Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 107 - We Found Ander

Ander frowned.

Everyone was staring at him in shock. It felt like in the few hours that he had taken a nap, he had missed something big. He waited for one of them to speak up and say something but no word came his way.

'Way to ruin my sleep for no reason,' he complained in his mind.

Seeing as they were staring at him without a word he decided it best to leave. He turned around and took a few steps before he felt warm hands wrap around his waist. The act of intimacy annoyed him beyond words.

"What do you think you are doing?" he asked removing the hands from his body.

"My son," the woman cried causing him to back away from her. "Don't run away from me. I am your mother, Olivia," she added.

Her statement caused him to halt. He gazed at her, the woman who gave birth to him with confusion in his eyes. How could it be possible that she was still alive?

As he was dazed Olivia ceased the chance and hugged him. She held him tightly in her arms.

"I have an offer for you," Olivia whispered in his ear. "And trust me you are going to like it," she continued.

Ander was perplexed by her behavior. It was not normal that he gets to meet his birth mom and the first thing she does is to offer him a deal. Not even an I've missed you or I love you. And from the energy, she was getting out of her whatever the deal was. It was not an offer of a happy family reunion.

"I'm listening," he said indulging her to see what she has to offer.

"I propose an alliance in which both of us get what we want," she spoke. Her tongue was laced with honey to trap him with her sweet words.

"We both get a happy ending," she added breaking the hug.

She stepped back with her eyes gazing at the king. She had an innocent look on her face but her heart yearned for the man that used to belong to her.

"You get Francis and I get Alex. What do you say?" she inquired of him. The make looked at the king and his beloved and back at his mother and smiled. This would be fun.

Their love had stood so many tests and yet they refuse to part ways. An old lover entering the picture might just be what the two need to get a taste of their own medicine.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I am not interested in Francis," he said to her. There was a glint of darkness in his eyes that flashed before anyone could notice.

"What do you mean Ander?" she asked him. It was confusing to her to hear him say that. After all, from the information that she had gathered of him, he is supposed to heads over heels for Francis and would jump at any opportunity to have him.

"For your kind information, my name is not Ander. I am Amaru and I am already taken," he explained. Watching her face twitch, he strode away from her and walked over to the king.

"I greet you, my king," he greeted.

"Greetings," Alex replied softly.

"Ander," Malia called out and hugged him. "I have missed you so much my darling nephew," she let out.

Ander was stunned, he didn't expect her to call him Ander. Now it was starting to sink to him that Olivia called with the same name.

'Impossible,' he thought when the possibility of them knowing that it was him crossed his mind.

"You were right before all this time and you never bothered to say anything to me," she complained.

"Ander," Francis let out in an almost whisper. Ander heard him clearly, it was as though stuck between whether to believe that it was him or not.

The rest of the family took turns embracing him and complaining about how unfair it was that he was alive and never bothered to look for them. They wanted so much to have him back that they didn't seem to get tired of hugging him.

There was so much positive energy in the air that Ander felt like vomiting. It was suffocating to stand in their midst but also difficult to getaway. They held on to him like glue.

The King and Francis stayed back, they let everyone else have their turn while they waited. Guilt stopped them from getting closer to him, fear of being the reason he gets harmed again made them keep their distance from him.

Seeing as he couldn't stop them from calling Ander since they already knew it was him. He decided to go with his plan B.

"Can you please leave me? This is becoming weird," he said.

"There is nothing weird with us hugging you. You are our baby," Malia said cupping his cheeks.

"It's weird since I am not who you think I am. I am Amaru, not Ander," he said sternly.

"You are Ander, we can prove it to you if you need proof," Annak stated.

"No thank you. I will go now and forget thing weird moment never happened."

"Wait," Annak called. He stopped in his steps and sighed. She was the most annoying person he had to deal with. He was sure it was her who discovered his identity. The woman was just too good and didn't know when to give up.

"Where are you from?" she questioned.

Ander thought about lying about his origin but knowing Annak, she would it up until she had the truth. "I don't know," he answered choosing to play it safe.

"Who are your parents?" the next question came.

"I don't have parents," he answered. He turned around and glanced at the people behind him.

"My grandfather adopted me eight months ago. When he found me I was unconscious, I was brought to him by a young boy my age.

He introduced himself as Kazar," he explained faking a pitiful look on his face.

He had become an expert in faking emotions after so many months of practice.

"Wait, Kazar. I should have known. That boy is nothing but bad luck for Ander," Malia let out with bitterness in her voice. "I'm sure that he did this. He must have been the one to transfer your soul into this body and took away from us," she added. Her veins popping in anger.

Ander was surprised by the conclusion she came to but it saved him the trouble of coming up with a story himself so it was all good.

All he had to do was play his cards right to avoid them from asking too many questions. As it would be hard to ask a person suffering from memory loss too many things he choose that as his game plan.

It also gave him an excuse as to why he had not come home even though he was so close to them.

"This means that you don't remember a single thing from your past," Olivia stated seeming disappointed. Her triumph card was proving useless even before the game began.

How was she supposed to separate Alex and Francis alone? She needed the help of Ander to get the job done. He was the only one who could tear them apart as it was destined.

"That's a pity," she added drawing the attention of everyone to herself.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter if he has his memories or not. He is our Ander and we can always make new memories with him," Mordecai chipped in.

Everyone nodded their heads bring him in for a group hug. "Come on in here," she called to Alex and Francis. Soon they all joined in the hug except the she-devil who in no way did they consider family.

Malia pulled Ander by the hand dragging him into the school. The students who saw them pass by the thought that he was in trouble and was going to be punished. Avan and Ella included.

They left their seats in a hurry and followed behind Malia to go and help him out. Malia was unaware of the wrong message she was sending the students by pulling him around the school. Her only concern was seeing her best friend happy again when she told him that her son was alive. And had been among them the whole time.

She reached Sofia's room. In her excited state, she didn't bother to knock. She swung the door open and rushed in with Ander behind her.

"What is going on?" Sofia asked startled by the sudden invasion of her privacy.

"Guess what?"

"I don't play games, Malia, what is going on?" she questioned hoping she would get to the point.

"Try to guess. It is something good and you've been yearning for it," she said giving her a hint of what it was.

"At this point in life I don't yearn for anything," Sofia said her heart weighing with worry.

"We found Ander," she spat out shocking Sofia, Avan, and Ella.

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