Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 38 - Bringing Him Closer

The sun was shining brightly in the sky. The people of Arimelari we're still asleep despite the law being lifted. They had gotten so used to sleeping for so long that it felt weird for them to be awake during the day. The coronation was arranged on this beautiful day as the throne couldn't stay empty for too long.

The prince laid in his bed thinking about Olivia, her unborn and Francis. The three of them definitely couldn't stay together and if he didn't do something about the situation then he risked losing his child and his love.

He could only imagine how worse his life will become with Olivia in the palace. She was one to leave no stone I turned until she had her way and he feared for what she will do to achieve her goals. His mother was another case that he had to worry about, Olivia had already tried to kill her once. He wasn't sure if she will try it again or if it was just a one-time thing.

"Why?" he asked himself. He sat down by the window and looked out to the sky. "I always dreamed of seeing you and your beauty but why do I not feel your warmth? Why has seeing you brought so much darkness into my life," he asked the sun in the sky.

The room was quiet with only his voice to be heard. That was until he heard the knock at the door, the guards posted outside the door didn't inform announce the person who had come to see him, he was curious as to why.

He watched as the doors opened only to see princess Olivia walk into his room.

"Beloved prince, I wish to speak to you," she said politely and waited for the servants to leave and locked the door. She stepped over to the prince with a bright smile on his face. "Won't you ask me why I am here?" she questioned.

"I'm sure you will tell me. Whether I ask you or not so better get it over with, I am in no mood to talk to you right now," he responded coldly to her.

"I love you, Alex. You mean the world to me and I am going to prove that to you. The two of us are going to be happily married and be the best parents to our unborn child. I believe that this child is going to bring us closer," she said softly.

Alexander glanced at her not buying her act. He had fallen for her lies way too many times to trust that she can be nice without having an ulterior motive behind it. He wasn't able to figure out what she was up to by looking at her so he looked away.

"Why are you silent. I have just confessed my love for you, won't you tell me how you feel about me," she asked him.

"I already told you but if you would didn't hear me well then listen," he said and turned to her giving all his attention to her. "I hate you with every fiber of my being," he added.

"There is a very thin line between love and hate. I am sure that I will be able to melt your heart and get you to fall in love with me too," she said to him. Alexander tuned her out and listened to the sound of the birds outside his room.

Olivia hugged him and held him close to her. He looked at her with disdain in his eyes and held her hands to push her away but she kissed him instead. The kiss was a short snap kiss on his lips.

"I know, we can't do more than this since I am pregnant but I am glad that you still seek comfort in my arms," she said and he frowned wondering why she was speaking such nonsense. He heard something drop to the floor and turned his gaze to the door. He froze when he saw Francis standing at the door.

"Francis," he called out right before Francis ran off away from them. He let go of Olivia to run after him.

"It is of no use, after seeing us so close to each other. And that kiss, he is not going to listen to anything you say."

Alexander turned around. He took big steps to reach Olivia and held her by her throat. His eyes were so cold that they could freeze a person just by looking at him. Olivia struggled to free herself from him, she felt immense fear for Alexander, he was not the prince that she was used to.

The prince she knew would never raise his hand to a woman let alone her. He would never get so angry at her no matter what mistake she did and he did not emit such a dangerous aura around him. The prince was sweet, loving, and caring for those who showed him compassion and accepted him.

"Let me go, Alex," she said. "I am pregnant," she reminded.

"Annak," Alexander yelled at the top of his voice. A little girl appeared next to him and looked at him innocently. Alexander let go of Olivia's neck and got down to the child. He whispered few things in her ears and she nodded in understanding. She walked over to Olivia and held her wrist.

"Let me go," Olivia shouted and yanked the girl's handoff. She touched her wrist where the girl had held to check for any marks and noticed a bracelet that she had never seen before adorning her hand. She tried to remove the bracelet from her hand but it wouldn't bulge.

"That is a gift. I realized that since I found out that you are expecting, I had not gifted you with the wonderful news. The bracelet is magical and is imbued with a lot of magic that will electrify you if you think, do or say anything bad, evil, or rude to anyone in the palace," Alexander informed with an evil grin on his face.

"What nonsense. Alexander get this thing off of me or I will kil.." she began to say and screamed from the electricity that went through her body. Alexander smiled at her misery. He went ahead to whisper again in Annak's ears.

The girl walked up to the princess and placed her hand over Olivia's stomach while she was still distracted by the pain from the shock.

"A protective shield has been made in your womb to ensure my child's well-being at all times so you can't harm it. Even if your life were to end my child will still be alive in your womb," he stated and Olivia went wide-eyed. She had not expected him to make such a move and surprise her. Had she been aware of it then she would have avoided that little girl?

"Is that so," she said and took the knife on the table and stabbed herself in the stomach. She screamed in pain from the wound but only for a few minutes before she wound automatically healed and the pain was gone.

"The shield is in your stomach, so no harm can come to your stomach and in case it does the shield will heal you. And the knife didn't touch the child it only brushed past him," Annak informed her to clear her confusion.

"Try again," Alexander dared. "I felt so happy watching you scream. If only you would scream in pain for the rest of your life. Oh, wait, you will because the bracelet will make certain of since you lack any nice genes in your body. And I will enjoy every moment of your suffering."

Alexander left the room with Annak by his side. He walked down the corridors, his heart heavy from the misunderstanding that Olivia had created between him and Francis. It was just as he had expected to happen with via around. There was no way he was going to have peace in the palace as long as it was home to Olivia.

"He will come around," Annak told. "He loves you and that gives him the right to feel bad about it. Instead of seeing this as a bad thing, think of it as a blessing," she said.

"A blessing? How is this a blessing?"

"If it had not been for Olivia trying to get Francis away from you. He wouldn't be coming close to you. Her efforts to put a rift between you two is working to your advantage, it's making Francis jealous and makes him want you to be only his. His jealousy is bringing him closer and closer to you," she said.

"How do you know all this when you've only just got here?"

"I can read your mind," the little girl said and jumped away from the prince. She went to the corner and blended with the wall until the prince walked past her. She turned around and went into Francis's room. Turning invincible before he could be seen.

"This is why you should have been with him when I asked you to. He wouldn't look for pleasure elsewhere," Annak whispered in his ear.

"Leave me, alone whisperer," Francis said laying his head on the bed.

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