Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 135 - The Purple Flame

Royan received a message from his grandfather informing him of how to destroy the Amak. It was easily said than done. He needed to go into the forbidden and seek a plant with purple leaves that grow near the volcano. 

The purple flower had a legend to it, his grandfather told him that but the legend wasn't in the message. The message only mentioned that it grew near the volcano. The type of volcano was not mentioned either.

He was going to have to trust his luck that he finds the flower and returns safely.

He had to go to the forbidden but he didn't trust to leave such a bog monster in the hands of reckless people. 

"Nayal glass house," he instructed loudly. The cat got up from the ground and flew to the monster. It circled around the Amak and them until they all disappeared. 

"I need to go and find the weapon that can kill it. Until then don't die," he instructed to them before jumping through the air and disappearing from where they were.

"Wait, did he just leave us with that thing and ask us not to die?" Ella questioned to them.

They shrugged their shoulder to her question and gazed at the monster. It was so huge that it couldn't even see them enough to attack them but they couldn't just stay still and wait in hopes that the creature would stay put.

"Where are we?" Annak uttered feeling the wall behind her. It looked like glass but it wasn't glass, it looked like a house and yet it wasn't. 

"Space between light," Ella answered. She had read about the existence of such places. It was like her arena only better because here the space was infinite. One could move through the glass to another reality if they wished to and each reality had its own set of rules. 

She was unaware of what the rules were since the book was missing a few pages but was certain of one thing.A creature of dark origins existed and fed from all the realities. Yep more the space was used the more it gets strong and the more chances of it being set free.

"No matter what we can't leave this reality," she said to them right before the monster shrank back to it's normal size.

Now that it was small again it could see them quite clearly and they looked like his lunch.He was hungry from being locked away for a very long time and needed to feed. He growled at them and started to attacked them.

"Don't attack it with magic or it will grow again," Avan warned. 

Each found a tool that they could use to fight the creature. 


Royan entered the forbidden in his true form as a Phoenix. The forbidden was a fire isle that burnt with all kings of fire. The volcanoes in the forbidden produced flames that could burn thought anything and anyone.

He traded carefully as his life was in danger in the isle. On the way he couldn't help but curse at himself for him stupidity. He had been occupied with Ander and Avan for more than twenty four hours and that was why the Amak was able to get free. 

And by letting Ander, Avan and his family interfere with the control of the Amak he exposed the existence of supernatural creatures into the world.

He was able to contain the Amak but goodness only knew the kinds of trouble he has invited into his front door by letting Ander in.

The thought of what the exposure could do to his family made his mind stressful. He just couldn't believe that he gave in to his desire of being a normal teenager who does normal stuff like kissing and all that.

He even went as far as to give his desires of a threesome a chance. "I will miss the two of you," he uttered.

With the mistake that he had done he would be lucky if his grandfather doesn't kill him but one thing he was sure of was that he wouldn't be able to see Ander and Avan again.

"Arghh," he growled in pain when he was hit off from the sky and pinned to the ground. The claws of whatever grabbed him dug into his skin cutting him on the inside. 

His back burnt from the flames on the ground. From his leg to his head. No part of him was spared. The type of flame it was, was purple and very dull. 

It wasn't shimmering like other flames in the aisle but it was much more dangerous. He bumped his head on the creature hard throwing it off his body before he went to stand. 

His shoes burnt to ashes in a few seconds leaving his bear feet on the ground. "Arghhh," he screamed at the top of his lungs as the flame burnt away at his flesh. He fell back to the ground unable to continue standing. 

The flame took his clothes and went ahead to his body burning away at him with the intention of reducing him to ash. 

He screamed repeatedly until he was nothing more than ash on the ground. 

The ash started forming into a sculpture of a boy on the ground. It merged with the purple flame to become complete. The flame engulfed the sculpture without burning it to ashes.

A few minutes later the sculpture exploded revealing the Phoenix underneath. He took a deep breath awaking from his five minutes moments of being dead. 

He noticed that flame was not burning at him. The uncomfortable feeling he got earlier as he flew over the isle was gone. The sensitivity to the flames of the use also no longer there.

His body had taken the new phone with the isle, he felt such a dangerous connection to the purple flame that gave him chills. What more was the intense voices that he could hear in the flames like someone was talking to him. 

He ignored the voices and walked barefoot on the ground of the isle without getting burnt. "I could get used to this," he said impressed. He couldn't wait to show his grandfather what had happened and show him that he was truly one of a kind.

He searched around the isle for hours for the plant that he needed but from the fire plants he found there was none of the one he was seeking. 

"Where is it," he questioned hoping to get done quickly so that he could go home and get dressed. The heat from the isle felt like he was in a sauna since he had somehow grown immune to the fire.

He kept searching in the hopes that Ander and Avan would still be alive by the time he got back. He just couldn't find the volcano with the flame that aloud the flower to grown near it. 

The hours went by and soon it was day another day. He could tell the day had changed from his connection to the isle. Seeing no hope in finding the plant, he left the isle and returned to the glass reality.

When he arrived thing we're not well in the glass house. They weren't in the free space that he had provided them but in a city fighting on walls and balancing on trees. What more was the broken doors that kept opening and closing inside the glass house that led to different realities. 

He could see people from places he had never even been to walking inside the glass house and getting stuck not able to return to their realities.

It was a catastrophe. He shook his head and laid it on his hand. "I should have know better than to trust them," he said. As he said that a purple glint passed through his eyes. He wasn't about to notice it but a purple snake tattoo on his back moved up a little and rested on his neck.

He didn't realise the matching tattoos on purple snakes on each of his wrists sleeping soundly. He was too stressed to notice the changes on his body from his flame merging with the purple flame. 

On the head of the snake, the one on his back was flowers that we're made into a crown. Flowers with purple leaves that he was seeking. 

"What to start with?" he questioned trying to locate the Amak and sadly as he located it, it jumped through one of the doors to another reality.

"This is a mess," he said.

"What are you?" A female trembling voice asked from being him. He turned around to face her and realised that he wasn't wearing clothes. His wings were free and the flame had changed from orange to purple on them.

"Sorry for the inconvenience ma'am," he said and jumped at the closest door to leave that place. He found himself back in his room. 

Putting on his clothes he patiently read through the scroll of the glass house to find a way to get things to normal.. As he was looking down he didn't realise the colours of his pupils changed purple as he read.

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