Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 146 - Giving Up On Love

Francis couldn't think, his head was filled with thoughts that were driving him crazy. He couldn't bring himself to concentrate on what Annak was saying to him.

Ander's words were what worried him the most. The boy was the craziest person he had ever met in all of his lives. He wasn't just vengeful but was also unreasonable.

He was a person who acted before thinking and did the craziest of things just to pass a message. Like dying just to show him how unhappy he was with him.

No matter how he looked at it he couldn't find it in him to justify what Ander had done. Yes, maybe he was hurt when he and Avan became one as they were always meant to be but that was no excuse for the drastic measures that he took.

"How do we get out of this prison?" he questioned him once again.

Ander ignored his question like the other times that he had asked him about it. He had no intention of letting anyone out, he was waiting for the time to come when they would all die in the prison of his creation.

"I will have my happy ending, if not in this life then I will take it in the next," he uttered to him. "I am linked to you and if you do die here then you will be reborn with me by your side," Ander explained to him.

"This is not a game Ander. People's lives are at stake," he spoke in panic.

"You think I care? If you think that I am in the least bit concerned for the people in the room then you are wrong," he said in a matter of fact tone. He seemed to enjoy Francis's dilemma quite well.

"Maybe this is why you are alone. Who can love a heartless beast like you?" Francis inquired bitter from the way that Ander was behaving with him and his friends and family.

"Even if we get reborn together, you can rest assured that I will never love a cruel dragon like you," He added.

"Since that is how you feel," Ander let out opening the space between the room they were in to the next. On the other side of the space Francis saw Alex talking to an illusion of himself. "How about we make the game a little more fun," he said and entered the space before it closed.

Francis panicked cursing himself for provoking Ander. Year's of experience had taught him better than to make the dragon angry but he didn't seem to learn.

He just could control his anger when they went from the good relationship they shared to the love and hated one from before. He could already see how it ended and the ending was not to his liking.

He hated how history had a way of repeating itself every single time and it brought him a headache to even think of it.

"Are you listening to me," the audible voice of the witch before him asked.

He nodded his head. His eyes were still on the wall where Ander had disappeared to.

"We have a problem," he informed her. "Ander used wish magic to attach himself to me. He had gone mad," he added.

The boy had gone from pitiful boy who had been wronged to a vengeful lover who was not reasonable at all. He had become dangerous and needed to be stopped.

"What do you mean by crazy?"

"He wants us all dead and hopes that the two of us get reborn together. Tell me, would any normal person says that," Francis questioned unable to understand Ander.

He could find an excuse for the no matter from which point of view he viewed it from. Not even from Avan's point if view did he see the point in what the boy was saying.

It was really sad to see the path that Ander had chosen, he was certain that it will lead him to nothing good.

But he had lost hope in saving him. Ander east lost that he needed saving, the boy knew too well what he was doing and was going to stop at nothing until he got what he wanted.

He and Annak left the throne room and went to find the others. With or without Ander's help. He was going to save his family and get out of there alive.

Ander moved to where Alex was, he had no intentions of harming him in any way. The things that he wanted were only going to be achieved if the Alex was alive. He only said those things to Francis to mislead him.

He didn't want his love, he was tired of the words. It made him a slave to people and that was the last thing on his mind.

In the illusion, Alex was busy falling deeper and deeper into it. He could barely see anything past the illusion and he had sacrificed most of his real memories to the illusion.

His memories were locked shut with Ander while his empty mind was being filled with new memories from the illusions.

'Soon, you will all be free from here and by then my revenge will be complete,' he thought and smiled at his father.

"Soon, we are going to be closer than ever like we should have been from the start. Everything will happened my way," he said recalling the words that Francis uttered to him.

He could hardly wait to free everyone and return home. His plan was running course, his father was slowly and slowly growing to hate Francis with each passing second and he would have it no other way.

"You can never love a cruel dragon like me, we will see who among us will yearn for love by the time that I am done with you," he stated bitterly.

His rage was uncontrollable. Having Francis say that to him after all the games that the man had played with him hurt. He called him cruel when he was the one who lacked a heart.

"For every broken promise and all the lies that you have told. You will be punished," Ander let out seeing the last memory that Alex and Francis shared leaving the king's mind and being made into a painting on the wall.

He exited the room seeing as everything was going according to plan. At first the place was born from his pain but after waking up and seeing such an opportunity before him.

Ander decided to punish all that had wronged him in his life and make them pay dearly for it. He made his way to the dungeon of the palace where Olivia and the imposter were.

He had thought of something special for the two of them. He had little tiny screaming demons torture them slowly.

Each time the demons screamed they would feel their bodies were being torn apart. It was surprising how small creatures could cause so much harm but he was not one to complain.

They were doing something very important work for him. Olivia and the imposters screams could be heard from far. He didn't even need to be in front of them to enjoy their torture.

No one's powers worked their except for his. It was his world and he decided what was to become of everyone in it.

It was so wonderful to play god but not as amazing as punishing his enemies.

He raised his hand and a glass of tea appeared in it. It was a sweet smelling purple tea which was his favourite.

The time in the world also gave him plenty of time to rest. Though he was a spirit. He was one with total control of his magic. The magic that he was using was one that was even more forbidden than blood magic.

It was a magic of the soul. He was channelling Francis's soul to perform magic. Not in a way that would have Francis but such magic was not grounded. It was impossible for such magic not to work in any environment in the world.

"Learning forbidden magic really comes with it's advantages. I am so powerful and unstoppable and my mission is to destroy all of you," he stated staring at the wall with the paintings of everyone in the royal family.

They had taken him as an option for long enough and now it was his turn to choose just how they will pay for that. He was done being good and hoping to please people. He was to become the worst villain of all their lives.

And the best part was that they will neither see him coming or be able to stop him. "I will break you in such a way that you will never be able to forget and not even god will be able to protect you from me," he brushed his hand over Francis's photo as he did so.

"I am going to be your nightmare just like you've been mine," he vowed.

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