Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 147 - Revenge

Francis and Annak had another monster sound which indicated that another person had fallen victim of the torture house and had been swallowed by it.

They still had not lost hope of finding the others and getting out of that place safe and sound. Francis was determined to show Ander that evil cannot win when love is around.

He believed that his love was strong enough to battle every obstacle that Ander threw his way. In the end, he will show Ander that no what evil does, love will emerge victorious in the end.

He was going to prove the dragon king wrong by showing him the wrong he made by choosing the path of hate instead of love. Unknown to him was the plans that Ander had was never to separate them by death.

He was clueless on what the young dragon king's true intention were and while he was under the illusion that Ander wanted them dead. Ander was already getting ready to break his spell and free everyone.

"I had promised you that you will understand what it is like to me," Ander spoke appearing right next to him..

"And I have told you that it won't happen. I am not you and that is the reason that I am going to win against you," Francis challenged confidently.

"Being confident is good but overconfidence is a problem that might cost you the battle you are fighting," Ander stated calmly unaffected by the words Francis spoke.

"I am not overconfident that is your field of expertise. I have faith in my love and my faith will win," he said.

"Turn left," Ander advised not giving a come back remark to his claims. The love that Francis was so proud of. The same love for which the male betrayed him and broke him each was his weapon to shatter the man.

"Why would I do that? You think I am foolish to listen to you?" Francis asked him.

"The fool was me for trusting for all these years but not anymore. I have stopped trusting people so I will understand if you don't listen to me but don't blame later if your ego comes with a price," he said as relaxed as ever.

Francis looked into Ander's eyes to see if he was up to something. He was curious of what awaited him if he listened to Ander but also scared that he was being played by the dragon and that going inside was a bad idea.

But since there was no more harm in checking it out. He walked through the door. He entered the room that was on his left and saw Alexander laying on the ground unconscious.

"Is this an illusion?" he asked despite his better judgement that told him not to. Ander was his enemy and the boy was known to play dirty with his enemies that he could trust him.

"He isn't, consider this a gift for the love you made me feel even if it lasted only for a while," he said to him.

Annak made his way to Alex, she examined him. "He is real," she informed Francis. Francis helped her carry the king on their shoulders and moved him from the room.

"See, I told you he was real," Ander stated to him. He was really enjoying their reunion, with what he had planned their love was going to take a test of a lifetime and he could only imagine who would win.

The stakes were high but he was hopeful that his hatred and revenge would win over their love. After all he had put his heart into the revenge plan and thought of all the outcomes to make certain that he doesn't fail.

"Now we just need the rest of the family for you to start walking in my shoes. Let's see if you will make different choices as me," he said happily jumping around him.

Francis felt his head hurt from everything. Ander was not giving him a break at all. He kept him bothered with the same things over and over again. He kept talking about how he was going to learn what it is like to walk in his shoes.

Francis had no idea what he was talking about but he was getting a bad feeling about it. Especially when Ander gave Alexander back to him without any difficulty.

They moved around the palace with Ander giving him directions. He had used the need for the house and wanted to get out. The real fun would start once they were out of the spell.

Francis and Annak slowly gathered all the members of the family. They had been found in the rooms that Ander led them to. For those who had vanished, they had found them at the roof of the palace.

They were locked in boxes that Francis easily opened with his sword which had Ander's essence in it. He had everyone from the palace excluding Olivia and the imposter whom they couldn't find.

Ander was not foolish to release them. They could rot in the spell for all he cared, they wanted him dead and now it was his turn to punish them. It was time for all that had wronged him to pay for it.

"What now?" Francis asked him. Since he was helpful in gathering everyone, he was hoping that the boy would extend his kindness yo helping him find a way out if there.

"A way out is in the king's dragon transition room," he informed to him.

He looked ahead of them and a space created that led directly to the room. Inside their was an open portal that led to the outhouse that Royan had given to them.

Seeing the path home Francis grabbed the others. Annak was the first to go through. Once on the other side, she caught the unconscious people that Francis threw to the other side of the portal and helped them to land safely.

When everyone got out, Francis passed through the portal and watched it close behind him. It was good to have a breath of fresh air after a long time.

He didn't know how long they were stuck in the spell but he was happy that it was all over. He stood by the window and looked out to see the familiar garden. He sighed in relief.

"Do you recall when I used to look out the window and sigh while I yearned for my father whom you took away from me?" Ander asked him taking his place right beside him. He looked out the window.

The memory of him playing with Avan in the garden flashed before his eyes. A tear trickled down his eyes as he remembered what used to be. Something that could never happen again since Avan was more.

"By the way, I learnt something from your memories that troubled me," he stated to the man. "It's the guilt that you hold in your heart, the guilt of messing with my destiny," he said to him.

Francis was surprised by the topic. It was true that thanks to him Royan and Ander had not met before, he thought that he could make up for it if Ander found happiness with Avan but that turned out to be another mistake.

"You messed with my life, first you made fall for you. Then you proceeded to make me fall for Avan when you knew it wouldn't last," Ander stated coldly . His demeanor had changed from how playful he was a few minutes ago to serious and cold.

He looked withdrawn and lost. His eyes had lost the fire that once used to burn in them. Only emptiness was left in his eyes.

Francis felt a pang in his heart as he witnessed his doing. He was happy about bring free from the shackles that held him back but he had not thought of what his happiness would cost someone else.

"Ander, I..."

"You've always been the cause of every problem in my life and yet every time you pretend to be the solution and when it fails, I turn out to be the villain," he told to him. "You've always claimed to understand but not once have you understood what it feels like to be hurt by the one you love," he added.

"I can't apologise for my mistake but I am sorry for everything," he said letting his ego go since he realised that the mistake was with him and the boy had every right to be mad.

"I could have met the one made for me if it wasn't for you. I would had a simple love life that troubled no one but you couldn't have me get that," Ander said calmly.

"Now you won't get the one you love either. Get ready chosen one, the clock to your punishment has started ticking," Ander added.

He averted his gaze from Francis and gazed at his father who slept soundly on the chair. "By the time he wakes up, your suffering will begin," he uttered.

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