Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 43 - You Are Pregnant

Alexander and Francis stood side by side with each other in the garden. Alexander held Francis's hands in his with a pained expression on his face. He squeezed the male's hand gently his heart feeling restless.

"I am sorry about the priest said," he said to him. Francis looked at him with a smile on his face.

"It's okay Alex. I am not angry at the prediction, everyone dies at some point right? So what if I am destined to die by your son's hands. The truth is that I am not dead yet so don't worry," he said and hugged him.

"Why are you so calm about this?"

"Because I love you," he confessed to him.

Alexander broke their hug and held him. He raised his eyebrows to him and his face lit up.

"Did you say you love me?" he asked him. "Say it again," he requested.

"If you heard me then why do I have to repeat myself. I won't say it."

"Please," he pleaded.

"Yes please, Francis. Please tell him how much you love him," Olivia said walking towards them angrily. She stood in front of them glaring at the two of them with hatred.

"What is it now?" Alexander asked him.

"I know that you are responsible for the prediction. You must have asked the seer to say those things just to frame me and make me look more evil," she accused them.

Francis felt infuriated by her, he walked next to her and slapped her. She raised her head and was about to speak when he slapped her again. Francis slapped her repeatedly not giving her any time to fight back. Even Alexander was shocked to see what was happening. He couldn't react to it and just watched.

"I am so tired of you. Your voice, your actions, and everything about you," he screamed at her. "Enough, I have had enough of you trying to ruin my life. So enough!" he screamed letting out all his pent-up frustrations.

Olivia stared at him and smiled. "You are getting angry at me. You are hitting me and blaming me for everything. Tell me something, is it only you who is capable of playing the victim. You walking into my life ruined everything for me and now you are doing the same with my child," she said to him.

"What do you mean by that, what have I done to your son?"

"The prediction. Who in the world is going to love my child after what the seer said. You created a space in everyone's heart and used it to make sure that my child has no future in Arimelari," she said pinning the blame on him.

"I am not you Olivia and I know better than to stoop to your level. Don't blame me for your life being ruined ever again," he said in a threatening voice.

Olivia took reached her hand into her clothes and removed something from them. She threw it at Francis in a fit of rage. The white powder entered Francis's eyes and he fell back and dropped to the ground. He wiped his eyes over and over again to wipe the powder off but his efforts were in vain.

"You are right, I shouldn't have to deal with you ever again," she said to him.

Alexander unfroze and ran to Francis's side. He held Francis in his arms and tried to help him wipe the powder from his eyes. He just hoped that the powder was nothing dangerous.

The threat to his life triggered his powers, his birthmark glowed behind his ear. His whole body was engulfed in the glow, Alexander moved back from him.

He stood with Olivia both of them watching Francis. Francis got up from the ground. He reached to his back and his swords appeared. He got hold of his swords and held them up to her. The glow on his body washed away the powder from his body.

"How dare you use the death powder on me. Have you any idea how I despise those who try to harm me?" he asked her.

"Wh..what are you?" Olivia asked nervously.

"I go by the name the chosen one. And what a surprise, I not only get to kill you but the dragon king too," He said and jumped to the sky and charged for her.

"Ahhh," Olivia screamed falling back and hitting the ground.

Francis froze and stopped in his tracks. He stared at her with shock written all over his face. He looked at Olivia and then back at Alexander, the two looked back at him too.

"It wasn't bad enough that you are a headache for me to deal with. Now you went and got another you, one that is destined to kill me?" he asked Alexander.

"Th..that is not.." he tried to say but Francis shushed him.

"Alexander," Silvia screamed scared. She rushed over to where they all stood and stationed herself in front of Alexander. "Why are you trying to harm them Francis?" she questioned scared of the changes in Francis.

"Funny, he is the one who wronged me and you are accusing me of being guilty," he said to Silvia. He reached over to her and placed his hand on her stomach. "Since Alexander has made his move it is my turn," he said and cast a spell with his body glowing from head to toe.

"What are you doing?" she asked him fearful of what Francis was doing to her.

"I am creating a life inside you that will destroy the one who is destined to kill me. I want to see how life turns out with a child in your womb who will kill Alexander's son," he said and laughed evilly.

"Congratulations, you are pregnant," he said and dropped to the ground. His eyes went back to normal and his swords disappeared. His birthmark stopped glowing.

Olivia got up from the floor and glared at Alexander. She felt wronged by him for what had happened. He claimed to hate her because she resorted to magic to fix her problem when Francis did use magic and yet he loved him.

"Do you mind explaining to me what just happened?" she asked the king. Alexander had no time to reply to her. He ran over to Francis and carried him in his arms. He looked over at Olivia and his rage and his anger increased in his heart for her.

"You tried to kill Francis right before my eyes. Don't blame me for what I do to you," he said to her in his icy voice. "Annak come to me," he said and the little girl appeared before him.

"Yes, your highness," she said.

"From now on the Queen is not allowed out of her room unless she is going out for some air for the baby. And even then you must be by her side and make sure she doesn't do anything funny. She must remain locked up until she gives birth to the baby. She us to receive no visitors unless I approve of them."

Olivia looked shocked on hearing the king's orders. Her heart fell and she felt hurt.

"You can't do this to me, Alex," she screamed at him in disbelief.

"Watch me," be said and had Annak teleport, Olivia, to her room. Following the king's orders, Annak placed a spell in Olivia's room that kept people from either coming in or going out. She made sure to remove anything magical from the room and left after making sure that Olivia had no of leaving the room.

Alexander took Francis to their room and brought Silvia with him. He laid the make gently into the bed and covered him up and took Silvia out of the room. He led her by the hands until they reached the infirmary. The physician was asked to examine her and ensure that she was okay.

"What is wrong with her. Is she alright?" the king asked.

"Congratulations, she is with child," the physician said. Silvia's heart broke into pieces. She was filled with disbelief at the situation she found herself in. She couldn't bring herself to accept that the life growing inside her was there only for one purpose to destroy Alexander's child.

She felt cheated and used but couldn't find anyone to blame. She just was lost.

"Check again please," the king begged to hope that it wasn't true and that it was a lie. He could only imagine how hard Silvia's life is going to be if they were to be with the child. She was unmarried and society would never accept her or her child. And then there was the reason for the child's existence that also troubled him.

"It is positive. She is pregnant," he said confirming both their fears to be true.

"What am I going to do Alex?" she asked him.

"If you wish we can remove the child," Alex suggested.

"No. Never. Even if the child is not of my wanting I can't get rid of it. It is innocent and I can't harm it," she said.

"Then you and Francis will have my permission to marry and raise your child," he said in a pained voice.

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