Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 129 - To Hell With Your Love

Ander was left speechless after what he had just witnessed. He ran to Royan's side and held him in his hands. He felt his heart boiling with rage. It was so heartbreaking to see the person who showed him such kindness.

His eyes glowed goldenly. He set Royan on the bed and shot his gaze at Amaru. He was enraged. He got up from the bed and raced over to Amaru's side. He took the god by the hand and disappeared from the room.

They reappeared together in the forest. Ander threw Amaru to the ground. "What do you think of yourself. How dare you hurt him?" he questioned smoke coming out of his ears.

"He was taking advantage of you Ander and I wasn't going to let that happen," Amaru said calming down. 

"I am not your responsibility so what gave you the right to do that?" Ander inquired from him.

"I am your husband," Amaru stated.

"Husband," Ander scoffed. "And what gave you the idea that we are together huh? Our marriage was nothing more than a marriage of convenience," he said to him.

Amaru took his hands and gazed gently into his eyes. "It was but I want it to be more than that," he confessed happily. 

"I don't want you. I am not interested in you in that way and I never will. So I would shatter any dreams that you must have weaved based on our marriage if I were you," he informed pushing Amaru away from him.

"I have watched people say they like you one second and change their minds the next minute. And I don't want them to happen to you again," he said. "Trust me, the two of us can make this work. He will hurt you just like Avan."

Hearing his words, Ander folded his hand into a fist. He gritted his teeth and glared at him. "You are one to talk. Have you forgotten what you did to me? Or did it skip your mind of the games you played with me?" he asked him amused. 

He was talking tall talks and acting like an angel when he was a monster just like the others. 

"What do you mean?" 

Ander smirked at his ignorance. "Do you recall the day we met? The games you played with me the day before my birthday. You used my insecurities to turn me against my family and made me hurt, all so that you could possess me," he declared angrily. 

"I..I.." Amaru couldn't come up with an excuse to justify his actions back then.

"Just like Avan you weaved dreams in my head and heart only to turn around and hurt me," Ander said tears flowing from his eyes from the pain of his reality. 

"You, Avan, and my whole family have always done this to me and each time I gave you all the power to do it because of my desperation to be loved and accepted. But not anymore," he said.

The world felt like it was spinning with the two of them staring into each other's eyes. The pain was evident in both their eyes as the truth was being spoken. 

"You and everyone else play victims and make me a villain. You all have done it for so long that you didn't even realize when you became the villain of your own stories," he stated.

"I love you, Ander," he confessed in between the heated conversation.

"To hell with your love," Ander shouted at him. "I don't care about your love. I am not interested in any of your love, either from you or from the rest of the family. I am done being a puppet to you all," he added.

"You aren't a pupp..."

"My eyes are open now and I know quite well what is good for me and what is not. I am no longer the damaged little boy who you tricked as you wished and threw away when you no longer need me," he told to him. 

"And better get this straight into your head. This marriage was nothing more than a necessity," Ander announced.

"You and I are married. That gives you no right to cheat on me," Amaru said with tears flowing from his eyes. The tears were real, he was learning what it was like to truly have a heart.

"You can't use that to control me and what marriage are you talking about. You married me for your selfish reasons and I had mine, the reasons are no longer valid so I think this marriage should also come to an end," he threatened.

Amaru's breath hitched, he had not anticipated for the conversation to go on this path. Ander was angry and looked like he could care less about what he had to say. But he had to try and stop him.

"Ander, I..."

"Save it," Ander said halting him in his sentence. "I don't want care. Smart, from now on I free you from all responsibilities of this marriage," he said to him.


"I free you from all our vows and ties," he let out. "And from now on, we are no longer married," Ander announced.

Amaru felt heartbroken when Ander separated from him. He had been so excited about their wedding as it meant that he had the right to get close to him and show him his love but before he could do that someone else had trapped him in a web of lies.

"What did he say to you that you changed so much," Amaru asked him.

"That is the thing, he didn't say a word to me. Unlike you and everyone else, he didn't have to sway me with false lies," Amaru replied calming down. 

"You can learn a few things from him."

Ander walked away from him before he realized that he didn't know the way back home. He sighed and turned back to the god.

"Can we go?" he asked.

"You have no way of getting home, cute," Amaru let out wiping his tears away. 

The last word he said made Ander recall Royan and how the boy described everything he did as cute. It made him smile and forget his anger.

"Let's just go and if you mock me I will burn you to death," Ander warned him.

"Yes my king, I would gladly oblige to your wishes," Amaru mocked while bowing. 

Ander picked up a rod from the ground and aimed to hit him with it. Amaru avoided the rod and ran away. Ander chased after him fiercely.

"I swear not to tell the world that the dragon lacks a sense of direction," he told happily while running. 

"I dare you. The day you do that, I will destroy you and reduce you to being a human," Ander warned. 

Ander ducked between trees doing his best to avoid being hit by the fuming Ander.

"Tell me, dear, what else is the dragon king incapable of?" 

"You..." Ander let out feeling disrespected. It was humiliating to see that the foolish god was mocking him. He couldn't help but clutch the rod tightly and keep swinging at the god. 

It was sickening the nerve of the god to insult him who was a dragon king. He was a king from crying out loud so what gave the stupid god the right to mock him.

"You will be sorry," he ran after the god once more. They ran around the forest mocking and threatening each other for many hours. Soon the sun hit the middle of the sky and was shining the brightest when they suddenly decided to stop.

They were both tired and sweaty from the run. They dropped to the ground next to each other to catch their breath. 

"That was fun," Amaru wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"Yeah, this is what I like. To smile and have fun," Ander informed. 

"I think l like it too. Maybe we can start by just being friends?" Amaru offered to him while reaching out his hand for a handshake.

"That would be lovely," he said. "On that note, I should tell that I got us somewhere to stay for the whole family. Where we don't have to threaten anyone for it."

"Sounds good, we should go home and tell the others about it," he advised.

"Yeah, but can we wait a while I'm exhausted."

'I can wait forever for you. You don't even have to ask and I won't let you go without a fight,' he thought. 'I admit that I went about it the wrong way but all will change, I will win over your heart."

Amaru sat up and used a spell to clean the two of them up. "We should go," he insisted and helped Ander up from the ground. "The sun is too high, laying here will make us sweaty again and give us sunburns," he added.

He teleported the two of them back to their house in a second. "By the way, the dragon king is so dumb he forgot he can get home by teleporting," he mocked and ran away before Ander could register his words.

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