Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 106 - She Devil

"You have killed my son and I want justice," the cries of a helpless woman echoed in the palace.

It was early in the morning the king and his beloved was just waking up when they received news of the woman who had budged into the palace, claiming they killed her son.

Alexander and Francis got ready very quickly and rushed out to meet the woman. They had to get to the bottom of the matter before it went out of hand.

Alexander opened the door to the room and pushed his way in past the crowd of soldiers who were preparing to attack the crying woman.

He told them to move back as he approached the woman. "Excuse me," he said politely.

The woman turned around and he froze. His entire body forgot to function. His eyes went wide with shock.

"You have excused Alex but where is my son," she demanded in a commanding tone of voice.

"Oli...Olivia?" he stammered unsure if he was seeing a ghost or if she was real.

"Surprise," Olivia said in a cheerful voice. "I hope you didn't think it will be that easy to get rid of me," she stated.

Francis walked forward and stared at his long-term rival. The she-devil that complicated everyone's life before her supposed death when she was alive all along.

"Where is my son Alex?" she asked him.

"Ander is dead," Francis replied to her. "He died a few months ago and if you cared about him then you would have come for him sooner," he added.

"Says the man who was proclaimed dead for sixteen years. If you care so much then you would have stayed dead," Olivia started with bitterness in her voice.

"I could say the same to you," Francis fired back. He was tired from the sleepless nights he had the past few days. The problems in his life just seem to keep adding up. He wasn't getting proper time to process the things around him.

It was frustrating. Ander was dead, Avan blamed him for his death and he couldn't blame him. He had created Avan to kill Ander, that was on him. Ander loved him and did stupid things because of that love and he didn't handle it well either.

He had a lot weighing on his shoulder but life just keeps getting interesting for him. Now the witch was back too and he has to deal with her on top of dealing with the assassin trying to avenge Ander's death.

"Haven't you grown a few plastic horns while I was away? Now you think that you can go up against me?" Olivia asked with mockery in her voice.

Francis scoffed at her question and grabbed his of Alexander's hand. "When you are done screaming like a madwoman you can find your way out," he said and strode out of the room without looking back.

Seeing as pity wasn't going to get her anywhere, Olivia decided to go big. She would just have to get what she came for the hard way.

He pulled Alexander along with him to get him far away from the witch. Her cunning ways were not coming back into the palace.

"Ander is alive," Olivia shouted running after them. This was a fact that they had held onto for so long but even they were starting to doubt it. "I can show you where he is if you want," Olivia added seeing that she had gotten both their attention.

"Why should we believe you?" Alexander asked her regaining his composer. He was so tired of her but she never seems to stop coming back into his life. The man he was before she would never have pushed his son to his death bed. He wouldn't have had so much hate in his heart for him.

"Leap of faith," she replied.

"I don't have any faith left in me. If you have nothing else then please leave before I reduce you to ashes," Alex threatened coldly.

"His magic, I can track it," she let out when she saw how serious Alex was. Truth was that Alex had changed and she could see it. She had come back to get what belonged to her, her son, her husband, and her crown.

The only way to get all that was through his son. He was the key to her come back. He was the trump card of winning over Alex and getting Francis out of Alex's life forever. Especially since she discovered that her son had a thing for Francis. It would be a win-win situation.

She would get her love back and Ander will have his love.

"How?" the king asked not getting any hopes that she is telling the truth. She had lied to him so many times that he couldn't trust a word she spoke but for Ander, it didn't hurt to try.

"Using this," she stated raising her hand to show them a golden compass in her hands.


Alexander, Francis, and Olivia sat in the family room as they waited for Annak to arrive. She was the royal witch, they needed her to confirm Olivia's words.

"I swear if you are lying to us. This time you will die for real," Alex warned.

Just then the door swung open revealing Malia, Mordecai, and Annak. "I had to see for myself that she was back," Malia spoke entering the room.

"Man is it hard to get rid of you," Mordecai said to Olivia. Olivia smiled at his words.

"Where is it?" Annak asked getting straight to the point. She was excited to get to hold in her hands the legendary compass.

Olivia held out her hand revealing the compass. Annak rushed to her side, she examined the compass with a glow in her eyes. She couldn't believe her eyes when the compass proved legit.

She took out one of Ander's elemental stones and placed it above the compass to test it. Within no minute, the compass lit up and a yellow light scanned the stone top to bottom before the compass hands started moving.

The hand pointed north of where she was. "It's real," she said to the king and the others who were eagerly observing her waiting to hear what she discovered.

"I told you," Olivia gloated. She wore a smirk on her face, it was only now a matter of time before she had what she came for. The throne of Arimelari seemed so close to reaching.

"Prepare to set out. We will bring the prince of Arimelari home," the king ordered.

"I will let Sofia know," Malia said but before she could rush off to do so Mordecai pulled her hand and stopped her.

"Let's find Ander first. If you tell her and this turns out to be another wild goose chase then she will be hurt. Let's not give her hope until we know for certain that Ander is alive," he explained to her. Malia nodded and stayed put.

The horses were prepared. Each one of them mounted on a different horse and rode down the path the compass was leafing them to. They rode at the speed of wind eager to reach the destination and discover the truth.

After about an hour of ridding they found themselves ridding towards the school. The compass led them to the school ground.

Getting off their horses by the gate they tracked the rest of the way on foot. Going around the school they walked down a small path that led to the forest behind the school. The compass was reacting weirdly proving to be close to the one they were seeking.

On reaching the forest the compass pointing to the trees ahead. Following the route, they came to stand underneath the tree. There was no one around.

"There is no one here," Alex spoke glaring at Olivia. One word was all he needed to rip her head off and feed her body to other dragons.

"The compass brought us here so he must be here," Olivia said her insides beginning to panic. She couldn't have been wrong and the compass had to have brought them there for a reason.

Malia sighed tiredly from the to and fro trip she had done. She leaned on the tree and rested her head on the step. She looked up to the sky in dread of the morning she had.

Her eyes landed on a white piece of cloth hanging from the leaves of the tree. The leaves were thick making it hard to get a clear view of who it was but she was sure someone was up there. Most probably the prince they sought.

"Honey," she called out. Mordecai turned his head to face her. "There is someone up the tree," she said. Her statement brought everyone's attention to the tree.

They all saw the white piece of cloth. "I told you he was here," Olivia stated releasing a sigh of relief that the compass didn't let her down.

"Who is up there?" the king asked in his deep commanding voice.

Amaru's eyes opened hearing the familiar voice. He sat up from his sleeping position, gathering his clothes in the order he jumped down from the tree.

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