Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 105 - Just A Little Misunderstood

"No," Ander said for the hundredth time. He was starting to think that Avan and Ella had gone deaf from meeting the faceless god because no matter how he refused them they still went after him asking the same thing over and over again.

"Please help us with this Amaru," Ella chipped in, she stood to his left while Avan stood to his right giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Have you can't idea what you are asking of me?" he asked the both of them, they nodded their head like each time he had asked that question. "You are asking me to get into a relationship with a boy to save him from the wrath of a god who doesn't have a face. Are you crazy?" he questioned walking away.

"We know that it's crazy but it was his condition so please accept," Avan said in a pleading.

'It's what you wanted, why are you playing hard to get?' the voice in his head asked him.

"Look, I am not interested in doing anything as such so just stop wasting your time," he said ignoring the voice in his head.

"Are we not friends?" Ella asked him. "Then why can't you help us out?"

"If you want me to help you cheat in class then it's fine by me or if you want help sneaking out of school am cool too but you are asking to date a boy," he said and paused to let his words sink into the two of them.

"And you want it to be real as this god will watching which means the two of us will have to do things together, things that lovers do. You might be okay with that but I am not," he stated and dashed off.

He could hear footsteps following behind him. He took to the back of the school building and stood behind a tree to catch his breath. He looked next to him, Avan was clutching the tree for his dear life.

"Yo...you are very fast," Avan said getting his breath under control.

"Takes practice," he replied. "If you are here to convince me then don't waste my time," he added.

"I wanted to talk is it okay if you just listen?" Avan asked in a sweet helpless voice.

"I can do that," Ander found himself saying. He wanted to refuse and give him a hard time but hearing his tone of voice his heart melted and he found himself accepting.

"I don't want to do this either, as you know my heart already belongs to someone else. It is not just my life on the line but his entire family too. I owe it to him to keep them safe in his absence even if it means that I have to do something that I hate. Ander is not here right now and if he were, he wouldn't let his mother or any of his family come to any harm, and as he isn't here. I will do that for him," Avan said speaking that which was in his heart.

His words hit Ander's heart-melting away all the anger and grievances in his heart. He expected him to say something selfish like the fact that he wasn't ready to die and what not so when Avan named him as the reason he is ready to agree to his condition he was unsure what to do.

The things that Avan said about him were all wrong in taking into account the fact that he was the one responsible for his mother's condition. He was the attacker that was hurting his family.

"Why do you say that Ander would not stand for it, from what I hear he was nothing but a selfish prince who only cared for himself," Ander asked curiously.

"He was selfish but not a bad person. Just a little misunderstood by everyone and himself," Avan replied.

Ander was left speechless, the things that Avan was saying were how he thought of him. No lies and no sugar coating to spare his feelings, plain truth. He was confused and sad by the fact that he held a grudge against someone who might have loved sincerely from the depths of his heart.

"Aren't you sweet to say that of him," Ander said his throat a little dry?

"It's the truth, you would say it too if you got to know him," Avan said staring in the distance as though he could see the subject of his discussion. "He was childish and stubborn in a cute way," he added.

"Alright, I will do it," Ander replied him. He needed him to stop singing his praises, his heart was already skipping a beat each time he said something sweet about him. He didn't need his heart racing like crazy.

"What?" Avan asked getting out of his thoughts. He was unsure if he had heard him right.

"I guess I can be your boyfriend," he repeated looking away from him. He could tell that his face had become red from blushing.

"Thank you," Avan told to him and embraced him in a hug from the back. Ander's heart picked up the pace and started thundering in his heart at the sudden contact. He froze.

"You have n idea how much this means to me," Avan's melodic voice sounded in his ear sending a shiver down his skin.

The warmth of the hug felt nice after the eight months of being alone and in the cold body of a god who feeds off cold negative emotions or energy.

He closed his eyes and automatically reached his hands and held Avan close to him. He had no idea that he had missed being embraced so much until Avan hugged him. His mind took him to all the times that his mother had held him in her arms and gave him comfort, the image was heartbreaking knowing that he pushed her to try and take her own life.

"Now that we are a couple doesn't you think we should seal it?" he asked turning around.

Avan raised his eyebrow at him to elaborate on his suggestion.

"I mean, wouldn't it be more believable if we sealed it with a kiss," he said his cheeks turning scarlet under Avan's intensive glance.

"Are you sure?" Avan asked him.

"I just thought that it might end your punishment sooner if we...but it's okay," he said and strode past him.

Avan grabbed hold of his hand before he went far from him. "If you think so then why not?" Avan stated and before he could register what he said. Ander was pulled back by Avan who made a U-turn to face him before their lips locked together in a kiss.

It was a soft passionate kiss on the lips before Avan backed away from him. "I think that would do," he said.

Ander's brain was fried by the kiss, he lost his sense of reasoning and the ability to think. He couldn't even bring himself to snap out of it when Avan backed away.

The kiss was in no way close to the first kiss they shared but it was just as magical. A flicker of a flame that he had once thought was gone from him reignited penetration every inch of his body.

"Amaru," Avan called out for the fifth time shaking him out of his dazed state. Ander blinked a few times to get back his composer.

He frowned as he returned to his senses, the burning desire in his body was still in his body awakening the senses that he had long stopped feeling.

The feeling was unquenchable, he wished the male had deepened the kiss. He had the urge to ask him to kiss him deeper but he held back his request. He had to appear uninterested to keep himself from suspicion and that meant suppressing his emotions and desires.

"Are you alright?" Avan inquired with a worried look on his face.

"Yes, I was just surprised," he answered.

"Happens, it happened to me too when I first kissed Ander. It was only for a dare but I ended up liking it more than I should have," he said to the boy.

Avan felt guilty, to him kissing Amaru was like betraying Ander but it had to be done. Ander will have to understand that he was left with no other choice to save the family. After all, he can't love the dragon prince from the grave.

"Why do you look sad? Was I that bad?" Ander asking noticing the change in Avan's face.

"No," Avan said looking up to meet his eyes. "I was just thinking. Do you think Ander will understand why I am doing this?" he asked him.

"I th.."

"He probably won't knowing him, he wouldn't even give me a chance to explain why I am doing this and just assume it's because I love you," Avan added interrupting Ander. The dragon prince felt his heart squeeze in his chest. Mostly because the boy was right, he never gave people chances to explain themselves to him and just assumed things.

"If he is so bad then why do you love him," Ander said angrily feeling offended. If Avan knew him so well, why was he wasting his time loving him?

"Because he has a beautiful heart, he just needs help realizing it," Avan replied.

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