Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 130 - The Meeting

The family came together and discussed the situation with Royan. Due to being the royal family members and being used to people having bad intentions towards them. They all were suspicious of him.

So it was decided that Alexander, Francis, Annak, and Ander would meet Royan to find out more about him.

Avan volunteered to join and Ella also joined him. He had been stressed ever since he heard of Ander talking about this Royan guy. The way he spoke about him made him question the situation.

The dragon's eyes sparkled when he spikes of him and it made his heart hurt. He had said that he didn't wasn't sure that he wanted to be with the dragon but it was only because he was scared. He loved the male.

He was terrified of losing, everything he tried to take a step forward in their relationship. Something or the other had to happen and push them several steps back. But the fear of losing Ander altogether terrified him more. 

He nervously played with his hands hoping that Royan was an old man with grey hair and walks with the help of a walking stick. And should be extremely ugly. 

"It's going to be fine," Ella comforted understanding his problem. "It doesn't matter who he is, he can't be more good-looking than you and most importantly he can't mean more to Ander than you," she added.

Her words managed to put a smile on Avan's face. He needed to hear that and to be reminded that he could do it.

They arrived at the house. Ander knocked at the door and waited, he crossed his fingers hoping that Royan hadn't died from the earlier attack from Amaru. 

He found himself glaring at Amaru all the same. The god was unbelievable and knew well how to make him unhappy. 

The door swung open, the head maid held the door for them. Seeing the familiar face of the boy that Royan had borough home, he let them in. Her face lit up seeing so many people behind him.

Since the male was taking a shower in his room she would have to talk to them as a good host. Working for Royan's father paid well but it was lonely. Other than the servants she didn't get to talk to anyone else much. 

The boss and his family weren't talkative people, they weren't allowed to leave the house often so it was lonely.

"Come in," she said happily and led them in. She forgot the protocol of asking whether they have a visitation card or not. Or whether the boss was expecting them or not.

She asked another maid to get some snacks for them while they settled down in the living room.

Ander smiled when they reacted just like him while setting down on the soft chairs.  If Royan was there he would have said they all were cute.

"Where is Royan?" he asked the head maid. Deep in his heart, he was a bit scared that something bad had happened to his friend. 

"He is.."

"Right here," a voice said from behind them. They all shot their gazes up to the stairs. Royan dressed in white from top to bottom descended the stairs one step after the other. 

He glanced at them as he did, Ander smiled seeing him alright. Avan gazed at him and Ander seeing how happy the dragon was from seeing him and gritted his teeth.

Royan was not good-looking, he was better looking than he had expected. He wasn't even sure if he could compare to him. Avan laid back on the chair and sulked.

"To what do I owe the honor of this visit prince?" he asked recalling Ander's introduction.

"I...I..my f..family," Ander fumbled with his words. 

His stutter surprised all that had accompanied him to meet Royan.

"Since when does Ander stutter?" Ella found herself asking out of shock. "He doesn't," Avan replied bitterly.

His stutter brought a smile to Royan's face. He was enjoying how cute Ander was. "You brought your family to meet me?" he asked and Ander nodded. "How sweet," he complimented.

"Greetings," Royan greeted turning to the rest of the family. Francis got a clear view of his face and his heart stopped beating for a few minutes before it thundered in his chest. His hand in Alexander's handheld him so tightly. 

He was surprised at the same. Now he understood why Ander was acting the way he was and why he grew to trust the boy after meeting him for a few hours.

"Francis, Are you okay?" Alexander asked getting worried about him. 

Annak too recognized the boy from the night of the arrival. The Phoenix that was gazing at Ander, there was no way that she would forget such a face and she had this feeling that he was connected to Ander somehow. But the part of the puzzle he fit in was unknown to her.

She was glad that they would get to live with the boy. They said that it was good to keep one's enemies closer than friends.

"Greetings," she replied as the others had some of the other conflicts inside their hearts and mind. 

"Welcome to my humble abode," he said to them and took a seat next to Avan. "What can I do for you?"

"Nothing," Avan said in a tired tone. Royan raised his eyebrows at his reply. 

"M..my family wanted to speak to you about the house," Ander said to him.

"I see..."

"We accept the offer," Annak jumped in cutting him mid-sentence. She didn't want to give others the chance to refuse. It would give her peaceful nights if she knew exactly what the Phoenix was up today and night.

"I don't think we should make such important decisions so easily. We should think more on this," Francis let out scared of the outcome of Ander, Avan, Amaru, and Royan in the same compound. 

It would be a disaster when the bond between Royan and Ander grew stronger. They are fated for each other and everyone knew that anyone who tries to separate two fated souls always suffers a terrible fate.

He had made the mistake but destiny chose to punish others for it. But maybe he could fix it if he could just have time.

"I think that we should take the offer," Annak insisted. 

The snacks arrived and were set on the table. Amid the argument, Amaru and Ander whispered to each other. Ella remained a quiet spectator while Avan was feeling down. 

His hope of Royan being an old man was crushed and from the way, Ander reacted on seeing him it was clear that Ander like him. He glared at Royan and checked him out. 

He needed to find something about him that he could say made him lack but the longer he looked the more he was convinced that he was best for Ander. He'll, he wouldn't turn him down if he weren't in love with Ander. Then how could he expect Ander to refuse him?

Royan had his eyes on the boy checking him out without bothering to hide it. He could see and feel a lot of emotions from the male, mostly jealousy. It confused him what the boy was feeling jealous of or why there was some hostility from him. 

He was helping them out with their problem and they hadn't met before so his bitterness was confusing. 

"Don't you like me?" he leaned in and whispered in Avan's ear. Avan came out of his thought when Royan's hot breath hit his skin. He looked to meet the male's gaze.

He met with Royan's beautiful smile right before his eyes. He froze hearing his heart beating loudly in his ear. 

"Answer me, have I done something that offended you?" he inquired in a soft voice.

He didn't want to come out push but it settle well with him to have the boy hate him without him knowing why. He waited for an answer but none came. Just like Ander he just stared at him dazed as though he had a rainbow on his face. 

He sighed. He wasn't good with people but he was sure the dazed and no reply thing only ran in Ander's family.

"Will you please tell me," he pleaded. 

"I..I d..don't hate you," Avan said subconsciously. 

"And the stuttering runs in the family too," he let out. He flipped his hand in front of Avan to snap him out of his trance and backed away. 

"Well, why don't we have some snacks as we continue the discussion," he said raising his voice a little from the whispers he had with Avan. 

'A new crush will even you out," Ella's words ran inside Avan's mind as he looked at Royan. His mind couldn't help but wonder about things he never thought he would ever consider.

"Thank you," Alexander said to him before they dug into the snacks. Royan dished some food onto the plate and nudged Avan out of his thoughts and handed him the plate. 

"Thinking too much is bad for your health," he advised.

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