Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 134 - The Amak

"You talk tall but you are nothing but a coward," Ander said to him. Royan smiled to him.

"You have no idea what you are talking about," Royan said. A strong wind blew into the room from his wardrobe. He frowned a lot from the wind. "The two of you stay here," he ordered coldly and moved from the bed.

The wardrobe was shaking with strong wind pushing to get out of the wardrobe. Royan reached for his sword and pushed the door open. "Name," he yelled into the wardrobe.

"Amak," a deep manly voice informed through the wind. 

"I hate such creatures," he mumbled and rushed out of the room. Ander and Avan cut short their excitement and followed him after getting dressed. They were scared by his weird reaction and wanted to find out the mysteries of the talking wardrobe. 

Royan exited the house and raised his sword in the sky. A blue light flew from the sword to the sky. It landed in the private property behind the compound. 

"What is going on?" Avan asked feeling something evil in the area. As he was in possession of dark Melchior's powers the first thought that came into mind was to take control of the creature and use it as a weapon to build his army but he held back the urge to do so.

"A monster has gotten lose from the sire. I need to find it and get rid of it before it causes permanent damaged to the human realm," Royan replied.

"How dangerous are we talking?" Ander asked him.

"Depends on the monster but every creature kept in the sire is there for a reason. So I wouldn't underestimate it no matter how small it is. Stay here, I will be back when all is done," he instructed to them. 

"Wait," Ander said holding me back. "Since we have a deal now we are to have each other's back. we will come with you and help you deal with the monster then maybe I could show you a good time," Ander said seductively.

"You don't have to do this. And if anyone will be showing anyone a good time it will be me," he replied cockily. 


They heard an explosion far in the town. Royan turned his head in the direction. "Keep up then," he said and took to the skies. "Nayal a little help," he cried out as he flew.

"Who is Nayal?" Avan asked but before Ander could give him a reply a cat came from inside the house passing them by as they stood watch. The cat increased in size the more it ran and soon it was as huge as the horse. The cat released its wings and turned around running back in their direction.

"Why is it coming back?" Ander asked his heart racing from the creature that was running back in their direction. 

"I don't know should we stick around?" Avan asked him scared of the cat that can change size and has wings. In the years that he has spending with supernatural creatures, he had never once seen something like it before. It was scary and terrifying if you take in his fear of cats.

They both froze on the spot. They found their feet rooted to the ground and fear ran through them. They closed their eyes when the cat was near them not to look at it. They waited to be torn into pieces by the beast but nothing happened.

"You can open your eyes now guys," they heard Royan's sweet voice say. They slowly opened their eyes to find that they were now on the back of the cat riding towards the town where the monster was. Royan stood on the head of the cat majestically unaffected by the wind.

The way the wind moved around him was so beautiful. It wasn't him controlling the wind but the wind just listening and avoiding him intentionally.

"Down Nayla," he instructed and waited. The cat set them down and let them off his back. He looked at the ground with a crack where the monster escaped from. He examined the essence in the air to try and determine the monster that got out. There were many types of Amak's in the world each with different powers. But each dangerous none the less. 

From the essence it was a small shapeshifter that got out. They were particularly the worst, they were very difficult to deal with and only one weakness. He took out his phone and called his grandfather. The call went straight to voicemail.

"Gramps, it's me Roy. When you get this call me back, I need to know the weakness of a shapeshifter Amak," he said and hung up the call.

He tracked the ground for the monster, Ander and Avan followed behind him patiently. The dragon got ready to attack if they come across a monster, the same applied to Avan. He was getting good at controlling his new powers. They were evil and most of the time they wanted to take over him but with training and the help of Ella, he learnt how to.

They heard a twig break to their left. Ander didn't wait to find out what it was and send a fire spell in that direction.

"No," Royan screamed as he saw the fire headed for the monster. the creature was small, when the fire hit it. It fell to the ground.

"That is how it is done," Ander gloated to them.

"What have you done?" the phoenix asked him. The tone of his voice wasn't the praise that Ander wanted to hear. Just then the Amak got up from the ground grew bigger. "Avan seeing this fired his own spell on the creature. 

Once again the creature fell for a minutes and got back up being bigger than before. It swung its arm throwing all of them away. Nayla took to the skies and rescued them one by one until he had all of them. 

"This is a shapeshifting Amak. That means that if you hit it with magic then it will grow in size and become more powerful. It absorbed both of your magic and now we can forget handling the matter discreetly as now even the people from the neighboring town can see him," the phoenix informed glaring at them. 

"Sorry," they said in unison apologetically.

"We need to move with caution, we can't let it reach the town and we are not allowed to use magic on it," he said to them. "Now you are more than welcomed to help me in this fight but only if you are going to help. Make things worse for me and I won't like it," he added his tone getting lower as he went on to the last words. 

"We won't give you a reason to complai…."

"Watch out," Annak and Ella shouted at the same time when the monster was moving to grab them while they were going over their plan. They repeatedly hit the monster with a breaking spell hoping to break it to pieces.

Francis too soon joined the fight with his chosen one powers. He followed the same lead as Annak and Ella and choose to break the beast. Alexander brought his support from the sky as the dragon, his scales shined more than ever and there was a new mark on his forehead that had never been there before.

Seeing as the creature almost hurt Ander the faceless god also joined the fight and before any of them could even take a breather the monster had grown so big the entire forest seemed small in his eyes, the monster could no longer see those attacking him as they had become so small to him , much smaller than a fly.

"What the hell is that," Annak asked in shock. The others understood where her shock came from. The creature had gone huge to mega huge. They stopped their attacks and moved back to access the situation. 

Royan could have sworn he could see smoke come out of his ears from the things that just happened. He didn't know whether to marvel at the fact the entire family had magic and the fact that he had seen a dragon with his naked eyes or cry at the mess they had created. The whole town was in panic from seeing the monster and they were running helter skater screaming to the top of their voices. 

Another mess that he has to clean up and contain before the government comes asking questions that he didn't need to answer but he knew that it was already too late. The fact of the matter was that he knew that they would come, a mess that big must have already been posted on social media. Which means that his grandfather must have seen it too. 

"Perhaps it would have been wise to ask that question before you went around attacking it aimlessly," he let out in a tired tone.

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