Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 37 - The Kings Farewell

Alexander roamed around the palace grounds. He was cursing his life and the fact that he had to meet a terrible woman like Olivia and have her ruin everything that he held dear to him.

"Sire, the arrangements are down for the King's funeral," Malcolm informed him.

He nodded his head and followed Malcolm to the palace. He got to his room and changed his clothes, he got dressed in all black for the funeral. He left his room and found Francis and the queen coming out of his room all dressed up for the funeral. Francis was holding his mother and helping her walk, he didn't even turn around or spare a glance for Alexander.

They headed to the entrance of the palace, Silvia was there waiting for them, she smiled at the prince and went to him when they arrived.

"What are you doing?"

"I came to help my friend mourn his father. I am not your wife anymore but I can still be your friend right," she said and held Alexander's hand. "Just take one step, the other will follow after," she advised and walked with him.

They walked side by side with Francis and the queen. They descended the stairs going down. Olivia arrived at the foot of the stairs and put her hand out while waiting for Alexander. She wanted him to hold her hand while they went to the funeral and to be by her side.

Francis watched her with bitterness in his heart, the realization dawned on him that he could never compete with her no matter how much he tried because he lacked a lot compared to her. She was giving the kingdom an heir something that he could never do even if he wished for it since he was a man.

"Why are you getting angry?" the Queen asked him noticing his mood.

"Anyone would get angry on seeing a snake," he replied.

"Olivia? Why do you bother yourself with her when you are the one my son loves. Consider yourself victorious as you have something that she could never get in this lifetime," she said to comfort him. "Not to mention the prince won't spare her after what she had done this time," she added.

"I doubt that is ever going to happen," he said.

"You underestimate the love my son has for me and his father."

"I don't underestimate the love that he has for you and the late king but he won't punish the mother of his child," he said.

"What?" she asked surprised at what he just said.

"Princess Olivia is pregnant."

Silvia stopped a step closer to Olivia. She waited for the prince to take Olivia's hand so she can walk behind them.

"The procession is waiting. Let's go," she said reaching her hand closer to Alexander.

"Today is my father's funeral. I want to be by my family at this time," he said and walked past her and joined the soldiers. Eight soldiers carried his father up. While the others walked in front and behind the king.

The prince and Silvia walked behind them, followed by the rest of the royal family. The procession began and everyone carried a candle in their hands. They followed the king's body as it took one last tour around the kingdom. To bid farewell to the people and his kingdom before he was put to rest.

The sunset as they were making the last round on the last kingdom. The subjects and the royals lit their candles and let them burn in his memories. They sang songs as the body was heading to the lake.

"Be strong mother," Francis said to the queen as she broke down in tears. It was so hard for her to watch her husband being carried away for the last time. She couldn't contain the pain in her heart for losing her husband.

"Olivia must pay for this," she said in a shaking voice. "I will have her life for this."

"You can do all that later, now just think about the king and say your last goodbyes," he said to her.

The king's body made it to the lake and was laid in a boat. The queen left Francis's side and went over to the boat. She held her husband's hand for one last time and dropped it after whispering threats into his ear.

She threatened him to wait for her before he went to the afterlife so that they can go together or she would kill him if they ever met again. She also asked him to haunt Olivia's dreams until the day the witch took her last breath or she will make his life miserable for him after she dies.

She waited for the prince to bid farewell to the king, Alexander held his mother and wiped her tears away, and gave her a nod. The Queen pushed the boat from the shores. The boat went away from the bank and further into the lake.

The prince jumped into the lake after his father's boat, he transformed into a dragon and emerged from the water. He flew over his father's corpse and released his fire to burn the boat. He watched his father burning and returned to the shores. He returned to his human form upon stepping on land. He stood next to his mother.

Francis took the queen and together they boarded the first chariot back to the palace. Alexander rode with Silvia and Olivia back to the palace.

"Greetings princess Olivia," Silvia greeted.

"Greetings to you as well, I would refer to you as a princess but you no longer hold that title so," Olivia said to provoke her but Silvia just smiled.

"Relationships in life don't change because of tags Olivia. The King might have divorced me but I still hold a special place in his life. I am his friend and I will always continue to be so until the day I die," she said.

"You and I both know that you don't care about being his friend. The only that concerns you is having his favor so that you can the world at your feet," she said.

"It's okay if you think that. After all, a liar will never believe that others can tell the truth. In the same way, how could you ever think that I am capable of having any good intention for being friends with the prince when you aren't," she fired back.

"You," Olivia said and raised her hand to hit her but Alexander caught her hand. "Let me go," she demanded of him.

"Behave yourself and don't even think of harming Silvia in any way or you will regret it," he said in the cold voice that he had used with her before. Olivia sat back quietly, Silvia watched her friend in worry.

She was wondering how cold the prince's voice was and why he had become like that. She thought that his avoiding Olivia earlier was because of a fight that they could have had but the problem seemed to be bigger than that. She wanted to ask but his aloof face told her that he wasn't in the mood to talk.

"I am happy. I got to achieve Alexander's greatest dream," she said humming.

"Are you pregnant?" Sofia asked putting two on two together.

"Isn't that good news?" she asked her.

"Stop the chariot," Alexander ordered and all the chariots stopped. "Let's go," he said pulling Silvia out of the chariot. Olivia tried to hold him back but he left. He got Silvia to board his mother's chariot and went to sit alone in the last chariot.

"Let's move," he ordered and the guards started the journey again. He felt someone else's presence in the chariot when he sat back. "I know that you are in here. Reveal yourself," he said.

A little girl appeared seated right before his eyes. She looked no older than twelve years old. She was carrying luggage with her and sat quietly.

"Who are you?" he asked her.

"Annak, my name is Annak."

"What are you doing here Annak?"

"I am here to head to the palace," she replied in a sweet voice.

"And why are you going to the palace?"

"I am going to serve the dragon prince and the chosen one. I have been sent by Nayla one of the triplets of doom. She has asked me to stay by their side and help them in case they need it as she is not here anymore and won't return for a long time. I am a witch and I can perform spells for them," she answered in detail as she was asked to.

"I see. Do you happen to know why Nayla is not here and where she has gone?" he asked her but she shook her head.

"She didn't tell me and who may I ask are you?" she raised the question.

"Alexander, the prince of Arimelari and the one you were sent to serve."

"In that case, it is nice to meet you, your highness.. I am in your service as I owe the triplets a debt," she said and bowed her head.

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