Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 123 - A Recipe For Disaster

"He doesn't want to be with you? That doesn't make sense."

"It's how it is," Ander said not wishing to expand on the matter. He couldn't change Avan's decision and frankly, he was tired.

Love was the only thing he has ever wished for in his life. He didn't care about power or money because this thing didn't make him happy. That is why came up with the idea yo being them here, no kingdom and no crown meant they could be just a boy and his lover.

But sadly that was not what Avan himself wanted. They finally had the chance to be together without anything holding them back.

"Did he say why?" Amaru asked to hope to understand the situation.

"It wasn't important for him too. It is how he feels and that can't be changed," Ander let out.

He stared at the horse losing his mood for riding. Even he wanted to confront Avan and ask him what the reason was that made him feel the way he did. Maybe it was something that he did that pushed the make to feel like that. He had no idea.

"We should go back."

"Not before we go for a ride," Amaru insisted. He reached out his hand to help Ander up. The dragon took his hand and got up from the ground.

"I hate to say this but I have no idea how to ride a horse. I never learned how," he said with a sad smile. Saying that made him recall the reason why he never learned to ride. Other than the horse fearing him, he thought that it was an activity that he could do with his father.

He wanted for Alexander to teach him how to ride but that too was a wish that never got fulfilled. All the things that he wanted were never his to take or have.

"I will teach you," Amaru offered.

In one swift move he got on to the horse, he offered his hand to Ander, "Come on up."

"You want us to ride the same horse?" Ander exclaimed. "Isn't that like a little intimate?"

"We are husband and wife, with you being the wife. A little intimacy won't harm our marriage," he said with a straight face causing Ander to start laughing.

"What do you use to think. I doubt that there are any brains up there," Ander spoke in between his laughs. "You say a lot of crazy things," he added.

"Crazy or not they put a smile on your face," Amaru stated.

Ander took his hand and let him pull him on the horse, he sat on the horse nervously. Being a dragon he had never let anyone ride him and frankly if anyone tried, he would either drop them to their death or burn them alive. So he was not trustful of the horse not throwing them off his back.

He was tense and a little scared to be on top of an animal but also excited at the thought of how much fun it could be.

"Relax," Amaru whispered in his ear. "I got you."

"That only makes me more nervous," he said to him honestly.

"Have some faith in your husband will you?"

"Wait, how come you are the husband. I think that I should be the dominant one in this relationship," he suggested childishly.

Amaru gave a slight kick to the horse, as it started to move out of the stables Ander held his breath with his eyes closed. He leaned back to Amaru's chest.

"Why can't anyone love me?" he asked subconsciously.

Amaru was caught off guard by the sudden question. "They all love you in their way," he answered.

"If they love me then why do they always find a way to leave me. Am I that scary that no one can love me enough to stay with me?"

"I am still here," Amaru said. They went silent right after. They let the sounds of the night fill the area and drowned in their sorrows silently.

Amaru didn't increase the speed of the horse, it was more like a horse walk than a ride because the horse just walked around with them on it.

Under the clear night sky, it was just the two of them on a horse with no destination in mind. Anything was good as long as they didn't have to return home. Each with their problems weighing on their hearts, it was more comfortable in the silence.

"What is going to happen to us now?" Amaru asked breaking the silence. "This trip wasn't planned. We will have to adapt here and find our place to stay, we can't leech off that family forever."

"One step at a time, everything will fall into place eventually," Ander let out in a tired tone. He was almost falling asleep if Amaru didn't speak to him and wake him.

"But we should figure out a way to make that money thing. It is important if we are to survive here, and the elders have to find jobs to blend in."

"I know."

"Will you need my help?" Amaru asked calmly.

"Right now, I don't even know."

Unknown to them they were being watched. In the shadows by the trees, a couple hid watching their every move and listening to their conversation.

"Why are we doing this again?" Francis asked Annak. He was sleepy and wanted to go to bed but according to the witch, it was more important for them to watch Ander and his friend. The two weren't even doing anything important.

"I had to find out whether my intuition was wrong or right," she said.


"I was right as always. Somehow Ander has done something that no one in history has been able to," she stated with concern in her voice. "And I have yet to know just how big a price he will pay for it," she added.

"What has he done?" Francis asked concerned. He was not in the mood for any supernatural problems, he and Alexander had decided to live a normal life away from magic and its troubles.

"He has somehow found a way and given the faceless god a heart. Only an act of true love can do that and in turn, it earns the love and affection of the god," Annak explained with sadness in her voice.

"That is good right? Love is a beautiful thing," Francis said unsure what was there to panic for when he did something good.

"You don't understand, a god's love is different from that of a human's. His love when true is obsessive, possessive, and unlike humans. Gods can only love once and when they do, they will do whatever it takes to have their love," Annak said scared. "A god gets jealous easily and they get even over every little thing."

"I don't understand what the problem is," Francis told her honestly. According to him, life was a good thing that should be encouraged not feared the way she did.

"Gods in love are known throughout history to destroy the world in the name of love, that is why gods are often born without a heart. To avoid the end of humanity in case such temptations present itself."

Francis sighed seeing the peaceful life that he hoped for going out the window. Now he had three babies to babysit that could cause the end of humanity. They had discovered that Avan had gotten his hands on Melchior's powers which are dangerous if not handled properly.

Now there was a God who had fallen in love with a dragon who has a habit of burning things that didn't go well with him. He felt a headache coming on from the problems piling up on his plate.

"Hold on, do you feel that," Annak asked averting his eyes from the children.

"What?" Francis asked not feeling anything. Annak grabbed hold of his hand and teleported them from the tree to the hill she had to envision. She could feel a very powerful force near that hill. Being that they were new to that place she thought it best to know their neighbors.

They landed behind a few bushes. They parted the bushes to have a clear view of the area. They both froze in place at what they saw, there was a boy not older than Ander floating in the sky with no shirt.

That wasn't what frightened them, the thing that scared them was the pair of wings behind his back that were on fire.

"A Phoenix," Francis let out shocked. He hadn't seen one of those in a long time and having one up close was frightening.

The boy held had his eyes watching the distance. He was completely unaware of the company he had.

"That is something you don't see every day," Annak said to him. "A dragon, a god, a phoenix, the triplets of doom, and the chosen one all in one place. That is a good recipe for disaster waiting to happen," she told.

"We should leave," Francis advised.

"What is that?" Annak asked him pointing at the mark on the boy's chest.

Francis squinted his eyes to take a look. His eyes went wide with shock at what he saw. "Nothing," he said not to worry Annak but the mark was reason to worry.

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