Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 44 - Separating

I Silvia stayed in the palace for the night. Her room was made ready for her to use. She wasn't sleepy and couldn't stop thinking about the baby in her womb. All of her thoughts were on how to stop what Francis had predicted. To stop her unborn child from killing Alexander's child.

Alexander did promise her that she will get the complete family that she deserves. As king, he promised her justice and vowed to unite her and Francis. She understood that it will be hard for him to give up the love of his life but she had no choice but to separate them.

She couldn't give birth and raise a child all on her own. And Francis was responsible for her condition so he should take responsibility for his actions. She placed her hand on her stomach and a sad smile formed on her lips.

"I have always wanted a child of my own. You are not exactly what I had in mind but I will give you all my love. And I know you will never become a bad person, you will value life and won't take it so easily. You won't ever kill anyone," she said to it.

Her stomach glowed for a second and returned to normal. It was as though the baby could hear her and was agreeing to her.

"I will take you and your father far away from Arimelari. That way you won't ever cause any harm to Alexander's heir and your father won't harm Alex either," she spoke and said to her child.

She heard her door being opened and turned her body to check who it was. She met very sad eyes looking back at her, she gave him a sad smile that complemented the look in his eyes.

"Did you talk to Francis?" she asked him.

"He is not awake yet," Alexander replied and rushed to her. He hugged her and cried on her shoulders. Silvia let him, she rubbed his back to comfort him and help him relax.

"It's going to be okay," she said to him and kept repeating it over and over again.

"How will it be okay. My whole life is falling apart right before my eyes and there is nothing that I can do to stop. The pain and the guilt are killing me, Silvia. I feel responsible for all that is happening to me, maybe I am being punished for all the sins that I had committed in my past life," he said and cried even more.

"Perhaps it is for the best that this happened. Now both you and your child will be safe," she said to him.

Alexander broke the hug and wiped his tears, he looked at her and asked. "What do you mean by that?"

"I plan to take Francis far away from Arimelari to keep you and the heir safe. I won't let either of them ever come back here and they won't ever harm you or your child," she explained to him.

Alexander's hands dropped and his body followed. He fell to the ground, his face drained of any life. His body was shaking from the thought of having to separate from Francis and never see him again.

Silvia bent down and took him in his arms. She held him close, she wished that none of that would have to happen and that her best friend would have his happy ever after with the man he loved but the world was cruel and nothing ever turns out the way we want them to.

She felt her heartbreak for having to see her friend in such a condition. She held a prayer in her heart that Alexander and Francis be reborn again and they should have a chance to be together in that life and be happy.

"I love him," he cried out holding onto her as his life depended on it.

"I know you.." she froze when she saw Francis at the door. She smiled at him, the smile was weak and full of sorrow. He came into the room and slowly walked towards them.

"You shouldn't cry like this. It's unbefitting of a king," He said joining in on the hug. "And I already told you that I am not afraid of the prediction. So you should also stop worrying so much," he added.

Alexander bit his lower lip to hold back a sob. He couldn't have it in him to tell him that it wasn't the reason he was crying. He couldn't tell him that they would be separating forever and that he would have to move far away from him.

"What is wrong with him?" he turned to ask Silvia when Alex remained unresponsive.

"He is sad because he has lost the love of his life to someone else," she said to him going straight to the point. The sooner the truth gets out the sooner they all can deal with it, she thought.

"I don't understand," he said confused about what she meant by her statement.

"The thing is that you and Alexander are separating," she said.

"What?" he asked with disbelief. "If this is about the seer's prediction then don't worry. I will make sure that it won't come true. We will fight this together, I promise," he said in a pleading voice his eyes tearing up.

"No," was the only word that Alexander could say. His throat was dry and hoarse.

"Look, I will tell you that I love you. Every day if you want me to. I will call you baby or whatever you wish but please just don't do this to me," he pleaded with him.


"Francis, the two of you can't be together. It isn't about the prediction either. The reason you are separating is that you are going to father," she told.

Francis froze with shock and stared at Silvia with disbelief." I am going to be a father? Why does he want me to adopt his child and raise him by myself?" he asked her.

"No Francis," she said and let go of Alexander. She walked over to him, took his hand, and kept it on her stomach. "We are pregnant Francis," she added.

"When the two of us were talking in the garden, Olivia attacked you and you turned into the chosen one. In anger, you wanted to fight back but then you saw the child in her womb. You got so angry that the child was destined to kill you that you create a life in Silvia's womb that would kill my son," Alexander said getting up from the floor. He wiped his tears away and turned around to face Francis.

"How can I live with someone who puts my son's life in danger. You have created a weapon to end my child yet you claim that you love me. What is this love?" he asked him with bitterness in his words. The way he stood in front of Francis with no kindness in his eyes surprised Francis.

"Alexander I.."

"Save it. I am not willing to listen to any more of your lies. You have proven your love quite clearly now it's time you leave."

"Alex please hear me out," he begged.

"What is left for you to say was said by your actions. You destroyed my trust in you when you took such a step. I am disgusted by you," he said. Francis stumbled back, tears flowing from his eyes.

"A..a.Alex," he struggled to call out.

"Don't utter my name with your filthy tongue," he yelled sending shivers down Francis's spine. He moved back in disbelief of the words that Alex was speaking to him.

"I d..didn't mean to," he said but Alex would hear none of it.

"If that was the case then there wouldn't be a killer child growing in Silvia's wing as we speak. If you truly loved me then you would have thought twice before doing all of this."


"I permit myself as King to sever all my ties with you. From today you are no longer my husband nor the king of Arimelari and it is my royal order that you marry Silvia and make up for your mistake. You are both towed by this evening," he said. He didn't give them a chance to say anything and walked out of the room.

He ran to his room at full speed and locked the door behind him. He fell on his bed and screamed to bed. He felt really bad about the things he said to him but he did what was necessary to give justice to Silvia.

It was also for the better that the two of them stayed far away from each other. Having him as a bane was something he could bear but having his son kill Francis was something that his heart could never handle.

He gripped the bedsheets tightly his eyes filled with hatred for his unborn child.

"You have taken me from the love of my life and I will forever hate you for this. Had you not have existed then Francis wouldn't have to leave me.. I hate you," he said in anger.

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