Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 128 - A New Crush (part Four)

Ander's p.o.v

I wanted nothing more than to torture the six boys until they died. It was so pleasing to watch them struggle to free themselves from my clutches.

This will teach them not to mess with the dragon king. I am a dangerous boy and the people of this place best understand that, though.

"Ander," I heard his magical voice call my name. I tensed up. I dropped the boys and nervously turned around to meet his gaze. He must be confused and maybe disappointed at my behavior. But in my defense, I was defending myself.

"It's n..not what y..you think," I uttered nervously. Being around the male made me nervous in ways that were mysterious to me. I wish that he won't be angry over this little thing.

"It looked to me like you were going to kill them if I didn't call you," he said straight up. 

"I..I..." I tried to come up with an excuse to refute his claims but I couldn't. It was as though my body could never lie to him. Every once of blood in my body was fighting with me, especially when he had that look on his face as I had disappointed him.

I couldn't stand to see him look at me like that, it reminded me of all the time that my family has given me such a look. It was not okay with me to have my ray of hope also look at me like that.

"I can explain," I said to him in a pleading voice. "The..they.."

"They are a victim of whatever you just did to them. Here is your phone, I am out of here," he said putting the phone down and walking away.

My heartfelt as though it had been set on fire. It was heartbreaking to see him walk away from me like that. It was the last thing that I wanted to happened. I sincerely just wanted one day of peace.

I panicked. I picked up the gift bag from the ground and followed behind him. This place is unknown to me, I have no idea how I am going to make it home from here.

Regret filled my heart as I wallowed at how unfortunate I am. Just when I think that I have found something nice. I end up losing it not far after. It was so tiring to fight destiny when all that is written for me is pain.

Perhaps I should just give in and stop trying to be happy. In life, there are two people, those with happily ever afters and those like me, who no matter what they do. They never seem to get the happiness they deserve.

"How did you do that?" 

I looked up when I heard Royan speak to me. I didn't hear what exactly he said but it felt nice to hear his voice directed to me.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"Not stuttering I see, were you faking that?" I asked and I shook my head to refuse. I had not faked anything with him it was all real. I hated the stuttering so why would I go through the trouble to fake it.

"N..no I wasn't. Look, I didn't want to hurt those boys but they suddenly came at me and we're saying things I didn't understand like faggot and before I knew it they forced me outside and started hitting me. So I fought back," I found myself explaining.

"They called you what?" he asked seeming mad. Wasn't sure though if the anger was directed at me or someone else.

"A faggot I think. Not sure what the word means," I informed.

Royan turned back walking towards the store. He looked really mad. Having no other choice I followed behind him to see where he was going. We got to the back of the store, the boys I beat up was picking themselves up from the ground. 

The minute they laid eyes on the two of us, me to be exact they started trembling in fear. The fear in their eyes for me pleased me greatly.

"So you guys dared to call my boyfriend a faggot," he stated angrily. 

My heart was beating fast in my chest, the word boyfriend echoed in my ear like music on replay. 

"N...no," the boys said in unison. In a blink of an eye, I saw the white-haired boy who seemed like the leader of the group fall to the ground. He was lifeless. 

Before I could register what he was doing all the boys laid on the ground and from the looks of it they didn't seem alive.

"Wh..what...?" I went to ask but was stopped when he grabbed my hand and flew with me away from the store. 

My eyes widen with shock on seeing his fire-coated wings. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and the fire was so threatening and dangerous I couldn't help but desire it.

Hellfire was dangerous and hot but this one was magical. If possible I would like to learn how to make my dragon wings burn like his.

"Don't," he warned when I reached out to touch it. "It will burn through you like meat," he informed.

I held on to him closer and let him fly me away. It was cute, he killed for me. It was just a simple matter and he didn't have to get his hands dirty not that he used his hands to kill them. To be honest, he moved so fast I barely saw what he did to those boys.

But it warmed my heart to know that he would do that for me, even if we just let this morning. It was weird how fast our relationship was developing, right here in his arms it felt like I had known him forever.

I knew that I was safe in his arms and that he would never hurt me. He made me feel cared for more than anyone in my family ever did. Avan tried but when the time came he too learned to turn his back on me.

I wonder if someone insulted me before him, would he have done what Royan did for me, or will he walk away like he didn't see it. 

"We are here," he announced setting me down in his room. I had not even realized we were here but to be fair I haven't realized a single thing since this morning. I seem to have developed the go with the flow mood.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," he said apologetically. He cupped my face in his hands and gazed into my eyes. "You are not a fag, you are a cute and handsome young man. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise," he added. 

His words sounded distant to me. With his hands on my face, all my other senses stopped working except for the sense of touch and sight.

I could see him and feel him but not hear his words. The things he spoke went through one ear and left through the other without my brain registering what he said. 

"It's okay if you are different. I am too, with the powers and choice in people," I heard him say. "Truth is I hate people who hurt others for fun. People who think they are entitled to judge others just because their preferences are different."

I saw his lips moving but couldn't get a word of what he was speaking. It did get me to wonder though, what those soft thin pink lips tasted like. Would it be electrifying like it felt when I locked lips with Avan?

His lips were so close to me and his talking only made my desire increase. I swallowed hard to avoid my mind from wandering off track. 

"I like you," he said. My breath caught and my heart stopped for a few seconds before picking up the pace again. "And I will fight for you," his words sounded so good to me.

Maybe it was because I have always wished for someone to say such words to me. I was so happy that I could no longer control myself. I moved forward a step and locked my lips with his.

I moved back immediately getting a sense of what I had just done. He was being so nice to me and I kissed him, disgusting. I felt disgusted by my actions and my inability to control myself. 

"That was unexpected," he let out. I slowly waited for a but that can't with the I hate you, Ander. "But sugarlips, that is not how people kiss," he said sending shivers down my spine with his nickname for me.

"This is called a kiss," he said and grabbed me by the waist. He pulled me close to him and swiftly joined our two lips together. I gasped when he kissed me, he slid his tongue into my mouth and deepened the kiss.


I heard and flinched. Royan was gone from my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes to check the source of the loud noise. My eyes caught Amaru by the window, he had a killing intent in his aura.. My eyes wandered the room to find Royan on the floor lifeless.

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