturally has the emperor’s trust.

After Yingteng read the holy decree, he smiled and congratulated Sima Xin.

“Lord Sima, it is gratifying to become the second governor of Daqin!”

Sima Xin got up, too late to slap off the ashes on his body. Congratulations also to Winteng.

“Win the general, rejoice together. Rong promoted to the first general of the Great Qin Dynasty! ”

Routine courtesy, originally unnourished.

But the two looked at each other and actually smiled.

Yingteng said: “Actually, this general of the Great Expedition to the North was not my turn to do it. But General Chen Qingzhi is now far overseas. General Zhao Tuo also went to Europa. I had to be cheapened. ”

Sima Xin didn’t believe him and asked directly.

“General Zhengbei, there is a mystery in this name. Win General Hugh wants to hide from me! Tell me, this time, where to use troops again? ”

The northern forces of Daqin have expanded to the area of Ding Zero and Heishui. Further north, the vast Siberian Plateau. Most of it is no man’s land, even the Tungus, it is difficult to see.

Moreover, if the troops are sent now, in a few months, the northern land will be completely frozen.

Is it necessary to use troops against an uninhabited ice field?

Sima Xin really couldn’t think of the emperor’s intention to send Yingteng to be this general of the Northern Empire at this time?

Yingteng did not open his mouth to explain, but looked at Zhao Zhongshi who was standing on the side.

“Who is this little brother? Could it be the son of Governor Sima? ”

Sima Xin said with a smile.

“My son is in Xianyang, and he has a lot of power, so I don’t dare to take my son over. This is General Zhao’s son, Zhao Zhongshi. ”

Zhao Zhongshi lost no time in saluting Yingteng.

“Is the winning general okay? Cloth Zhao Zhongshi, greetings to you! ”

Yingteng nodded in approval.

“Boy is good. Go back to the war with my uncle and experience it. ”

“Uncle Xie Ying!”

Zhao Zhongshi behaved decently, with an old and serious style. It’s hard to believe that he’s still a thirteen-year-old.

Yingteng seemed to be very satisfied with Zhao Zhongshi’s performance. Only then did he open his mouth to explain to Sima Xin.

“Actually, this general of mine is not going to go north to the Siberian Plateau. Instead, come here, practice armament, and prepare for the big war next year. ”

“And the big war next year? With whom? ”

Sima Xin still didn’t understand. Even if it is not to conquer the north, there are not many people going west. To the west are now the remnants of the Huns, still surviving in the cold northern steppe.

It seems that there is no need to make such a big move to deal with the Huns, right?

Who knows, Yingteng shook his head and said: “I don’t know, in short, the emperor said that there is a big war, and let me not take it lightly.” In this autumn and winter, prepare your ordnance well. ”

Sima Xin nodded thoughtfully.

The enemy worthy of such attention is currently only Europa.

Now Zhao Tuo has not brought back the intelligence over there, and it is indeed unclear.

After Zhao Tuo returns, it is estimated that the enemy will be clear.

Now, Sima Xin and Yingteng have become the two supreme officials of this place, one civil and one martial.

Although he handed over all the legions in his hand, Sima Xin felt a little stunned. But he also knew that fish and bear’s paw could not have both, and it was the most important thing to reassure the emperor.

Sima Xin and Yingteng have been recommending Zhao Zhongshi during the handover process.

Yingteng thought about it, so he pushed the boat along the water and took Zhao Zhongshi as a staff member.

This is actually for the good of Zhao Tuo.

Among the real power figures in the four counties of Heiliao, only Zhao Tuo took his son over. If he still brought his son with him all the time, the emperor would not dare to let him command the army.

Yingteng used Zhao Zhongshi as his own staff, which was equivalent to Zhao Tuo hostage his son to the General Mansion of Zhengbei.

Only in this way, when Zhao Tuo leads the army out to fight, he will not be chewed on the root of his tongue behind his back.

Yingteng is also very interested in Zhao Zhongshi’s child.

Because this child, at a young age, was actually presiding over the affairs of Shucheng alone.

Yingteng asked Zhao Zhongshi.

“Virtuous nephew, you are sitting in Shucheng now. What are your plans for the future? Just grow soybeans all the time, do you do the slave business? ”

Zhao Zhongshi smiled.

“Uncle Win, I’m still a child, and I can’t do it rashly if I have an idea.” There are many things that I am still not sure about, and I need the help of the elders. ”

Winteng is to listen to his ideas, not to put it mildly.

“You just say it, if it’s feasible, Governor Sima is also here, and you can make a decision on the spot. It’s useless even for your father to object! ”

Sima Xin smiled. How can there be such a person as Yingteng, encouraging other people’s children to challenge other people’s fathers?

But at this time, Sima Xin also wanted to hear Zhao Zhongshi’s thoughts. Look at this child, does he also have the thinking of the big picture?

“Zhongshi, just say it. In front of us, there is no need to be polite. ”

Zhao Zhongshi nodded and began to talk about his views on the future of Shucheng.

“Uncle Sima, Uncle Win, I think so. Here in Shucheng, the west is close to the Nan River, and you can actually feed war horses in the west of the river.

The soybeans in Shucheng are about to be harvested, and after taking the beans, the leaves and stems can be fed to the horses.

The land of Shucheng is blessed, just the dividing line between grassland and cultivated land. It is necessary to assume the role of a transportation hub for grain and cattle and horses!

I want to build a bridge in Shucheng, so that Shucheng will naturally prosper. ”

Hearing these words, Yingteng and Sima Xin fell into deep thought at the same time.

Build bridges?

Big boats have always had to pass up and down the river. With a mast so high, how is it possible to build a bridge over the river?

As if knowing what Sima Xin was worried about, Zhao Zhongshi continued.

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