“Uncle Sima, you don’t have to worry about not being able to cross the ship. I want to build a pontoon bridge that can be disconnected in the middle and opened downwards. It’s like a door. ”

Sima Xin and Yingteng listened to Zhao Zhongshi’s last sentence, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

Pontoon bridges are rarely used, but they have been around since ancient times.

The Qin people used hundreds of complete sheepskins on the Yellow River, tied into giant sheepskin rafts. A few more sheepskin rafts, connected together, became pontoon bridges.

As long as the pontoon bridge is built in two, usually put together, it is a complete bridge.

When it’s time to cross the boat, untie the middle. The pontoon floats downwards to give way to the channel.

It’s the best of both worlds.

Sima Xin has been operating on this land for a long time. The reason why I have not tried to use the grassland west of the Nanhe River is because there is no convenient way to cross the river.

After listening to Zhao Zhongshi’s suggestion, I felt that this may be the only solution at present.

In this way, Shucheng became the hub connecting grassland pasture and cultivated land. All things that sell livestock and grain pass through Shucheng.

For the development of Shucheng, it is indeed a far-sighted long-term plan.

To get this answer, Yingteng can be said to be unexpected.

It seems that this child can no longer be regarded as a child.

After having the pontoon bridge, Shucheng was actually more suitable for Yingteng, and the General Mansion of Zhengbei was located there.

One is close to the Nan River, which is convenient for transporting grain and grass. Second, you can enter the steppe westward at any time and train cavalry.

In the four counties of Heiliao, after autumn, the weather has gradually turned cold.

And it’s when the forage is plentiful and suitable for training.

Yingteng immediately integrated the men and horses of the Fifth Legion, the Sixth Legion, and the Thirteenth Army and trained together.

At the same time, the body poison in the extreme south.

The weather is still hot, the same as in summer.

Bai Wu and Wei Pingbing divided into two ways.

Bai Wu entered the territory of the Mauryan Dynasty not far away, and occupied the small port city by the sea, Nale.

In Nale, he happened to meet Han Xin and helped him solve some worries.

Then the whole army set out, all the way down the coast, capturing one Mauryan city after another.

Wei Ping on the other side did not have as good luck as Bai Wu.

Ever since he entered the Mauryan Dynasty, he marched west along the foothills of Mount Silaya.

This is a relatively cautious attitude in case of a surprise attack by enemy forces. If the situation is not favorable to you when you are attacked, you can temporarily choose to retreat to the forest at the foot of the mountain.

What I never expected was that the Peacock Dynasty actually arranged a large number of military forces to be stationed at the foot of Mount Xuelaya.

This made Yu Ping very puzzled!

This is not a strategic location, why send so many troops to garrison?

However, he is not here to be reasonable.

Since the enemy is already in front of you, then fight.

Wei Ping fought hard all the way. Captured countless Mauryan soldiers.

The army of the Mauryan Dynasty stationed here fortunately did not have elephant soldiers. They are not here primarily to fight, but to maintain law and order.

Through a Sanskrit translation brought from Diandi, Wei Ping learned the inside story.

It’s just laughable.

It turned out that when the Mauryan dynasty was at its peak, that is, three generations ago, Ashoka. He believed in the Buddha.

At that time, a huge campaign was launched to build 84,000 stupas around the world.

This goal could not be achieved by the time of his death.

Then, his children and grandchildren suddenly changed their faith. Start practicing according to the teachings of Luxury.

This also indirectly led to the fact that within the Mauryan Dynasty, there were beliefs and everything.

But, no matter what they believe, they all have a common holy place in their minds – Mount Theraya!

Many people come to this mountain to practice or practice ancient yoga.

In this wild place, people of different faiths often fight directly. The blood flow of the head is light, often causing a large number of casualties.

The current king, out of desperation, sent a large number of troops to maintain order under Mount Theraya.

Wei Ping really didn’t expect that he would encounter such a broken incident!

Battle after battle was fought in vain, but there was not much gain.

In a fit of anger, he changed his course.

This time to invade the Mauryan Dynasty, not to destroy the dynasty, but to rob it.

Since you come to rob, you naturally have to pick a rich place to start.

Otherwise, this kind of long-distance logistics supply will be very difficult.

In fact, just a short distance away, there are rich cities.

After Wei Ping led the army to the south, he did not travel far. The scouts scattered in front saw a majestic city on the banks of a large river.

Compare the map given by the emperor and the confessions of prisoners of war. The river in front of you should be the most famous Ganges River of the Mauryan Dynasty.

And that city is called Mandu. It was a fief of King Peacock’s brother Banta.

Having discovered the big city, Yu Ping did not rush to storm the city.

Instead, choose to go back.

Retreated to the edge of the forest at the foot of Mount Theraya.

Here, the construction of catapults and crossbows began.

When Wei Ping set out on the campaign, he did not bring heavy ordnance. But with some steel bars, which can be embedded in the crossbow arm, increase the pull, increase the range.

While Wei Ping was building siege equipment, the army of Mandu City also discovered the Qin army.

However, the army of the Mauryan Dynasty did not choose to come out and fight with the Qin army. Instead, hold on to the city.

Generally speaking, relying on the walls to hold on will take a big advantage.

Mandu City is a large city with a strong city. Four long slides were built on each side.

This was a kind of city defense unique to the Mauryan Dynasty.

During the war, giant stone balls roll out of the slide. The stone ball rolled down with the momentum of wind and thunder, crushing everything, and it was irresistible.

The slide was curved.

In this way, when the stone ball rolls down, it will roll in the middle of both sides and cross over. Let the army that is attacking the city, it is difficult to predict the trajectory of the stone ball in advance.

Yu Ping was still attacking the great city of the Peacock Dynasty for the first time, and he had never seen such a slipway. I don’t know what this slide is for?

However, Yu Ping is not stupid, and he is also speculating about the purpose of this slide.

I thought about many possibilities, but in the end I was not sure.

In the end, Wei Ping selected fifty scouts with outstanding martial arts and climbed up the slide at night to take a look.

At this point, things are going in an unpredictable direction.

First fifty scouts, after climbing up, found such an important slide, the enemy did not send heavy troops to guard it!

Behind each slide, four stone balls are placed.

At this point, the task is completed. It is already known that this slide is used to roll stone balls.

But, Scout Captain, seeing that the enemy’s defense has a chance to break through.

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