Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 124 - Ander's Destined Partner

Francis and Annak made it back into the house. He was filled with dread over what he had witnessed on the young male's chest.

It was hurting to him to have been a witness to the events of tonight. The things he had learned we're enough to drive a man to madness, he didn't wait for Annak by the living room and rushed to the room he shared with Alexander.

"Where have you been," Alexander questioned cupping his waist from behind. He hugged him and laid kisses on his neck. "I have been waiting for you," the man sighed in his ear. Their was need evident in his voice.

It was clear what he was in the mood for. Alexander traced his chest with his hands, feeling the muscles that laid underneath all the fabric that he wore.

"It's been long since it was just the two of us. Can you tell me where you snuck off to?" Alexander inquired. Francis shivered when Alexander pinched his sensitive nipple over his clothes.

"I went out with Annak," he replied with a heavy tone. He was burdened by the problems of the younglings in the family.

Alexander tugged at his shirt, he raised his hands and let the dragon help him out of his shirt. With his shirt gone he looked down at his body. At his waist to be exact, he saw it. The Mark of destiny that bounds his and Alexander's destiny.

The mark was an ancient one that appeared at birth. Since childhood he had thought it to have something to do with his path as the chosen one but now with the memories of his past life he could read the mark, the ancient language was not unknown to him.

'Alexander,' was the name written on the mark. It was one that bound him to Alex, they were destined. The dragon mark on his neck sealed the bond but with or without it the two of them were always meant to be and hence found ways back to each other.

Alexander noticed no reaction from Francis from the kisses and knew for sure something was wrong. For the male to be so lost in thought that he wouldn't react to his touch.

"What is wrong my love?" he asked guiding him to seat down on the bed.

"I discovered something today that makes me so guilty and afraid," he replied laying his head on the man's shoulder.

"What did you discover?"

"What a bad person I am," Francis said feeling guilty. His heart was heavy with tonights discovery that he was unsure if he could ever forgive himself for the things that he had done.

"Slow down now, you aren't a bad person. What could have happened that you feel this way?" the man asked him softly and gently.

"We saw a Phoenix tonight," he announced to Alex. Alexander tensed at the information, phoenix's and dragons were known for their enmity, it was nothing new. "And I think he is the reason that Ander brought us here," he added.

"How can that be? He did this for Avan, he might not have said something but we all know that he did it for the young boy. I hope those two can work out their issues," Alex said hopeful.

If Avan and Ander manage to get along then his son will have the happiness he deserved in life and maybe with the new start even he could find a way to get along well with his son. He could be the father than Ander has always wanted him to be.

"That is what we thought but destiny was in play all along," Francis let out feeling the energy in his body drain from him. Just thinking of it all was draining the life out of him. He felt tired.

"I don't understand beloved. What are you trying to say?" Alexander asked getting worried? His instincts warned him that he might not get the quality time with his beloved as he had wished for. It was clear that Francis was not in the mood for lovemaking either.

"Every dragon is born with a destined partner, at birth the destined partner is born with a mark with the name of his male or female on it. To tell to them to whom they belong," Francis began to explain. "As you are mine, your name is written on my mark. The Phoenix we met had a similar mark, he is destined for a dragon," he added.

"I know that but why are explaining this to me again, you already told me about this before when you explained the mark on your waist," Alexander said confused.

"The name on his mark, I got a chance to read it and it was written 'Ander."

The information was like ice cold water to him, it was impossible to believe because of Avan's existence. It was true that destiny designed partners for dragons but a case of one dragon having two partners was unheard of even by him.

"Avan? How can that be possible?" he questioned not getting how the Phoenix could posses the mark.

"Avan is a being formed from my anger, he was born naturally and technically speaking, he is my magic."

"Still not getting how this whole thing is possible," Alexander stated his head hurting fr trying to make sense of the things he learned.

"I created Ander when I was mad at you and in my spell I tied his being to Ander. He was destined to be born or to stay by Ander's side and the fact that he did was all my doing. I interfered with their lives and messed up destiny that is why we are here," Francis let out with tears flowing from his eyes.

He had not just ruined one but many lives in his moment of weakness, if only he had remained calm on that day when the fate of Ander killing him was foretold then he wouldn't be in the mess he found himself in.

It was sad that he was responsible for Ander's pain. It made sense to him why destiny made him the subject to deliver Ander to his destiny, it was because he was the sole reason the boy deterred from his destined path in the first place.

"Creating Avan complicated his destiny and the fact that I used my magic to force into being Ander's bane made it. Everything that has happened since both their births was destiny's way of bringing him to originally destined bane, the Phoenix," Francis explained to him.

Alexander was speechless.

Hearing the words from his beloved's lips made his heart beat very fast threatening to ran away from his chest. The news he received was quite shocking he couldn't comment on the matter.

"He was to be with the Phoenix from the start and I ruined it, now Ander and Avan will get hurt because of me again," he said sadly. "Do you remember when Ander died by Avan's hands, he was right to blame me for it as I was responsible for it but now because of me the two of them aren't meant to be," he cried in Alexander's shoulder.

Alexander's arms shook, he had witnessed first hand his son's rage and his anger. The things the black moon dragon was capable of doing when upset were not unfamiliar to him.

He could only imagine what the boy would do when he found out that the two of them messed up his life way before he was born. He couldn't release himself of guilt for what Francis did in the past, he was partially responsible for the choice that Francis made.

"Me being Ander's love interest was just to get him to come here, where his mate resided and that is not even the worse news," Francis informed sadly. "Because of my anger, we grew apart and Ander shattered me. The male grew up without the love of a father and his mother as she was dead," he started to say.

"He became lonely and angry all thanks to me. Every pain in Ander's life has always been connected to that faithful day and now more pain will come his way because of it. Because thanks to the loneliness he felt, he attracted the faceless god to himself and now things are complicated," he stated.

Alexander silently listened to his explanation, he didn't interrupt him and let him get his emotions out.

"Now the god is in love with him and he is very possessive of him, Avan truly cares for him and then their is his destined partner, who as everyone knows Phoenix's don't like to share what is theirs," he sighed with great regret in his heart.

"One can only imagine the great battle that is to come between the three and just how confused Ander will be in all this," he said. "Who will he end up with? or will he lose them all in the process to come?" Francis questioned to him.

Alexander's mind was barely keeping up with him let alone give him an answer. It was crazy what one decision they had made in their lives had affected so many lives and complicated so many destinies. He could only hope the future wasn't too dark due to their mistake.

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